Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Waiting for Everyone

Today's Scripture:
The Lord is not slow in doing what he promised ~ the way some people understand slowness. But God is being patient with you. He does not want anyone to be lost, but he wants all people to change their hearts and lives.
2 Peter 3:9

Peter addressed the complacency developing in the early church. He explained that God's timetable was a benefit, not a problem. Your concept of time is different from God's. In your life everything has a beginning and an end. God is timeless, able to be in all time ~ past, present, and future. When Jesus left the earth to return to his Father God, he promised he would return soon to establish the kingdom of heaven on earth. Many of his followers believed his return would be in their lifetime.

When the first generation started questioning when Jesus would return. This opened the door for all kinds of doubt. With the door open, false information crept in as is most often the case and it didn't stick to the Scripture and teaching established by the first-generation believers. Peter wanted the church to be patient and wait for God's timing.

Peter's reasoning included the fact that the longer they waited for God to return, the more time there was to spread God's message. More people could join the family of God. This isn't the time to sit around and wait for God to return.

It's the time to be intentional about telling everyone young and old that you know about God.

At some moment in time God is going to return. When he does, it will be too late for any person who hasn't come to know God. Prepare today to go to heaven and take as many people as you can with you.

Selah people' and friends I have included a photo taken this foggy morning that shows a "No Parking" sign, which is a reminder to both you and I that God has not called us to sit and wait, but instead to go out into his fields and labor until he comes. Is there someone you love or care for who has still not accepted the invitation to become a part of God's family? Perhaps, you are holding out are in need of rededicating...Extend the invitation to them today and take up his cross and in doing so secure you ticket to paradise. Stop by to see what Selah Christian Church is up to, view photos or look at what we are about. If you missed worship or would like to listen to sermon on link click this link for recent messages from Selah:

"Peace and Joy to you and all who await God's triumphant return."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)