We have this treasure from God, but we are like clay jars that hold the treasure. This shows that the great power is from God, not from us.
2 Corinthians 4:7
You might have seen one of those action-adventure movies where everybody spends the whole movie looking for a hidden map or a hidden jewel or a hidden key, only to discover in the end that it is a clay flowerpot or a beat-up old chest in the attic the whole time. My father-in-law Rufus always figures them out quickly from his many life experiences. The treasure is hidden in the most unlikely of places - not in a satin-lined padded case with titanium locks and armed guards, but in plain sight, where nobody would think to look.
God is clever like that. He hides the treasure of his gospel in the most unlikely places; in normal people just like you and I. When God became a human being, he became a lowly carpenter's son, not a greatly earthly king. When he gathered up disciples, he recruited fisherman and laborers, not the rich and powerful. And he's still doing the same today. Sure, there are rich and powerful people in the kingdom of God. But they are outnumbered by the regular people just like us - jars of clay in which the greatest of all treasures is hidden.
You may feel like nobody special ~ painfully average. You may be hoping just to get up to the level of average. That doesn't disqualify you from serving God. Average people are God's specialty.
Or to put it another way, there's nothing average about people.
Selah people' and friends God isn't looking for people who have it all figured out. If such people actually existed, why would they need God? No, God is looking for people like you and I.
Let go of self-pity. God hides his greatest treasure in clay pots like you, not in fancy treasure chests.
"God's Peace be with you as His perfect vessel to carry the gospel to those in need."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)