Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Don't Stop!

Today's Scripture:

Let us run the race that is before us and never give up. We should remove from our lives anything that would get in the way and the sin that so easily holds us back.

Hebrews 12:1

In addition to the athletes on a track or other competitive team there is a coach. The coach evaluates the condition of each athlete's form and physical condition. He is responsible for helping the athlete improve his race performance, which includes disciplining and correcting the athlete. The author of Hebrews suggests that you look at your relationship with God from the perspective of a runner in a race with God as your coach.

Like the runner in a race, set your sights on the finish line, which in your case is the end of your life on earth. Set a training schedule that includes spiritual discipline. Prayer and worship are two spiritual disciplines you may be familiar with. Fasting is also a spiritual discipline you may have heard of; fasting is the decision to give up something that is important to you for a set period of time in order to focus on God. For instance, you could give up your favorite TV program for a week or month and use that time to do a Bible study.

If your goal is to stay on track with your relationship to God, then be like the runner and do not let anything distract you from getting to the finish line. Take the time to figure out what might get you off track in your relationship with God. Get rid of the things that tear down your relationship with him, and allow only those thing that build it up.

Stick to a good training schedule, and above all, listen to your coach ~ God!

Selah people' and friends if you aren't in training, you can't hope to be much of a racer. My wife Jennifer and I have rededicated ourselves recently not just to better quality time with God and each other. Join us as we allow him to coach us to better in all areas of our relationship and our lives, be it housekeeping, yard keeping and yes our taking our physical condition to a higher level along with our spiritual connection with Him. Get serious about seeking God; keep your eyes on the true prize Jesus, and the finish line.

"God's peace be with you on this journey to spiritual growth!"

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)