Pickle booth at NC State fair 2008
Today's Scripture:
My body and my mind may become weak, but God is my strength. He is mine forever.
Psalm 73:23
I stand here typing at the NC State Fair as I've heard the story of D.J. age 17 and has Type 1 diabetes. For the rest of his life he must have medication to stay alive. There's nothing fun about poking your finger several times a day with a needle to check your blood sugar levels. D.J's fingers are important to him as he plays guitar. Worship or rock, the music he plays and the lyrics he sings reflect his passion for God.
The writer of Psalm 73 also had a passion for God. It seemed to matter how hard he tried to do things right, everything kept going wrong. It was if other people, who didn't know God, ended up better off than he was. D.J...struggled with the same issue when he first got sick. Why was his body weak? After all, he was a good kid who loved God. But eventually D.J. realized what the psalmist realized: even in weakness God is his Rock. Even though the people who don't honor God may appear to be healthier or wealthier, there will come a day when knowing God is more valuable.
In Psalm 73:6 the Hebrew word for strength is a form of the word Rock. Strength is defined as the rock of God.
Bad stuff happens in life, and not just when you've done something wrong. This side of heaven, may never know why God has put certain challenges in your life. But when you are weak, God is strong.
Selah people' and friends when things go wrong in your life, God still loves you. His love is a fact, not a feeling, which will never fall apart. His Love is Rock solid.
"Peace be with you as you grow in your faith."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick)