Thursday, October 16, 2008

Lead by example...Be Known by Your Love

Today Scripture:
All people will know that you are my followers if you love each other.
John 13:35
In the Old Testament, the people of God followed laws designed to help them be holy and to set them apart from other religions. There were laws for every aspect of life to ensure that people were doing their best to live a holy and separate life. These requirements failed to keep God's people separate. They lost their meaning and became routine. Jesus gave a new law or command that summed up the Old Testament law: love others. Your friends and family will know you are a follower of God by how you love people.
Scientific research suggest that every human being requires love, but you don't need scientists to tell you that. The evidence is up and down the hallways of your school or work. People display their need for love in a variety of ways, from clothes that stand out the often inappropriate displays of public affection. Anyone with an authentic love for other people will get noticed.
Loving others will set you apart far more than any Christian symbol, jewelry, or T-shirt you can wear.
Love isn't something you talk about; it's something you do when you treat everyone equally. Real love happens when you take time to listen to someone who is hurting. Being a good listener and offering to pray with someone about a problem shows love too. Love others in the same unrestricted way God loves you, and leave no doubt about your relationship with God.
Selah people' and friends when you lead the way and love people without any conditions or exceptions, people will notice. Let love for others by your ID.
"Peace and Love be with you this day and always as you share Christ with others."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)