Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations.
Matthew 28:19
If you had the greatest news in the world, you would want to tell everyone. If someone you loved died and then came back to life, you would tell everyone who would listen about it. You wouldn't keep that kind of story to yourself. A story like that would make front-page news; it would get television news coverage for days. We would ring the bells to gather all around and proclaim what a great thing God had done!
Jesus died on a cross as payment for every person's offenses, and came back to life three days later. After Jesus died and then came back to life, he asked his followers to tell everyone in every nation about God. The way to reach a nation, a state, a community, a family or friend is one person at a time.
There are people all around you who have heard of God but don't know him personally... Do You know him?
You can tell people about God by sharing what you know about him. Offer to point out verses in Bible that explain who God is. Talk to them about how much God loves every individual. To help them understand why knowing God is so important, you could do as I like to do and describe what your life was like before you discovered God's love and how it is now that you have experienced his love. Be willing to ask them to make a decision to believe in God and allow him to lead their life. Just like the disciples, you can do your part to make sure everyone, everywhere has heard the great news about God and his love. You don't have to sell God, just share what He has done and He will do the rest.
Selah people' and friends reaching the nation with God's love can start with your own house, dorm room or apartment, your own street or community, your own school, your own group of friends. Tell someone near you about God's love and how it changed your life. As your pastor I ask you to consider accepting the gift of Jesus today if you have not already. Ring the bell and sing his praises as we rejoice in His unconditional love! Know too that you are not alone both myself and others are here to assist you as we answer the call to true Discipleship and spiritual growth.
"Peace be with you as you grab someone and tell them how much God loves them."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick)