Today's Scripture:
They traded the truth of God for a lie. They worshiped and served what had been created instead of the God who created those things, who should be praised forever.
Romans 1:25
On my ride in this morning I was reflecting on our worship. Worship is your reverance, your honor toward something. Worship is committing your life to whatever you love the most. Worship is more than a good church service or uplifting music. Worship is a lifestyle that reflects with honor the One you love the most.
Paul, the writer of Romans, retold the tragedy of what happend in the Old Testament when Christians became frustrated or impatient with God. If God didn't do what they thought he should, they found other things to worship. As a result, they drifted away from God. They became consumed by their own selfish desires. Paul warned the Christians in Rome and I remind you today to worship God and not thngs God created for them and for us.
The Bible tells about all kinds of ways people worshiped God. Worship in Bible times included Scripture reading, music, teaching, dancing, extended periods of silence, and prayer. Praise music and friends all around can enhance a worship experience, but worship is more than experience. Worship is your response to God's power and grace and love. If you truly love God, your worship of him will overflow into your daily life. Your words and your actions will become a form of worship to God.
You can choose to make the most ordinary tasks in your day an act of worship by doing them with excellence, beyond not only others but your own expectations.
Selah people' and friends Worship God while you brush your teeth in the morning; teeth are a gift from God. If you have no teeth thank him for the gums he gave. You get the idea... Worship God when you lay your head on your pillow tonight; thank him for another day.
"God's Peace, grace and love be with you today as you once again choose to Worship God!"
Your pastor,
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)