Sunday, November 30, 2008

No substitute...

Today's Scripture:
Serve only the Lord your God. Respect him, keep his commands, and obey him. Serve him and be loyal to him.
Deuteronomy 13:4

The Israelites faced a bit of a challenge. All their neighbors were worshiping things they could see-the sun, the moon, statues, their rulers. You get the picture. The Israelites were supposed to worship a God they couldn't see. So every time they started feeling insecure about their relationship with God - which seemed to be all the time - they made idols for themselves or started worshiping the gods of their neighbors. They thought they needed something they could see.

Does that sound ridiculous? Primitive? Not so fast.

You and I live in a culture that's full of false gods and idols.

Movie stars. Brand names. Sports heroes. Success. Popularity. Think how many things in your life promise to give you what only God can give: acceptance, love, self-respect, security. Every time you put your trust in Any of those things (even the good things) in place of God, you're doing what the Israelites did when they took up with their neighbors' gods. Idolatry isn't about carving idols out of stone or wood. It's about placing anything or anyone in the place where God belongs.

There's a God-shaped hole in your heart. God is perfectly willing to fill it. And only he can. Sure, there are lots of other things clamoring to be put in God's place. But all of them will leave you empty. It takes faith to believe in someone you cannot see. But nothing else can take his place.
Selah people' and friends think about how you spend your time, your money, and your effort.

Today I had a great visit with my brother and his family, my family and my parents...we worshiped together, we broke bread, we laughed, we fellowshipped with each other and we hugged. When they left I felt that God voice calling and as my wife and I discussed the week's schedule I knew where I needed to be. I dropped my daughter at church for practice, visited briefly and then headed to see two of my friends Pete and Chris who had a tough couple days at UNC hospital.

My brothers in Christ and I worship God and enjoy the moment we share and as I prepare to leave them I reflect on our God whom blesses so much each and every day...the God whom we worship. Does what you do and what your doing today acknowledge that you worship God above everything else? If not choose today to make a change and not accept any substitute for the one true God.

Stop by and visit our church website at ... There you will find upcoming events and links to our sermons online and photos of events.
"Peace be with you as you join me in seeking to serve the one true God and doing away with all the substitutes that are holding you back."

Your pastor,
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick) Via Mobile at UNC hospital Chapel Hill, NC

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Walk with the Wise

Who do you place yourself with? We grow when we surround ourselves with wise people.

Spend time with the wise and you will become wise, but the friends of fools will suffer.

Proverbs 13:20

How would you describe your friends? Where do your friends like to hang out? Is it the kind of place you would be okay taking a youth pastor or your preacher to? What do your friends like to do? Do you spend time with friends who encourage you and help you be the best person you can be? That's what wise friends do for each other.

A wise person is described as understanding, someone who exercises good judgment. A wise person learns from his or her mistakes and avoids making them again. A wise friend is interested
in what others have to say. A wise friend admits when he or she is wrong. A wise friend will help you avoid getting into trouble.

Making a decision to hang around unwise people has a consequence is that eventually you will share in someone Else's unwise decision and get into trouble - usually it is more trouble than you anticipated. Avoid spending too much time with friends who continually make mistakes. If you have a friend who seems to make poor choices, figure out a way to lead in the relationship instead of following. You can care for that friend by taking the lead in areas where he or she has messed up in the past. If your friend fails to follow your lead, consider spending less time together.

Make an effort to spend the majority of your time with people who consistently do the right thing. Choose to be with people who are known for their smart choices.

Selah people' and friends some of your friends may know a lot, but a wise friend is someone who takes knowledge and applies it to his or her life. Wise friends bring out the best in you. Take time today to not only have a friend but to be a positive friend and lead a friend to Christ.

"Peace be with you and the wise who you place yourself with."
Please stop by our website at to catch up with latest events that are planned on our "Bits & Pieces", view recent photos or listen to our current or past audio sermons online.

Your pastor,
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Friday, November 28, 2008

Whom Are You Working For?

What treasure are you digging for? What is your attitude?

Today's Scripture:
In all the work you are doing, work the best you can. Work as if you were doing it for the Lord, not for the people.
Colossians 3:23

Digging a ditch is hard, dull, repetitive work. You stick your shovel in the ground; you scoop up the dirt; you heave the dirt out of the hole. Over and over again. Digging for buried treasure, on the other hand, is a very different experience. It's just as hard and just as repetitive. The physical aspects of the job are more or less the same. The difference is the treasure hunter's attitude. The treasure hunter digs with a sense of purpose and a lot of hope. If all goes well, he'll have great riches when he's through digging. If all goes well for the ditch digger, he'll have, well you know a ditch. When I was younger working for Bucek's plumbing in Jacksonville I used to take pride in the ditches and trenches that I dug with my own two hands when digging for running the pipes prior to the slab being pored...I learned to grade it down hill as they say.

Your attitude makes all the difference in how your work goes. And a key aspect of your attitude toward your work - whether it's schoolwork, household chores, or any other kind of work - is your sense of purpose. Paul pointed out that whatever work you do, your boss, ultimately, is God. And that means your work is important.

Even dull, repetitive work is meaningful if you are doing it to please God.

The whole world belongs to God. He is the God of all knowledge, and so your schoolwork matters to him. For a preacher like me a little thing like making those calls, sending emails and visiting...yes even this blog are all done for Him. He also created the home, and so he is pleased when you and I pull our weight around the house and contribute to a more peaceful home life. He is the God even of the workplace; so flip burgers to God's glory, pack pickles, teach and care for children, if that's your job.

Selah people' and friends think about all the roles you play: student, employee, mother or father, son or daughter, sibling or friend for starters. Have you been working to please God in all of those roles? If not why not start today to work for God and not just yourself or others. What treasure are you really digging for? May we take up our shovel as we take up our cross for Christ!

"Peace be with you as you work for God."

Please stop by our website at to catch up with latest events that are planned on our "Bits & Pieces", view recent photos or listen to our current or past audio sermons online.

In Christ service...

Your pastor,

Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick) Via mobile at Pitt Memorial Hospital ~ Greenville, NC

Thursday, November 27, 2008

What Is Sin?

Don't get caught up in the net of Sin!

Today's Scripture:
Anyone who knows the right thing to do, but does not do it, is sinning
James 4:17
A life lived for God's glory can't be passive. Just steering clear of the thou-shalt-nots doesn't make you godly. Obedience to God means pursuing the good things that God calls you to.
There are sins of commission and sins of omission. Sometimes it's easy to consider only the things you do that you know you shouldn't; but you need also to consider the things you don't do that you know you should. I learned of this concept so well by a lay person in my former church at Browning's United Methodist Church in Dobbersville. As a member there for ten years a big influence on me was Hiram Smith who often remind us not just of sins of commission but sins of omission. Today as I visit several here in the hospital I think about those who chose not to do what God called them even though it was on their hearts and minds.
You and I are guilty of a sin of commission when we know something is wrong and we do it anyway. Perhaps you cheat on a test or some school work or lie to a parent or friend or steal some body's lunch money either by threat or by manipulating them...girls I'm speaking this one to you. Those sins frequently involve an active decision: I think I'll spray paint some graffiti on the back side of the grocery store or other building.. On the other hand,
a sin of omission is one you commit by not doing something: you know the right thing to do, but you don't do it. You know it's right to help the needy, but you just don't get around to it. You know you should go visit your grandmother or church member, but you've always got something going on. You need to call your brother, friend or other family member but again something gets in the way. Sins of omission are sneaky. They happen while you're thinking about something else. Trust me I battle this daily with writing needs down, putting them in my computer, pda and smartphone. You don't wake up and say, "I think I'll neglect some duties today." No, you just go about your day, and then, after it's too late, you realize you haven't put first things first.
Selah people' and friends you've got a busy schedule. But that doesn't let you off the hook for obedience. I too am a busy pastor,, father, husband,businessman, athlete and many other things. If you know what to do and don't do it, it's as if you have actively chosen to do something you know to be wrong. A sin of omission is still a sin.
Just steering clear of wrong doesn't make you right. You know the right things to do: go do them.
Be thankful not just because it is thanksgiving day, but that God has given you and I another opportunity to get it right. Go out today and do it! No excuses.
"Peace be with you as you choose not to omit what God has planned for you today."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick) Via mobile at Wayne Memorial Hospital ~ Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Love the One You Are With...

Today's Scripture:

If someone says, "I love God," and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?

1 John 4:20

You get your ability to love others from God. Your motivation to love others is grounded in the fact that God loved you first. When you were unlovely and unlovable, God still loved you. In your best moments and your worst, good or bad, self-centered or self-less, God loved you. God set a standard that calls you to love others without conditions.

The writer of 1 John 4:20 pointed out to his Christian brothers and sisters how easy it was to say they loved God whom they do not see. In other words, it is easy to say you love God since you could not have to live with him in the flesh. It is much more challenging to love someone you can see, smell, touch, and hear. Your love may have to overcome body odor, bad breath, and loud, harsh and yes sometimes foul words. I had the experience of working two summers of my life for a brick mason as an apprentice who every other word out of his mouth was profanity...he was hard to love. The person you are trying to love may get in your face and deny your love, but you are called to love unconditionally. Sometimes the unlovely are easier to love than your own friends and family.

Loving the people from a poor county, state or country or those in a recovery facility may be easier than loving people you live with. It is those closest to us like our mom, dad, sister or brother who can really get on your nerves since you are with them so much.

Love should begin with the people you live with and the people you spend the most time with and respect the most.

The scripture is clear that your ability to love others is the true test of how serious you are about loving God.

Selah people and friends remember His love is engraved on your hearts, as if to say "100 percent love." You are permanently marked to love others. With God's imprint on your heart, you can't help but love others. If you don't have that stamped on your heart and would like to make that choice or seek to move toward that feel free to call, email or text me and I'd love the opportunity to witness all that God has done in my life and wants to do in yours.

"Peace be with you as you love all the ones God sends along your path. Remember as we share each week during service to grab someone and tell them just how much God loves them."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick) Via mobile ~ Wayne Memorial Goldsboro, NC

Church Leaders Report ~ 11-26-2008

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Online audio sermon updated for November 23, 2008

Also be sure to check out our church website at for up-to-date calendar information or to read your Bits & Pieces if you missed Sunday School and Worship or if it just didn't make it home.

Praying a wonderful Thanksgiving and joyful celebration for you and your family.

Rev Patrick Muston~ Pastor
Selah Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Four Oaks, NC

Humble Is the Way...

Once we get ourselves out of the way God can make "His" way!

Today's Scripture:

If my people, who are called by my name, are sorry for what they have done, if they pray and obey me and stop their evil ways, I will hear them from heaven. I will forgive their sin, and I will heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14

Saying you're sorry isn't easy, whether you're apologizing to a friend you've blown off, or apologizing for a fender bender in your parents' car. But saying you're sorry - and more important, changing your ways when you've mess up - is key to any healthy relationship, including your relationship with God.

Sometimes you have to deal with people who refuse to forgive a wrong, no matter how much you apologize, or how much you have changed. But not God. God promises that when you say you're sorry and turn away from your wrong habits and actions, he forgives and brings healing to your life.

In 2 Chronicles 7, the people of God were celebrating the completion of the temple of Jerusalem. The ceremony commemorated God's gifts to his people and their gifts of obedience back to him. God's words to them were a review of how Solomon and his people had finally come to this place of stability after so many years of wandering and turmoil. It wasn't because of their own might or strength or wisdom or goodness; it was because they had learned to put their pride aside, ask for forgiveness when they messed up, and allow God to be God.

No matter how often or how badly you've messed up, God hears you when you ask him to forgive you.

He never gives up on you. God's healing and forgiveness are yours for the asking. All you have to do is to put away your pride and ask.

Selah people' and friends what wrong habits or wrong actions do you and I need to confess and turn away from? Have you gone out of your way to say or do something that you knew would hurt, upset or enrage a rival. Asking God for forgiveness is part of your obedience to him. Obedience to God clears the way for him to bless you. Like the pig in Charlotte's Web be humble and you will be closer to God.

"Peace and humility be yours and mine as we humble our self before God and others and allow Him to show us the way to true blessings."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston (PreacherPatrick) via mobile ~ Mount Olive RFD

Monday, November 24, 2008

No Worries; God Cares

Cast all your worries to God!

Today's Scripture:

Give all your worries to him, because he cares about you.

1 Peter 5:7

There will be times in life when you feel that no one cares and no one is listening. It can hit you in a crowd at school or standing next to your family or friends at church. It isn't out of the question to feel lonely even when you are not alone. In those moments it is crucial to set your thoughts on what the Bible says rather than be drawn in by the emotion of loneliness.

Often it is worry that drives you to isolate yourself. Pulling away from God and from people who could support you is a natural reaction to pain and difficulty. Paul addressed this type of situation in his letter to a group of very discouraged Christians. Those people were being threatened, beaten, imprisoned, and even killed for believing Jesus was the Son of God and the eternal King. They felt abandoned by God. Paul urged them not to submit to circumstances and emotion, but to remain confident in the truth they had heard and witnessed.

Paul went on to say that it is the enemy, Satan, who wants to destroy faith with worry and isolation. The truth is, God loves you. Any worry you have is a concern to him. As I shared with one of my members yesterday via text;

You can safely hand over your worry to God and be absolutely confident he cares.

What we call "letting go and letting God." Despite what the enemy would like you or others to believe, you are not alone. The worries that threaten to overwhelm you will never overwhelm God.

Selah people' and friends lighten your load of worries by sharing them with the ones who love you. Start with the One who love you most ~ God. Give him what is getting you down.

"Peace be your guide as you toss all your worries into the hands of Christ."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick) Via mobile at Mount Olive College ~ Go Trojans!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Jesus Is Alive!!!

Celebrate today Jesus is Alive!!!
Today's Scripture:

He is not here; he has risen from the dead.

Luke 24:6

Several women who had followed Jesus during his ministry got up very early in the morning on the first day of the week and, carrying the spices that they had prepared, went to place where he had been buried. When they got there, the large stone that covered his tomb had been moved to the side and the tomb was open. The women looked for Jesus's body, but it was gone. Jesus was no longer there. The women were frightened. Had someone stolen Jesus's body?

Jesus is alive. A majority of the religions in the world center on a divinity or a person who is no longer alive. Not only is Jesus alive, but he was raised from the dead. Jesus came to earth to save you from being permanently separated from God. If the story ended with Jesus's dying to save you, he would be just another dead god. But it doesn't end there. He came back to life. You have the ability to be in a relationship with the living God.

Instead of simply knowing God, you can know God personally. Think of God as you think of your best friend. A best friend is someone you can trust, someone whom you can share your hopes and dreams with. When you have questions or problems, a best friend is there to listen and to give you guidance. Your relationship with God is a special friendship.

Like any good relationship, your relationship with God will grow as you spend time with him. Spending time with God is possible because he is alive.

Join me as we celebrate a living Savior!

Selah people' and friends please take time as you read the blog to remember that only living things grow. Keep your relationship with God alive. Water and feed it with prayer and Bible study. Take time each day for prayer...that time where you just share with your best friend~ Christ!

"Peace be with you and yours as we grow closer to our living Savior."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Someone is There for You

Are you a helper? Know that you have one with you always...
Today's Scripture:
The helper will teach you everything and will cause you to remember all that I told you. This helper is the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name.

John 14:26

Jesus promised the disciples that he would not leave them alone and abandoned once he was gone. He told them he would ask God to send a Helper to his disciples. Although they would not be able to physically see his Helper, called the Holy Spirit, they would be aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit showed up just as Jesus had promised when the disciples were praying together. The Holy Spirit filled them with the energy and the abilities they needed to teach and preach about God with confidence.

The Greek word for helper is parakletos. It is "someone who is called to one's side of one's aid," a counselor, an advocate, someone who pleads another's case before a judge." The Holy Spirit is continuing what Jesus started.

Guidance, wisdom, authority, protection, and comfort all come from the Holy Spirit to you.

The Holy Spirit is the source of your ability to study and understand the Bible. The Holy Spirit is the comfort you receive from God when you walk through the difficult times in life. The Holy Spirit is that internal nudge you feel when you hesitate to do something you know God wants you to do. I speak of this often at Selah in my messages for I like you and know from the Whale tale; was a hesitant preacher. I wanted to help and to preach but to be a pastor full time, for a growing church? I thought I could not do it and be a husband, father and manager of a pickle company, but God made a way and had a Helper in the Holy Spirit that was and is there for me. The Holy Spirit is the quiet voice inside that assures you and guides you when you commit to living according to God's design.

Selah people' and friends you have all probably had the opportunity from the sidelines of life to be a Helper to others. Perhaps they were younger or less knowledgeable on something and you had their back and helped them to reach another level. If you yourself have not experienced the full capacity and momentum you desire in and for your own spiritual life, ask God today to reveal more about his Holy Spirit.

"Peace be with you and I as together we pray for spiritual growth and come in a closer relationship with the Holy Spirit." Remember he is your Helper sent by God!

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick) Via mobile laptop ~ VW Jetta -Mount Olive, NC

Friday, November 21, 2008

God's Gift of a Smile...

Today's Scripture:

We do not make requests of you because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy.

Daniel 9:18

As I finally sit down this day and take time out for devotion I reflect back on a very busy and eventful week. Several people close to both my family, our Selah family and in my Mt.Olive Pickle' family experienced the loss of loved ones. I had the chance to visit with several others both in the hospitals and homes and still others in temporary homes as they heal from various sickness and conditions.

As a christian and a pastor I feel those obligations and longing to do all the right and perfect things and to speak and listen and pray in perfect Joel Osteen or Billy Graham fashion, but that is not how our days and weeks unfold. When you've done everything you can to be everything for other people and you still feel disappointed and perhaps it is not enough to make God happy; that my friends is when we've miss his point. That brothers and sisters is when we find out that none of can be as good as we think we need to be...ever.

As I read of the appointments the President-Elect Obama has planned to make of both Senator Hillary Clinton (Secretary of State) & New York Federal Reserve President Tim Geithner(Secretary of Treasury) I noticed how it has taken a team of lawyers and analyst to help them decide if they are good enough and if they can manage the jobs or tasks before them. Do we drag our feet this same way and try to measure where we are at before we accept his grace?

If only, when God smiles and says we are saved, we'd simply salute him, thank him, and live like those who have just received a gift from the commander in chief.

We seldom do that, though. We prefer to get salvation and forgiveness the old fashioned way: We try to earn it. To accept grace is to admit failure, a step we are hesitant to take. I see a Mixed Martial Arts clothing line that plays on Christ ability not to give up...they imprint there shirts and merchandise with "JesusDidn'" taken from the idea of to "Tap" or "submit" to something is being a quitter or failure. You and I often opt to impress God with how good we are rather than confessing how great He is. We dizzy ourselves with doctrine. Burden ourselves with rules. Do you think all that we've done to stay on track will make God smile on our efforts. He doesn't!

Selah people' and friends God's smile is not for the healthy hiker or marathon runner who boasts that he made the journey all alone. It is instead, for the crippled leper who begs God for a back on which to ride. Choose today, like myself to humble ourselves and ask God to give us a lift. Perhaps if He has already uplifted you and you are feeling that surge from His Spirit pick up another who is down and as you do it you will pass on the Smile that He intends for us all to share.

"Peace be with you as you accept the Gift of God's Smile."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

First Things First...

Have we made the Grade? It's not too late to make a change!

Today's Scripture:

Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

Matthew 6:33

God has structured the world such that if you focus your attention on the things that really matter, you also get the good things that don't matter as much. On the other hand, if you focus on the not-so-important things, you miss out on the important things, and you might not even get the less-important things you were shooting for.

Think of it this way: say, instead of actually learning the material for your biology test, you cram the night before to get a decent grade. Maybe you do make a decent grade, but the next test builds on the last one, and it's even harder to make a decent grade on that one than on the first.

The more you focus on your grade, the harder it will be to make the grade...and you probably will not have learned very much.

On the other hand, if you had been focusing from the start on what really matters ~ on learning biology~ you would have found good grades to be a natural by-product of your knowledge. You would enjoy biology and enjoy the good grades you had earned as a reward for your hard work.

That's how all of life works, not just biology class. As you focus on the things of God, you will find that the other good things you've been seeking ~ friendship, love, the respect of your peers, security, self-esteem ~ will begin to fall into place. I know many of you are hanging in there for Thanksgiving break...cling to God and his ways and all the other details will work themselves out.

Selah people' and friends what have you been seeking before the kingdom of God? Give that over to God; let him give you those things in his way ~ as a by-product of a life lived for him.

"Peace be with you as look to God to help you truly make the grade. Grab someone, anyone...and hug them and tell them just how much God loves them!"

Your pastor,

Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick) Mobile ~Headed to Chapel Hill

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Offer Someone Forgiveness

We can all live happily ever after!
(Note: Don't throw stones as our scripture is a little longer than normal)

Today's Scripture:

"Now Moses, in the law, commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do You say?" This they said, testing Him, that they might have something of which to accuse Him. But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger, as though He did not hear. So when they continued asking Him, He raised Himself up and said to them, "He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.

John 8:5-7

Jesus found himself in a tricky situation. A woman was caught breaking the law. According to the law at that time, the punishment was death by stoning. A crowd of men stood around with rocks in their hands, waiting to throw them at the woman. Jesus didn't have a rock. Here is the tricky part - this was a setup, not for the woman, but for Jesus. If Jesus picked up a rock and helped stone the woman to death, he would prove he was just like everyone else. If Jesus didn't throw rocks at her, he would be in trouble for not following the law.

Jesus came up with an alternative and taught tow important lessons in this one situation. By asking for anyone free of sin to throw the first stone, he pointed out that no one is perfect. As the mob surveyed their lives, they realized they had sinned at one time or another. Eventually everyone dropped their rocks and left. Then Jesus talked to the woman. Jesus offered her forgiveness.

The same two lessons apply to you and I today. You have the opportunity to treat people better than they deserve when they get caught doing something wrong.

Love and forgive other people when they make a mistake or mess up.

Jesus is the role model for doing what is right.

Selah people' and friends you can offer forgiveness instead of judgment; the choice is up to you. In your relationships with friends, your classmates, those we work with our your spouse or other family members this is critical to happy and growing relationships. Try to see every situation from the other person's perspective, and remember, no one is perfect.

"Peace be with you as we grow in Christ and learn to forgive others. Choose today as new beginning and go out and share the love of Christ with all you come in contact with...yes even the ones who have done you wrong."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I Will Love You Forever

Today's Scripture:
Long ago the Lord said to Israel: "I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.

Jeremiah 31:3

When God's chosen people turned away from him, God sent Jeremiah as a prophet or messenger. God's people had forgotten and neglected God's love. Through Jeremiah, God faithfully promised to restore his people once they turned their affection and attention back toward him.

Whom is your messenger sent from God to direct you? Know for sure that even today God uses many was to get his message to us.
God placed in your heart a desire for pure, everlasting love that only he can fill. The love of a good mom and dad is a tiny sample of the nurturing love of God the Father.

When you meet and marry Mr. or Miss Right, their love will give you a glimpse of the intimate love of God.
The love you feel for others is a taste of how God feels about you. But none of these come close to the extent of God's love for you. People will always let you down and no matter how close you are it can't compare to how close and pure God's love is for you. Even when you turn away from God, his everlasting love draws you back to him. Do not be afraid to allow yourself the blessing of being loved. That is what is heavy upon my heart to share with you and others today as I type this message.

Falling in love can be an intense experience, especially in the beginning. You can be swept away in the wonderful emotions that fill your heart. God is constantly calling you back to the moment you first realized his love for you. God's love, like his character, is unchangeable. He can't love you any more or any less than he has before; his love for you is perfect and complete. God draws you to himself with an everlasting love that will never die.

Selah people' and friends God's love is the love you have been looking for. I know your thinking ~ Patrick I'm looking for Love but I'm not sure this is what I was looking for. Trust and turn to him to fulfill your heart's desire for true love. Allow yourself to fall in love with God and He will show the to true love. He can even help direct that Mr. or Miss Right into your path because you know He's got the power of Love!

"Peace and Love be with you and I as we seek the true Love of Christ forever."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Just Believe

Today's Scripture:

Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, "Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!"

Mark 9:24

A boy was possessed by a demon that caused him to have seizures and hurt himself physically. The father of the boy had tried for years to find help for his son. Ready to give up hope, he brought the boy to Jesus and begged him to do anything he could to help. Jesus replied that everything is possible for someone who believes. At this point the father asked Jesus to help his unbelief. Most people, at some moment in life, find themselves saying just what this father said: "I want to believe; help me believe. "

Reading the Bible, going to church, and praying are merely activities until you come to a point in your life where you can't deny that God is working in your life and that God loves you no matter what. There will be times when you want to believe, but the situation your are in will indicate no hope is left. When you're up against that proverbial wall, keep your mind and your heart fixed on the power of belief. Remember the father's prayer to Jesus, and ask God to help you.

Cry out to God by journaling, blogging, praying, or writing a song or poem about how you feel. Tell him you want to believe. God will provide the faith you need. Believing in God means going beyond what you think you know or what you think you see. I spoke with a woman at the hospital yesterday named Betty who asked for prayer and telling me how she tries her best to do right but the bumps in the road keep knocking her off track causing her to stumble in her belief. I shared with her that believing means saying God is right and God is good even when the circumstances or "bumps" as she called them we are going through in life are not . Faith is believing even when the details of your life say give it up.

Selah people' and friends your doubt is not a weakness; it is a desire for more of what God has already shown you. God always has more faith to give you! Allow him to flood you with His love and care today and "Just Believe" when everything of the world tells you to give up.

"Peace be with you and yours today as we commit together to believe that all we need do is call on our Lord and He will make a way."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Love One Another...

Today's Scripture:
I give you a new command: Love each other. You must love each other as I have loved you.
John 13:34
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where two different people are friends with you, but they can't stand each other? It stresses you out doesn't it? You wish each person could see what you see in the other. You wish they would be friends just for your sake, if for no other reason.
Jesus said, "Love each other as I have loved you." He might have said, "See one another as I have seen you."
God loves you. And don't forget, he also loves that person you can't stand the sight of.
Think about what that means. When God looks at that person, he sees past all those things that drive you crazy. God loves that person in spite of his or her habits of using a bad choice of words, smacking gum or constant whining or the tendency to say mean things about you behind your back. Friends, you know exactly what I'm speaking of and at times this could be describing you...And it grieves God when you choose to see only the shortcomings in another person.
"Love one another as I have loved you." That person isn't the only one who has shortcomings. God looks past some faults in you, too, when he looks at you. What would happen if God judged you as harshly as you judge other people? You've heard people say, "Any friend of so-and-so's is a friend of mine." That's a good policy to adopt with people who are loved by the same God who loves you: "Anybody loved by God is loved by me." You know that covers EVERYBODY.
Selah people' and friends there are probably people in your life toward whom you aren't very loving. It's time to start seeing them as people whom God loves. I recently experienced several requests to be a friend to "friends-of-friends" on facebook. I noticed during the election both candidates had pages and followers. As I continued to see these opportunities pass me by I saw a familiar friend Buzz whom I had lifted with & trained triathlon with, we worked together and I had opportunity to mentor him in his calling to Christ and call him brother. I knew as we have forever connected that any friend of his is a friend of mine, just as any friend of God should be as well. Remember that God sees past yours' and my failings. Why don't you choose today to do the same and see past others failings? God calls us all to "Love One Another!"
Be sure to keep up with all that is happening at Selah Church by visiting our website at ...also if you missed a service you can listen or download our sermons and also view photos of recent events, or view our prayer list there as well. If you have prayer need just fill out request online and our prayer warriors will lift it up. If you have a more private need contact me and I will be happy to assist.
"Peace and His Love I leave with you today as we all choose to love each other as Christ first loved us."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Get Along...

Let us rock to the tune of Christ and let us sing a new song of Unity!
Today's Scripture:
Remind them to be subject to rulers and authorities, to obey, to be ready for every good work, to speak evil of no one, to be peaceable, gentle, showing all humility to all men.

Titus 3: 1-2

The Christians on the island of Crete faced an intense situation with the Roman government. The government ruled with force, especially when it came to groups they considered turbulent and non compliant. Paul told them to maximize the qualities they saw in the life of Jesus.

Your life is changing so fast in many ways. Many of young people are expected to act like a grownup, but you aren't necessarily given the chance to take responsibility for yourself. You feel like you are ready to drive to a concert in the next town, but your parents say it is too far for someone your age to drive. I know for our high schoolers' and college aged Selah folks that it's a crazy time as your mom and dad give the job of parenting their last-ditch effort to prepare you for the real world. At the same time, your parents are acting weird because they feel they are losing you.

As a Christian young adult or teenager, you may be held to a higher standard than other young people who don't claim any particular positive belief system. Paul had some advice. Respecting authority God has placed over you and doing your best to get along with others will save you a lot of hassle. Paul said to firmly apply God's standards to your life. Your love, kindness, and compliance will stand out as evidence of your maturity and as a witness to your faith. Doing this will smooth out your relationship with the people whom God has chosen to guide and direct you.

Selah people' and friends rebelliously uphold the standards of God. Take kindness and respect for authority seriously. Surprise the people who oversee your life with radical compliance and respect. You'll be amazed not only who it will make others respect you, but also how much more you will be able to look in the mirror and respect yourself. Why can't we all just get along?

"Peace be with you as you choose this day to be more compliant on the little details and more connected with Christ."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Honor Your Father and Mother

Today's Scripture:

The commandment says, "Honor your father and mother." This is the first commandment that has a promise with it - "Then everything will be well with you, and you will have a long life on earth.

Ephesians 6: 2-3

Sometimes it seems as if your parents can't possibly remember what it's like to be a teenager. The restrictions they put on you, the expectations they have - do they have any idea what it's like to have somebody telling you what to do all the time? A lot of things have changed since your parents were your age? And, yes it's possible that they have forgotten a few thing about what it's like to be a teenager. As a young dad myself with a daughter approaching this time my memory is being refreshed. So maybe our parents may not be as out of touch as we think.

Your parents have lived through many of the experiences you're struggling through now. They have even been through things and to places you and I have not yet seen. They may not have had mobile phones, PDAs or Ipods and instant messaging when they were growing up, but they did have final exams, homework and heartaches and all the exhilaration and insecurity of becoming an adult. What looks to you like an effort to control every aspect of your life may actually be your parents' desire to save you from to learn things the hard way - maybe the way they had to learn themselves.

Your parents make mistakes. Everybody does yes even the preacher...often. But you relationship with them will go a lot more smoothly if you remember that they want what's best for you, even if you're not sure they're going about it the right way. Honoring your parents doesn't mean agreeing with them all the time, but it does mean respecting their authority and trusting that their motives are good.
Selah people' and friends what is a trouble spot between you and your parents? Initiate a calm, loving conversation on this subject; tell your parents that you trust them, and ask them to help you understand their side of the issue. Who knows? Maybe your respectful approach will lead to a compromise.
Ann and Irv ...I mean Mom and Dad I am thankful that God gave me two special people like you to parent me. I know that when I was growing and learning I didn't always see what you were trying to teach me, but I'm glad you never gave up on me. I see that you too were growing with me and had seen and done much of what I had to go through and have yet to experience now as a parent myself. I love you both and this blog I share as a small token to honor you.
"Peace and honor be directed to all fathers and mothers. Remember it is God's first commandment for a reason."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick)

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Today's Scripture:
How can a young person live a pure life? By obeying your word.

Psalm 119:9

The potter's wheel is spinning. You feel the pot begin to take shape between your thumb and fingers, just as your art teacher said it would. The lump of formless clay is starting to look like something useful and beautiful. The soft smoothness of the clay feels good to your fingers. But then something hard brushes against your thumb. A split second later, on the next rotation, you feel it again, a little more solid, and then again. Before you realize what has happened, a pebble embedded in the clay has ripped through the wall of your pot and left it a crumpled mess.

Impurity embedded in your life can have a similar effect. To keep your heart and mind clean means that you make a concentrated effort to avoid dwelling on sexual, violent, or evil thoughts. Purity means making a commitment to refrain from having sex until you are married. It means accepting responsibility for checking television shows, videos, video games, and music in plenty of time to make a clear choice before exposing or repeated exposing yourself. Purity is a continuing, daily process.

And it's not just a matter of keeping bad things out. Purity is also about filling your heart and mind with good things. Reading the Bible daily will trigger good choices about the things you do, the things you watch, the things you listen to, and the things that you say. As I heard my daughter share in a message at our youth and young at heart "Words can hurt". Making this commitment is how you can succeed at living a life of purity. You are being shaped into something useful and beautiful. Don't let impurity spoil it.

Selah people' and friends examine what is in your bedroom, dorm room or home. Are there CDs, magazines, books, video games or DVDs that don't reflect God's idea of clean living? Maybe it is time to clean your room in a new way and thus clean your heart and open yourself up to a life of purity and life committed to Christ.

"Peace and purity be with you as you clean not only your home but also your heart."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick) Via Mobile...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


" What can stop you if God is with you?"

Today's Scripture:

I trust in God. I will not be afraid. What can people do to me?

Psalm 56:11

Fourteen year-old competitive Surfer Bethany Hamilton was featured on a program called Fearless. The program is about people who push the limits in outdoor sports. A shark attacked Bethany while she was surfing. Her left arm had to be amputated just below the shoulder. A few months after her recovery, she went back in the water and placed fifth in the National Surfing Championship. In later interviews, Bethany credited Jesus for her survival and her witness. Nothing and no one can take you away from God. Bethany knows this intimately. Throughout the unbelievable horror of being attacked by a shark, she was not alone. God was with her. God promises to be with you through every circumstance.

God may not remove the circumstance or the fear, but he will be with you through it.

When you are afraid, remember to trust God. Trust him because of who he is. It takes a lot more than courage to get back in the water if you have been bitten by a shark. For Bethany, her strength comes from her trust in God. There may be all kinds of bad things swimming around in your life. It may seem like danger and disaster are circling all around you, ready to attack. Trust God to be with you. God is stronger than anyone or anything that might hurt you. You don't have to live in fear.

God is bigger than any problem or person who might threaten you or the great life God has planned for you. You can live life without fear by putting your trust in God. Be sure to check out our Veteran's day photos, upcoming events and more at .

"Peace be over you and make you Fearless just knowing He is with you all the way."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick)

Church Leaders Intelligence Report 11-12-2008

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Be the Example...

Today's Scripture:

Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.

1 Timothy 4:12

"Kids these days!" You can be sure adults pay attention to the way young people conduct themselves, even if it's just to shake their heads and mutter that things ain't like they used to be. The Bible tells you not to let anyone despise your youth. And unfortunately, there are plenty of old grouches out there who do despise our youth. But you have the ability to silence them. The way you convince the world that your generation isn't a lost cause is by living a godly life and by setting an example through the words you say and the way you conduct yourself in love and purity.

My son Luke gave me a good taste of how much of an impact a young man can have at our monthly Christian Men's Fellowship meeting last night. The little guy really fit right in with the grown men and women from our Christian Women's Fellowship who also met. I was a proud Papa and just showed me even more how God can use our children to share His message and how much of an impact we can make on others where we are at...regardless of age.

You're never too young to be a spiritual leader. You can set the tone in your interactions. It doesn't matter what your age is. You have to be eighteen to vote, thirty to run for the Senate, thirty-five to be elected president of the United States. But you can be a spiritual leader now by showing God at work in your life.
If you are exhibiting the fruits of the Spirit, people will respect you. And if they don't respect you, that's their problem, not yours.

Adults don't have a monopoly on mature spirituality. As a matter of fact, if you are young, you have one advantage over adults in that department: you're still too young to be set in your ways. There is a freshness to your spirituality that can be a real encouragement and challenge to the grownups around you. Jesus taught his followers to come to him like little children. You're not a kid anymore, but you may find it easier than most adults to remember what childlike faith is like. So go ahead. Be an example. Ms. Settlemeyer one of my close friends and church members at Selah calls me "her young preacher"...I'm flattered by my youth, not embarrassed by it.
Selah people' and friends are you tired of hearing how your generation is going to the dogs? Prove your critics wrong by setting an example of godliness and barking out his message as true Disciples of Christ.
"Peace beyond all reason and age be with you as you allow God to use you regardless of the age He calls you to serve Him."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Selah Sermon Veteran's Day 2008 available online...

Father Does Know Best!

" God is in control of it all...our creator and Father."
Today's Scripture:
Jesus said, "Your Father knows the things you need before you ask him.

Matthew 6:8

Jesus gave his disciples the Lord's Prayer as an example of how to pray. Right before he spoke those famous words, Jesus shared a few reasons why one should pray. To do this, he provided two examples - negative ones. Jesus said the Pharisees prayed in public because they wanted to be seen as holy by other people. He also said idol worshipers prayed, repeating themselves over and over, because they believed that the more frequently they asked for something, the better chance they had of having their request granted. After those negative examples, Jesus spoke the reassurance that God already knows what you need.

At first, his words may seem to provide a reason why not to pray, instead of why to pray. If God knows what you need before you ask, why bother asking in the first place? Jesus's point is, the purpose of prayer isn't to be noticed by other people - or even by God. God already notices you. He knows everything about you and your life. Prayer is not a way to draw God's attention to your needs. It is a way to draw your attention to how much you need God.

Your greatest continual need is to better know and love God. Communicating with him about the details of your life keeps you aware of how involved he already is. It also helps you see how many of your needs he fills every day.

The more you recognize your dependence of God, the more thankful you become, and the deeper your love grows.

Selah people' and friends the Lord's Prayer teaches you to pray for your daily bread. Jesus's words from Matthew don't contradict that lesson. They're a reminder that God needs to be involved in your life, not merely informed about it.

"Peace be with you as you cling to the Father to lead, guide and direct you."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick)

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Today's Scripture:
Forget about the wrong things people do to you, and do not try to get even. Love your neighbor as you love yourself. I am the Lord.

Leviticus 19:18

When somebody hurts you, the natural thing is to want to hurt that person back. You want payback. You want vigilante justice. You want to be like Neo from The Matrix, striking a blow for the cause of justice-or at least for the cause of your own hurt feelings.

There's just one problem with getting even: how do you know when you're even? If someone owes you money, it's easy enough to figure out how to settle accounts. But when a person has caused you harm or gotten in your face or cost you self-respect, how does that account get settled? Hurting another person doesn't heal your hurt or restore your self-respect. Plotting revenge and holding a grudge won't ease your pain; in fact, they keep the wound open so it cannot heal.

Healing and peace come only through forgiveness.

Has a friend turned their back on you for a more popular friend? Let it go. Has a teacher embarrassed you in front of the class? Let it slide. Has the love of your life failed you and let you down leaving you broken hearted? Tell them about and get if off your back and open the door to allow them back into your life! It's not easy, of course. It's not the "natural" thing to do. How do you even begin to do such a thing? By deciding to love others as much as you love yourself. The people who hurt you can be messed up and confused, just like you are sometimes. That doesn't mean it's okay for them to hurt you; it just means it's up to you to keep their junk from spilling into your life. And you do that by forgiving.

Selah people' and friends forgiveness isn't about rolling over and taking somebody else's abuse. It's about taking control of your own situation. Whom do you need to forgive in order to set yourself free? Can you make amends, mend those broken fences and rebuild those wonderful relationships back up even higher and better than ever? Don't hold back and do not be afraid God is with you...dare to reach for the prize of true happiness. Don't wait another day!

"Peace and happiness for you as let go and let God."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick)

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Good Rule for You

"Hey kids I call shotgun!"

Today's Scripture:

Do to others what you want them to do to you. This is the meaning of the law of Moses and the teaching of the prophets.

Matthew 7:12

You're almost to the passenger door of your friend's car when a voice rings out behind you: "Shotgun!" Talk about a moment of decision. Do you open the door and get in the front ~ after all, you've got the other guy boxed out ~ or do you follow the unwritten rule of car passengers everywhere? The one who calls shotgun rides shotgun. The one who's too slow sits in the back with your friends old discarded fast-food wrappers and the driver's gym bag, where you can't quite hear the conversation between the driver and the front-seat passenger.

The real problem, of course, is the whole tradition of calling shotgun. It's the exact opposite of the golden rule: "Do unto others what you want them to do to you." It allows a person to put himself or herself first with no more justification than the fact that he or she was thinking about sitting in the front seat when everybody else was thinking about something else.

The injustice you feel when somebody else calls shotgun and expects you to get in the surest way to be rewarded (the reward of the front seat, for instance) is going to lead to resentment and anger. But if you treat others the way you would want to be treated, you contribute to the greater peace and harmony. You discover that front seat and back-seat don't matter nearly as much as getting there together.

Selah people' and friends is there some area of your life where your unfair insistence on getting your way has spoiled things for another person ~ or maybe yourself? As the word tells us take the lesser seat in order to receive the true peace of mind that God wants for us. Try treating that person the way you would have liked to be treated.

"Peace be with you as you give God's blessing away in the way that you would like to receive it back."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick)

Friday, November 7, 2008

Get Rid of Your Bad Stuff...

Aim High! Set your sights above the things of this earth.
Today's Scripture:
Put all evil things out of your life: sexual sinning, doing evil, letting evil thoughts control you, wanting things that are evil, and greed.

Colossians 3:5

Paul never met the believers in Colossae, a city in Asia Minor, but he wrote to them out of concern. A contingent of believers had introduced ideas into the church that weren't from God. The intent of Paul's letter was to set the believers straight, to clarify the truth, and to help them rid themselves of anything that contaminated the truth.

His letter focused on how Christians should live. Paul packed Colossians 3:5 with advice on several areas of Christian living. He addressed sexual impurity, emotions, human longings, and greed. Paul's point was this: in order for believers to live differently from everyone else, they had to identify sin in their own lives and get rid of it.

Paul's point is timeless. Evil, greed, immoral thoughts, and other bad stuff will invade your day, too. The world you live in has become more accepting of things that are in direct opposition to what the Bible says is good, right, and true. You will have the opportunity to share your faith just by the choices you make about the clothing you wear, the words you use, the lyrics you listen to, the magazines, websites or blogs that you read, and more. Others will look to your decisions to try to figure out what is right and what is wrong. Make sure your decisions don't introduce what Paul called "false doctrine." Take any decision you are unsure of to God for clarification. Live your life in a way that indulges in the love of God rather than evil.

Selah people' and friends your life reflects what you believe in. Create a "scum box" and toss anything into it that might hinder your relationship with God. I have heard so much gossip, lies and hate shared over the past couple days. So much energy being wasted trying to hurt and attempting to lead people to agree with the ideas and opinions of one side or another. As Christians...believers in Christ we much unite together! To be connected with our Savior we must empty our scum box of all that gets in the way of God often.

"Peace follow you as you adjust your sights to God's target for you and empty the trash that is holding you back"

Your pastor,

Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Satan Is a Bad Guy

Today's Scripture:
A thief comes to steal and kill and destroy, but I came to give life - life in all its fullness.

John 10:10

Jesus is the Good Shepherd. A shepherd protects his sheep from predators somewhat like my good friend and brother in Christ Fairfax, VA police officer J.P. Weeks protects innocent people from the bad guys. A shepherd stays with his sheep, guarding them from harm through the night and making sure they don't stray during the day.

Satan is a bad guy. He, like a wolf, is after the sheep. He is described in John 10:10 as a thief and a murderer. Satan is real, and he has a mission. He wants to ruin you and I. He wants to take away all the good in your life. He is in charge of evil. There is nothing good about him. The Bible says he can even appear to be an angel of light or appear to be good, but it is just a trick. You've probably noticed how things that aren't that good for you can seem mighty enticing. Satan is a master at that trick. His whole goal is to hurt people any way he can. But there's no reason to be afraid of Satan.

The Bible is clear that Satan is real and has some power, but his power is nothing compared to God's power. God is the One in control.

Satan can't win; he can only irritate, trick, and entice you to do something wrong.

He specializes in making people feel guilt, unworthiness, and complacency. You need to be aware that he exists, but you also need to be aware that the Good Shepherd protects you from Satan. Jesus drives to fill your life with goodness and joy.

Selah people' and friends there are two main errors with regard to Satan: taking him too lightly(or not believing in him at all) or taking him too seriously. Understand that Satan is real, but his power is nothing compared to the power of God.

"Peace be with you and keep Christ in the center of your life and Satan will be kept at bay."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick)