Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July 1, 2009 ~ Spiritual Recess

We need to take time each day to just relax with God...
Today's Scripture:
In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.

Isaiah 30:15

Taking a rest seems unthinkable to some type A me I'm one of them and it is a daily battle I must face. They ask why you would waste time doing nothing when you could be doing something. You can even spot their "If you have time to lean, you have time to clean" signs posted in the departments they manage.

But just as rest from physical labor is required for the body, so also rest for the mind and soul is needed.

When you give thought to the word restoration, you find its simple definition within the word rest-oration. In other words, stop talking, texting, emailing or calling. Even the silent rehearsing of conversations does not bring restoration to your mind or soul. Many leaders complain that they cannot fall asleep or sleep very little at night because it takes so long to downshift the activity of their brains. Your brain processes so much information every second that you need to allow it to slow down and recharge every now and then.

You can find many ways to strengthen your mind through simple silent treatments. Like some southerners like us, may follow the example found in Britain and enjoy some tea in the ours may be Iced sweet tea vs. the hot High tea of the British but you get the feeling. Using the time to sit quietly and listen to soothing music or just be out on the deck or porch taking in the sounds of nature or poolside in the summer. Take a ten-minute field trip by daydreaming about an exotic destination. Or you might even venture to have a five-minute nap in the afternoon. Give your mind and spirit some down time. You will find the recess quiet refreshing and rejuvenating.

Selah people' and friends set your timer for five to ten minutes of quiet time in the afternoon. Refrain from reading, talking, or planning. Turn of the cell and take your land-line off the hook. Just listen to relaxing sounds and allow God to speak to you in the still small voice of quiet let Him restore your soul.

"Choose today to begin taking that time to spend just you and God. Step away from the distractions of the world and you will fill revived!"

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston - Via mobile ~ Mount Olive, NC