Sunday, July 26, 2009

July 26, 2009 ~ Unified Vision

Are you and those around you on the same page?

Today's Scripture:

Make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one heart and purpose.

Philippians 2:2
Like-mindedness brings harmony and unity to your group or organization. The more everyone in your work community embraces the values and goals of the organization, the more likely you will be successful in your endeavors. A conductor takes several different players and inspires them to work together to create one harmonious sound. Likewise, molding several differing opinions from a diverse work group is key to creating unity in an organization. Like the conductor, you begin by creating vision. Everyone in the orchestra needs to understand what the piece will sound like when it is accomplished.

Everyone in your organization needs to envision the organization's goal.

The conductor also consistently communicates the vision. After a group rehearsal, the conductor works with each section. He instructs them on how to perfect their contribution to the performance. Even within each section, some of the individual players may need specific direction or encouragement.

Finally, the conductor and leader alike compel others to embrace the vision. The players not only understand the vision, but they become part of accomplishing the vision, but they become part of accomplishing the vision. Once the players realize that their part is vital to the harmony of the piece, they understand their significance. Your responsibility is to create, communicate, and compel the vision for your organization. As the unified vision is embraced, harmony will resound.

Selah people' and friends rehearse your group or organization's vision in a simple explanation. Find new ways to make the vision fresh and compelling. Share it with others in your organization as inspiration for unity.

"Let us start a new day with the clear vision not only of our organization, but also a unified vision that Christ has for us as well."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston