God has given gifts to each of you from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Manage them well so that God's generosity can flow through you.
1 Peter 4:10
One of the most motivational strategies that you can implement is to contribute to others. Even though you realize that every person has been created with unique talents and gifts, many adults do not realize their own talents until someone else pinpoints them. You are in the privileged place of helping others discover their gifts and talents. Simply notice what others are good at doing or about what they are passionate, and you will discover where their talents lie. By sharing your observations with the, you may be able to provide the affirmation that they need to express themselves through their gifts and talents.
Once someone has discovered his gifts, offer a place for him to use them. If he is passionate about health, then put him in charge of the wellness campaign. If she has a knack for sending cards of encouragement, enlist her to send the company birthday cards each month. Even when teaming people together for projects, you can be careful to group them according to their giftings so that individual capabilities complement one another.
People need to see that their talents are not simply to bring them enjoyment, but to be contributed for the greater good.
Gifts and talents can be shared to bring success to others. When you strengthen the individual players of the team; you strengthen the team collectively.
Selah people' and friends be sure that you are aware of your own talents and contributing them. List your less-used talents and brainstorm some ways to contribute them in your workplace.
"Learn your talents and use them for good according to God's plan."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston