Tuesday, July 28, 2009

July 28, 2009 ~ Quiet amid Chaos

Do you have place to get away from your chaos?

Today's Scripture:

Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!

Psalm 46:10

Three words can aptly describe the average woman and perhaps fellows like myself today: busy,busy, busy. For the average woman she hurries from one project or need to another, taking care of others and balancing demands. Studies show that not only is the average woman busy from the time she gets up to the time she goes to be, but she also is reducing her sleep time because she has too much to do.

It is tough for many women to slow down for anything - yes even God. This not only affects a woman's physical life, but also her spiritual life.

It is important for women to be still and know God for a couple of reasons.

In taking time to be with God, a woman builds her relationship with him. As she focuses on God, she remembers how vast God is. She thinks about God knowing everything, being everywhere, and being the focus of the universe. That puts here life into perspective as she sees the big picture of God and takes the focus off her own limited world. Perhaps most important, when a woman is still, she is refreshed spiritually and gains a new sense of how important she is to God. As a woman is still before God, she hears his voice ~ His loving , supportive, reassuring voice.

Selah people' and friends slow down. Avoid being so busy with the necessities of life that you forget to nourish your soul. Take time to be still in God's vastness. Somehow everything important will get done, and you'll find fresh rest for your life.

"Take time today to step away from the Chaos we call life. If you physically do not have a special place I challenge you to close your eyes and put yourself on a soft sandy beach or atop a cool mountainside and just spend a quiet moment with God."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston