Wednesday, July 29, 2009

July 29, 2009 ~ What God Did Just for You

What are you on fire for?

Today's Scripture:

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish , but have everlasting life.

John 3:16

The famous verse John 3:16 is an important one for all women. It speaks of God's love for you and of his great gift to you: eternal life.

God loves you more than you or I can imagine. He loves the whole world.

God's love is inextinguishable, eternal, personal, and life giving.

That love is yours for the taking. Just accept it at face value, and God will be pleased. God has given you more than anyone would ever expect. He might have given you money or a mansion or a handsome husband or any number of other things for your enjoyment. But what he gave - His Son - encompasses all those things. God gave everything for you.

God made it as simple as possible to come to know him. What does he ask of you? Faith. Simply believe in his Son. Believe that what God says is true. That's it. Nothing more is needed. There is very little in life that is simpler or easier than that. God has made it uncomplicated and always available; he wants everyone to accept his gift. Anyone willing to accept and believe in Jesus gains all of God's blessings. God gave the greatest gift possible: eternal life, and that includes everything else in life-love, joy, peace, a home in heaven, friends. He has held nothing back.

Selah people' and friends you obtain all these grand blessings by faith, as the verse says. It remains a great promise to women of all ages and places. Simply by believing in Jesus, you can gain the greatest blessings God has to offer.

"Join me today in reigniting the fire that burns from within to love God and believe in His Son. Remember that once He lights that fire it can never be extinguished!"

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston