Often it’s used when talking about taking criticism. If you don’t let criticism affect you, then you’re letting it roll off your back like water rolls off a duck. I don’t have a huge problem with criticism...I mean, why would anyone want to criticize a little country preacher like me, right?
Today's Scripture:
A fool's wrath is known at once, but a prudent man covers shame.
Proverbs 12:16
People-watching is an intriguing hobby. If you want to learn about temperance, courtesy, or patience, you have only to visit a grocery store or shopping mall during a big sale like on Thanksgiving or any other holiday weekend. The roadways are filled with enraged drivers, and the long lines display many impatiently tapping feet. Sometimes you can even find a little pushing and shoving to grab that final coveted item off the shelf. But unfortunately, you do not have to wait for busy holidays to find irritated people.
Some people wear their frustration on their faces, and it resounds in their tones even at their jobs. Sometimes, you may even get caught in the cross fire (as we used to refer to ambush tactics back in ROTC training with the Rangers from Fort Bragg) of some one's dissatisfaction with a corporate policy or procedure. Try as you may, you kind smile may not be enough to ward off the sour disposition of a disenchanted coworker who has received the word from the front office.
But remember my friends you do not have to let someone else's challenge become your issue.
When you find yourself getting the brunt of another person's irritation, you can choose how to respond. You can retaliate by ignoring them or maybe even mirroring their behavior, but that reaction really only shows intemperance on your part as well. You can absorb the insult like a sponge and let its negative effect pervade your day. Or, you can simply let it roll off you like water off a duck's back. When you respond to an insult with kindness, you are proved to be the sensible person.
Selah people' and friends inquire of those around you at home, work and school. If you are soaking up the frustrations of others, make a determination to shake it off and have good day anyway.
"May we make a change in the way we handle the adversity and trials of those working with wrath. Seek His face and instead trying to absorb the insults shake em' off!"
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston ~ Via Mobile