Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 5, 2009 ~ First Impression

What kind of impression do you make?

Today's scripture:

Humans are satisfied with whatever looks good; God probes for what is good.

Proverbs 16:2

You have only ten minutes before the clients arrive at the meeting, and the room is mess. You quickly shove papers in drawers, straighten the stacks on your desk, and rearrange the chairs around the table. When the group arrives they would never guess that just moments before your office was in disarray. You have managed to make a good first impression. Everything looks good.

But not everything that looks good. There are days when you put on a smiling face and pretend that all is well, when in reality you are dealing with difficult challenges. Whether you are in the factory, boardroom or at a church event, people may expect you to be "together" all the time. People are impressed by what appears to be good rather than what truly is good.

God is concerned with what is in fact good to the core. God cares about how you really feel about your life, your work, and your relationship with him. He wants things to be right between you and him. Open up to God and tell him about the areas of life that frustrate or challenge you. You can be yourself with God. He isn't looking for a good first impression from you. If you are struggling with doing things the right way, he can help you. He is the One who created you and shares every moment of your life with you.

Selah people' and friends identify your three biggest frustrations at home, work, school or church. After prayerful thought, list some steps for each that you can take to address the challenge.

"Choose today to make lasting impressions on what matters the most."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston - Via mobile phone