Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July 7, 2009 ~ Man with a Mission

Is your mission and path clear?

Today's Scripture:

God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.

John 3:17

Jesus Christ was a man with a mission. He stated that his mission was to come to earth to offer salvation to those who wanted it. Everything that Jesus did was focused toward accomplishing that mission. Jesus was a man of prayer, instruction, and encouragement, all of which led others to believe in his mission. He was able to state his mission in life to others very clearly. He made it known, with no hidden agenda.

You can follow the example of Jesus in this way. Know your mission and state it in ten to fifteen words that you can recite easily. One woman's mission statement it to "ignite others' passion for Christ," and she carries it out as a prayer leader in her church. Another woman's mission is to "help others realize their full potential." She lives it out by homeschooling her children and mentoring youth in the community. Develop your own God given mission statement that can be a guide to your life.

Once you are sure of your mission statement, be willing and ready to share your mission with others. It may mean you need to study or have additional skills or credentials as I found I needed to do when I went from part time to full ministry serving as a pastor for the first time. I had to commit two years to growing and completing courses to be accomplish becoming fully ordained. Did I need that paper or classes to show other my calling? No, but to continue my mission and call to serve as pastor it was a necessary step in the journey. Like Christ, commit your endeavors to God through daily prayer.

Teach others what you have learned in life.

Encourage them to succeed as you have succeeded. Jesus was not shy to share his mission. It was embedded in him and in those around him through his words and actions. Follow his example and live out the mission of your life.

Selah people' and friends share your mission in life with someone else this week. Ask them to help you stay focused on that mission as you address the various areas of responsibility God has placed in your life. Your mission much like an exercise plan or diet has much more chance of success if you have a partner helping to keep you on track and you have your eye on the prize that God has in store for you if you stay committed to his direction.

"Choose today to seize the opportunity of coming out of the fog and focusing on the direction and mission Christ has for your life."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston ~ Via mobile: Mount Olive, NC