Tuesday, July 14, 2009

July 14, 2009 ~ Fortitude

It takes more than physical strength to accomplish our goals!

Today's Scripture:

Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.

2 Timothy 2:1

In the 80's stepping and aerobics were popular, in the 90's it was spinning, and in the new decade kickboxing and yoga have become the rage. Now many fitness experts explain that it is all about strengthening the core. By strengthening the muscles in your trunk areas you can better support your spine and movement. You can develop a strong core with concentrated movements in the midsection of your body. A strong muscular core helps all your muscles to operate in better harmony. Personal trainers assign crunches, stretches, and isometric movements to help you develop a powerful core that results in proper posture and a fit figure.

Consider your spiritual health as needing the same type of core strength. A regimen of physical exercises will not strengthen your spiritual core though. You can develop your spiritual strength by installing some simple exercises in your daily routine.
Prayer is central to your spiritual well being.
Prayer is simply conversation with God. The more you talk and listen to God, the more you will know Him and the stronger your core will become. Bible reading is another way to develop your strength spiritually. Read to learn and explore. Just as in physical exercise or martial arts training, you will discover that it energizes you to accomplish more in your day.

When you have a stable relationship with God, it pervades other areas of your life. You will find that a strong spiritual core will fortify your relationships, your peace of mind, and your worldview. Start exercising not only the body, but the soul, too.
Selah people' and friends you can combine your physical exercise with your spiritual strengthening. One thing you can try which I gain strength from is to say a simple "breath" prayer while you walk, run on the treadmill, ride your bike, lifting weights, pounding on a heavy bag or whatever exercise your doing this week. It is a way to build your core for Christ both physically and spiritually. Keep growing not just your muscles but also more importantly your spirit and relationship with the Lord. This will help you persevere through the trials that life brings and make a big impact on those around you.

"Don't procrastinate any longer get to work on your core body, mind and soul."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston ~ Via Mobile