Saturday, July 25, 2009

July 25, 2009 ~ Mudslinging and Whitewashing

Do you give in and believe what others tell you bad or good?

Today's Scripture:

Whitewashing bad people and throwing mud on good people are equally abhorrent to God.

Proverbs 17:15

Tabloids are known for mudslinging the celebrities. Spin doctors are known for whitewashing the is a machine that drives our society as much today as it did in Jesus time on earth. Most people in the real world of business have been guilty of one or the other themselves. But to consider them equally wrong may be a new consideration for you. Viewing the childhood treasure Bambi or perhaps you like I were taught this ethic from your parents or grandparents, we learned that "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." It is no surprise that saying bad things about good people, or any people for that matter is wrong.

Learning not to dismiss the wrongdoing of others may be harder to learn than Bambi's lesson. After all, you do not want to be the one to point out someones flaws. You definitely do not want the job of confronting the wrongdoer. Yet this proverb encourages you and I to view both mudslinging and whitewashing in the same way.

Blaming the innocent for a group's failure or overlooking the guilty even in success is wrong. Although you may not be in the position of being the whistle blower, you can at least answer questions truthfully. In a pinch, you may be asked for your opinion, and pleading the Fifth Amendment may not be an option for you.

Remember to speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but truth, and you may need God's help to do so.

Selah people' and friends monitor your own comments when others begin speaking negatively about a person or dismissing injustice in your workplace. Stand for the truth by your words and actions.

"Join me today in making a change in the way we speak and in the way that we send and receive communications about others around us not just celebrities but those in our groups of friends, families and in our community."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston ~ via Mobile