Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Little Dab Won't Do for a Leader

Back in the 1950's a dab of this stuff would keep hair in place...
When we lead today we must use more than just a dab of repsponsibilty.

Today's Scripture:
For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.

Luke 12:48

Unlike the Brylcreem in today's blog photo that held the ducktailed and greaser hairdos in place back in the 1950's, a dab of responsibility will not cover it for those who take on the role of leader. Leaders are responsible for decisions that affect people, processes, and profits on a daily basis - a great responsibility also increases. If you aspire to be a great leader, expect to accept increasing levels of responsibility.

The higher you climb in your group or organization the more authority you are likely to be assigned.

The privilege of exercising new authority costs an increasing amount of responsibility for the people and tasks under your supervision.

Often, the visibility of your success and mistakes more your position is elevated in the organization, the less of their effects. You are accountable to your organization for how well you assume your responsibility.

The realization that other people are counting on your decisions can be sobering. But be encouraged. With increased authority and responsibility also comes the opportunity of greater influence. If you want to impact others around you, your influence is vital. Unlike hair cream, you cannot just smear a dab of responsibility here and there. Effective leaders consistently accept responsibility and exercise influence for organizational success.

Selah people' and friends take some unsolicited initiative and volunteer for a new project or task at work. Prove yourself trustworthy of the responsibility by completing the assignment successfully.

"Don't just dab it, gel it or spritz it...build up you initiative to take on more responsibility and know that God will not put more on you than He will give you all that you need to accomplish His goals for you."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston