Saturday, June 6, 2009

Purposeful Peace

How do you encourage those around you?

Today's Scripture:

Those who plan peace have joy.

Proverbs 12:20

You have the power to set others up for greatness. When friends and coworkers share their aspirations with you, your words and actions regarding their dreams can be a conduit of inspiration. In a competitive world in which candidates are pitted-against one another to receive promotions, people can become envious. Envy causes deceit and conceit toward others. But when you are self-confident and rely on God for all your promotions, you do not have to be intimidated by the success of others. You then can just encourage others and help them succeed, and at the same time be a winner yourself.

When you choose to take actions of peace, you build others up. You can help others achieve their dreams by equipping them with methods and motivation that will lead to success. If colleagues share a new product, idea, new ministry opportunity or new service project with you, help them brainstorm through the possible design and promotion ideas without expecting a return on your efforts.

The knowledge that you had a part in the achievement and the success of others is itself a joyful reward.

Find ways to motivate your personal and professional peers. Be confident enough to let others use your expertise to achieve their own goals. Find enjoyment in the success of others by planning for their peace.

Selah people' and friends ask a colleague to share his or her aspirations with you. Then ask how you can be supportive in achieving that goal. Be sure to encourage and empower your colleague along the way to success.

"Remember today my friends that we do not need to step on others or push them down to lift yourself up. God encourages us to work together because it takes the efforts of many to make impossible feats possible. May you find that Purposeful Peace today."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston Via mobile ~Mount Olive, NC