Today's Scripture:
God began doing a good work in you, and I am sure he will continue it until it is finished when Jesus Christ comes again.
Philippians 1:6
God began doing a good work in you, and I am sure he will continue it until it is finished when Jesus Christ comes again.
Philippians 1:6
An evangelist tells of a time when she was traveling in the Midwest preaching in small churches. She drove through miles and miles of farmland. The scenery of corn, wheat, and bean fields became boring, and she became weary of the view. It seemed to be just a long trip of the same relentless sights over and over. But when she departed by plane and her view lifted her to new heights, the dullness was replaced by a picturesque weave of colors and depth that was beautiful.
When you are working in the routine of your job and relationships, you cannot see the finished product. Sometimes what appear to you as redundant, maybe even meaningless tasks can actually be part of God's grand plan of you. A quilter can take remnants of fine linen and mix them with scraps of common cloth to create a beautiful patchwork of comfort and warmth. God can do the same with the events of your life.
God can mix your most heroic successes with your most humbling failures and make a significant ministry out of them.
You have to persevere long enough to view the field from the sky and see the rags turned into the quilt to understand God's plan. You can trust that he had a plan for your life when he created you. If you are willing to be tenacious enough to make it to the end with him, he will complete his purpose for you.
Selah people' and friends write your life mission or purpose in a ten-word statement. Read your mission statement at the beginning and ending of each day as a reminder of your purpose in life. Today we celebrated our 2009 Graduates and what has helped them accomplish but more importantly what God has awaiting for there futures.
"What have you been through so far in your life? How do your rags fit together? What will be your Grand Finale? Either in your failure or success God can make that into a part of the disciple he wants you to be.Are you ready for that next step?"
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston
God can mix your most heroic successes with your most humbling failures and make a significant ministry out of them.
You have to persevere long enough to view the field from the sky and see the rags turned into the quilt to understand God's plan. You can trust that he had a plan for your life when he created you. If you are willing to be tenacious enough to make it to the end with him, he will complete his purpose for you.
Selah people' and friends write your life mission or purpose in a ten-word statement. Read your mission statement at the beginning and ending of each day as a reminder of your purpose in life. Today we celebrated our 2009 Graduates and what has helped them accomplish but more importantly what God has awaiting for there futures.
"What have you been through so far in your life? How do your rags fit together? What will be your Grand Finale? Either in your failure or success God can make that into a part of the disciple he wants you to be.Are you ready for that next step?"
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston