Sunday, June 14, 2009

Dear God

Prayer can be like a call to a friend...
you can make it anytime and on-the-go!

Today's Scripture:

The Lord is close to everyone who prays to him, to all who truly pray to him.

Psalm 145:18

When people get to the end of their human capabilities of solving their problems, they often say, "Well, there is nothing left to do but pray." But prayer is not a last resort.

God is near to you as soon as you pray. He is awaiting your request for help.

He is eager to be the forerunner of your life. Prayer can be your first response to every situation. Prayer is simply a conversation with God.

Just as with a colleague, sometimes you enjoy having a special time of fellowship in a quiet setting where you can discuss important issues. But with peers, you do not always have to wait for an appointment to have a talk. You have a mutual understanding that you can make impromptu calls or text when you need to get advice or share excitement. For those quick conversations, you do not need a prearranged meeting. You can simply chat with your buddy on the cell phone while doing other things.

Your communication with God can be the same. Special moments of solitude and reverence may preferred when you more intimate time with God. But you can pray while you are holding on a phone call, driving to the store or an appointment, waiting a stop sign, or walking through the hallways a work. God does not expect or require an appointment. He is available for the important decisions, the small frustrations, and the celebratory announcements. He is near, listening, and ready to respond to your call...24/7/365!

Selah people' and friends practice multitasking with prayer...we do it with other things like work, ball practice, and other family activities. Consider using the normally wasted waiting time in lines and at stoplights. Be creative and find three new opportunities in you day to surprise God with an impromptu prayer. He tells us to pray without ceasing so perhaps today one of your new opportunities could be a breath prayer where on the inhale or exhale you just share praise to our most high God..."Thank you Jesus, help me Jesus, Praise God."

"Choose new ways today to take time out for God and invite him into being a part of your day-to-day battles and being a part of helping with a solution, instead of calling on him at the end of the day seeking refreshment from going through the struggles alone."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston ~ via mobile