Today's Scripture:
The Lord repay your work, and a full reward be given you by the Lord.
Ruth 2:12
The Lord repay your work, and a full reward be given you by the Lord.
Ruth 2:12
The waitress seemed quite frustrated that she was doing most of the work serving the large party seated at the tables shared by her coworker. Her fellow waitperson had a reputation for slacking off on his share of the labor while always demanding his half of the tip. Although the tip for service was quite generous, the waitress did not feel she was receiving her full reward for all her effort.
Often the hope of financial prosperity drives you to labor hard in the workplace, only to discover that you share the wealth with someone less industrious. A seller's real estate agent often splits his commission with the buyer's agent. Salespeople sometimes share their bonuses with their managers or associates. Business partners may receive equitable dividends regardless of their individual diligence and commitment to the success. Many professionals will never be paid their worth. After all, how can you put a value on saving lives, educating minds, or restoring families? Yet, firefighters, soldiers, teachers, and social workers do not earn high incomes as compared to other professionals.
If you seek to receive prosperity through only monetary rewards, you may be disappointed.
True prosperity is the receipt of God's rewards.
Sometimes God's blessings will come in the form of financial gain. However, God also recognizes you with intangible rewards like favor among others, a stellar reputation, a happy family, or good health. Allow God to choose your rewards, and you will have a prosperous life.
Selah people' and friends make a list of all the blessings in your life with which God has rewarded you lately. Especially remember to list the intangible rewards you have received.
"Take the time today to remember what is really valuable to your happiness and give praise to God how provides all things worth having."
Your pastor,
Often the hope of financial prosperity drives you to labor hard in the workplace, only to discover that you share the wealth with someone less industrious. A seller's real estate agent often splits his commission with the buyer's agent. Salespeople sometimes share their bonuses with their managers or associates. Business partners may receive equitable dividends regardless of their individual diligence and commitment to the success. Many professionals will never be paid their worth. After all, how can you put a value on saving lives, educating minds, or restoring families? Yet, firefighters, soldiers, teachers, and social workers do not earn high incomes as compared to other professionals.
If you seek to receive prosperity through only monetary rewards, you may be disappointed.
True prosperity is the receipt of God's rewards.
Sometimes God's blessings will come in the form of financial gain. However, God also recognizes you with intangible rewards like favor among others, a stellar reputation, a happy family, or good health. Allow God to choose your rewards, and you will have a prosperous life.
Selah people' and friends make a list of all the blessings in your life with which God has rewarded you lately. Especially remember to list the intangible rewards you have received.
"Take the time today to remember what is really valuable to your happiness and give praise to God how provides all things worth having."
Your pastor,