Tuesday, June 16, 2009

June 16th, 2009 ~ Divine To-Do List...

Prepare today for what needs to be done for God!

Today's scripture:

I glorified you on earth by completing down to the last detail what you assigned me to do.

John 17:4

I am reminded of an episode of Andy Griffith where Opie tried his best without success to explain how the best time to do anything is tomorrow. Andy the good father made it clear that when the "Father" put a task on you To-do you best put it at the top of your list an not put it off or some discipline will be coming. Each day's action list for us holds a full day of opportunity to accomplish many things. You may even have multiple lists for your day: meetings, errands, client or co-worker follow-up, family and church responsibilities, and so on. With so many activities to accomplish during your day, the lists can become overwhelming.

When you cannot see the trees for the forest, it is time for you to prioritize.

Establishing priorities will help you accomplish the most important things first, leaving the less-needed items till the end. To properly prioritize, first determine what is important and what is just urgent. Some things are both. Important things mus be addressed first. If you are not a morning person, or your schedule will not permit you to tackle the most important item at the beginning of your day, you can at least schedule it for later in the day and make it a "do not disturb" time period. Effectively organizing your daily tasks will give you a sense of accomplishment in your day.

Sometimes overlooked on the to-do list are the things that sustain you spiritually. You must know what God wants you to do with your day to truly be successful. Just like your other errands and tasks, you can schedule time for prayer, meditation, inspiration, and ministry during your day. God's items should always be assigned top priority on your daily action list.

Selah people' and friends make an action list of your most important jobs to do for God. Go ahead and put it down so tomorrow you will have a head start doing His work. Find a place in your daily schedule to place those items. Make sure you assign the highest priority to God.

"Brothers and sisters please do not put off God's tasks any longer...write them down and check them off. It is such a wonderful feeling of accomplishment and there is no telling whom you may touch when you dedicate yourself to "doing" His work."

Have a safe and Blessed day!

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston ~ Via mobile in rainy Mount Olive, NC


I had several email requests for the link to Sunday's audio and will paste link below:
