Monday, June 1, 2009


photo credit to: despair, inc via

Sometimes our mistakes are part of a bigger plan beyond just us!

Today's Scripture:

Happy is the person whose sins are forgiven, whose wrongs are pardoned.

Psalm 32:1

Mistakes are part of life. Some are so small that consequences are unrecognized by others. Unfortunately, other mistakes are of grand proportion, affecting many other people.

But sometimes you can be surprised to find that a mistake is a blessing in disguise.

The only way to guarantee no mistakes are made is to prohibit trying to accomplish anything. Even though no one likes to make a mistake, this is not a viable solution. Instead, controlling your reaction to your own mistakes and those of others can revolutionize your organizational environment. Whey you accept mistakes as a part of innovation, you allow others to liberate their creativity. In a risk-taking atmosphere, people are not afraid to try new discoveries, inventions, and ideas. Understanding that mistakes are not only tolerated but embraced can ease your stress and compel others' originality.

Without someone appreciating the value in mistakes, you would not have been able to ever use sticky notes, eat chocolate chip cookies, or drink sodas. All these products were actually mistakes. Post-it note adhesive was slated to be a tape adhesive; chocolate-chip cookies were supposed to be chocolate cookies, but the chocolate didn't melt; and Coca-Cola first failed as medicine. But each inventor saw the potential of another use for his or her product. Some of them did not discover the value of their product for years. You cannot mistake-proof your life, church or organization, but you can fail-proof them by allowing yourself or your team to become creative innovators through risk taking without fear of reproof.

Selah people' and friends think of a mistake that you have made recently. Stretch your imagination to think of a creative or innovative way to recycle the idea, message, process or product into a new creation. Just as Christ and take sinners like us and use us to do His work so too can He help us take our mistakes and turn them into victories.

"Seize the opportunity that comes your way today in the form of your failures. Remember God is in control and we must have faith that we can do all things through Him."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston ~ Via mobile: Westbrook Park Mount Olive, NC