Sunday, June 21, 2009

June 21, 2009 ~ Well Done

What has God created you to you know your purpose?

Today's Scripture:

After I had this vision from heaven, I obeyed it.

Acts 26:19

Paul, the writer of Acts, was successful because he fulfilled his purpose in life. He obeyed the vision that God had given to him. College students have long addressed the question of their purposes when choosing their majors or embarking on chosen carrier fields.

Even among middle aged adults, the search for purpose has driven many to career changes, lifestyle adjustments, and new avocations.

For myself personally I found my call to ministry so strong that nothing -not even my current profession as warehouse manager - could stand in God's way of his purpose for my life. Paul was able to claim success because he had been faithful to carry out the vision for his life.

The Encarta Dictionary gives three definitions for purpose. First, purpose is your reason for existence - the reason for which you were created by God. The second meaning of purpose is "a desired effect, goal, or intended outcome of something." Finally, purpose is described as "the desire or the resolve necessary to accomplish a goal."

When you understand that God created you on purpose for a purpose, you can realize the vision for your own life. Your purpose is the reason for your life from which you produce your goals. As you continually focus your goals toward your vision, you can accomplish your life vision just as Paul fulfilled his own purpose in life. Review your goals often to remind yourself of your mission in life. Your sense of purpose gives you the resolve to see your vision completed successfully.

Selah people' and friends to realize your purpose, write down the recurring ideas or dreams you have had for your life. Let you sense of fulfillment guide your next steps toward successfully completing your vision.

"When you reach the end of life and look back on what you have made your purpose will Christ say Well Done.?"

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston