Sunday, March 1, 2009

100 Percent Pure...

When you go to the mountain top what will you bring down with you?

Today's Scripture:

Now that you are obedient children of God do not live as you did in the pas. You did not understand, so you did the evil you wanted. But be holy in all you do, just as God, the One who called you, is holy.

1 Peter 1:14-15

The God of the Bible is unlike any false god people worshiped through the centuries. Early pagan gods were portrayed as bloodthirsty and sexually immoral. Roman gods were vengeful, adulterous, and deceitful. The God of Israel was, and is, absolutely holy. This means his character doesn't waver from a perfect moral standard. He's totally pure, true, and good.

The fact that God is holy is comforting, until you take a look at your own moral standards in light of his. Even if in the world's eyes you live the life of a so-called saint, you still are not as perfectly holy as God. Yet the Bible seems to say that's exactly what God expects you to be.

To be holy is not a one-time transformation from depravity to perfection. It is more of a becoming. It is a lifetime of moment-by-moment decisions where you choose God's moral standards over what current culture says is acceptable.

Only with the help of God's Spirit will you have strength to consistently follow through and do the right thing.

That doesn't mean you'll never make a mistake. Look at the life of the author of this letter, the apostle Peter. He tried to walk on water, but when he took his eyes off Jesus for just a moment, he instantly began to sink beneath the waves. The closer you grow to God, the easier it is to keep your eyes on him and the more your character will grow to resemble the holiness of his own.

Selah people' and friends through you can make choices that honor God, you holy can't be truly holy without his help. Daily ask God too change your heart, as well as your actions, to be more pure.

"Peace and joy be ours as we strive for 100% pure."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick) Home from the mountain top...