Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sticks and Stones

Do your words lift others up or do they squash the hope out of them?

Today's Scripture:

Words kill, words give life; they're either poison or fruit - you choose.

Proverbs 18:21

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." If you remember this nursery rhyme, you probably also remember the words to which you were responding. In fact, even children know that words do hurt. Often you realize the importance of words when you are the victim of a hurtful comment, even as an adult. Seldom do you realize how hurtful words are when you are the one speaking them.

You must realize that your words are powerful and carry great influence. Words can give life or kill it. You have a choice.

With your words, you can stifle effectiveness in your ogranization. Or you can inspire momentum, impart courage, and instill hope.

If a once loyal partner or coworker leaves your organization, choose to impart hope for new opportunities. If someone makes a risky decision that fails, choose to comfort him and encourage his continued innovation.

Words have consequences, and you must accept those consequences. Begin your conversation with the end result in mind. You must choose what you want to cultivate in your relationships. You will reap what you sow, even through speaking. So, speak life and reap life. Give encouragement; receive encouragement. Be a friend; find a friend and lead a friend to Christ. In choosing your response, you choose your consequence.

Selah people' and friends give yourself three to five seconds to think before choosing your words. Then you will respond by choice and react by decision rather than impulse. Plant words of life and reap rapport and relationship.

"Peace and joy be yours and mine as we choose to use words of encouragement instead of words of hate."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston