Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Be the Leader You Want to Follow

God has given each of us a unique personality...
are using it to lead others to him?

Today's Scripture:

You who are younger must follow your leaders. But all of you, leaders and followers alike, are to be down to earth with each other, for-God has had it with the proud, but takes delight in just plain people.

1 Peter 5:5

Some of the most loved presidents have been those described as "just plain people." They were approachable, genuine, real, and down-to-earth. Followers want a leader with whom they can relate, and who can relate to them. You may not be president of a nation or even a corporation, but because you have influence, it is important for you to be sincerely concerned for others while being yourself. The higher up you go in leadership, the easier it becomes to isolate yourself from others whom you are leading. You may find it equally as challenging to associate with executives in the morning as with your children in the evening.

By remaining authentic, you can face the challenges successfully.

Jesus Christ was the greatest of all leaders . He could have easily used his positional power and separated himself from others. Instead, he embraced people and even served his disciples by washing their feet in an act of humility as told in the Gospel of John. He was an authentic servant leader.

The irony in working with many different types of people is that as long as you are trying to fit in with the crowd, you will be disconnected from them. God has created you with a unique personality. When you honor him and yourself by being authentic, a natural connection with other people opens to you.

Selah people' and friends examine your authenticity. When you act out of the natural personality and gifts God created in you, you will begin to feel at ease in your relationships...and so will others.

"Blessings to you as you face the challenges authentically and lead others to Christ in your own special way."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)