Because of your integrity, it is imperative for you to embrace the fact that good leaders motivate; they don't mislead or exploit.
Good leaders motivate positively and respectfully. Your job is to promote a motivating environment that not only yields positive results and profits for the individual and company, but also cultivates employee and team satisfaction and worth.
Your encouragement and optimism will excite and energize others. A positive attitude is contagious.
Creating a can-do attitude is the key. You must first cultivate your own attitude within. Out of your own spirit, you can then motivate others to have an optimistic outlook. Catchphrases that have been used in schools and businesses alike are those such as: "If you can dream it, you can do it, "If you can believe it you can achieve it." Even the three musketeers' "All for one and one for all" references the can-do attitude. By influencing others with your own positive attitude, you will cultivate a spirit of camaraderie that initiates achievement.
Selah people' and friends when it comes to leading people toward a can-do attitude, a pat on the back works a lot better than a kick in the pants.
"Peace be with you as you strive to be a disciple who motivates and encourages others."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston