Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Empathy in Action

Jesus warned that when you follow him you will be persecuted...

Today's Scripture:

Regard prisoners as if you were in prison with them. Look on victims of abuse as if what happened to them had happened to you.

Hebrews 13:3

In the early church, it was commonplace for people who chose to follow Jesus to suffer relationally, financially, and physically for what they believed. They often lost their property, their position, and sometimes even their lives. Although no one know for sure who the author of the book of Hebrews was, one thing is certain - he was aware of the persecution that was going on all around him.

While Jesus was here on earth, he warned those who followed him that people would persecute them, just as they had him. After Jesus's death, that persecution intensified. It may seem today that people are more accepting and that persecution is a thing of the past. However, that's not true for much of the world.

There are still people who suffer for their beliefs the same way the early Christians did. The words to the Hebrews are a wake-up call for every generation. If you truly want to empathize and identify with those who are facing persecution (which is who the author of Hebrews was specifically talking about), you will do more than just feel sorry for them. You will put your empathy into action. A good place to begin is with prayer. Ask God to protect people who are persecuted, to provide them with the strength and courage they need to face their struggles. As you pray, God may lead you to take social action.

God may choose to use you to help answer the prayer of someone around the world.

Selah people' and friends become more aware of the persecution going on in the world. You can talk with our own Michael & LeeAnn Higgins and found out more about the Kairos ministry and how God could use you either being apart of praying for the team and those inside the prison, being apart of baking the cookies or maybe God is calling you to go in and be apart of the team that brings Christ to these persecuted at

Another online source is by logging on to . This nonprofit, interdenominational organization The Voice of the Martyrs provides ways for you to put Hebrew 13:3 into action.

"Choose today to break free and help another of God's children."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)