Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Ultimate Cure...

What healing and cure are you in need of today...
Jesus has what you need!

Today's Scripture:

He used his servant body to carry our sins to the Cross so we could be rid of sin, free to live the right way. His wound became your healing.

1 Peter 2:24

People go to extremes to find healing in this life. They will travel across the country, and even across the world, searching for a cure for what they have been told is incurable. They will try radical treatments and undergo outlandish procedures, hoping for a miracle. When word of Jesus's miraculous power started circulating throughout Palestine, people flocked to him, pleading for physical healing. Over and over again he responded to their cries. He healed blindness, leprosy, mental illness, paralysis-and even death. However, that healing wasn't permanent.Eventually each one of those people would die.

The apostle Peter had repeatedly witnessed Jesus curing the incurable. But he understood that Jesus came to offer more than temporary physical or emotional healing.

Jesus came to offer an eternal cure for physical and spiritual death.

When Peter talked about Jesus's wounds, the original Greek word is singular. There was one specific wound that offered healing. That was Jesus's death on the cross. That wound didn't begin the healing process. It finished it.

There are times when miraculous healing still occurs in this life, when tumors disappear and concern suddenly goes into remission. However, through what happened on a wooden cross two thousand years ago, you have received permanent healing for something more important than your physical health. You have been given a new life, one that has been cured of the finality of death.

The book of 1 Peter was written to slaves who knew what it was like to receive beatings and wounds they didn't deserve. Take some time today to thank Jesus for what he suffered for you.

"Peace and healing be upon you as we share the ultimate cure: Christ."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)