Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Learning to Live as One

We are called as Jesus's followers to work together...

Today's Scripture:

Jesus said, "I pray for these followers, but I am also praying for all those who will believe in me because of their teaching. Father, I pray that they can be one. As you are in me and I am in you, I pray that they can also be one in us. Then the world will believe that you sent me."

John 17: 20-22

The night before Jesus died, you were on his mind. As Jesus's last supper with his disciples drew to a close, Jesus prayed aloud to his heavenly Father. He didn't pray about what lay ahead for him. Instead, he shared what his desires were for those he left behind.

Jesus's prayer for the unity of his disciples, both present and future, reveals some important truths about how God's church is supposed to function. Jesus's example of what interaction between his followers should look like was the relationship between his Father and himself. The unique relationship of the Trinity, where the different attributes of the Father, Son, and Spirit all combine to make one God, is the perfect picture of unity. For humanity, this kind of supernatural bond isn't possible. The principle behind this example, however, is that people can work together as equals toward a common purpose while they retain their individuality.

To work together, God's followers have to actually spend time together. As you choose to spend time with other people who believe in God, consider Jesus's prayer for you. Ask God for help in doing what you can to draw people together. Choose to build others up, instead of gossiping about their weaknesses. Search for common bonds, instead of arguing over petty differences. Strengthen your love by serving and readily forgiving.

The unity you have within your church may be the most powerful sermon those outside your church will ever hear. I feel this strong bond with my church family at Selah.

Selah people' and friends the book of Acts gives numerous examples of how Jesus's followers worked together after Jesus's resurrection, freely sharing their resources and their lives. Read Acts 2:26-47 for a glimpse of this unity in action.

"May unity abound not just in your church but in your daily life, with your family and friends and most importantly between you and God."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)