Today Scripture:
The Lord says, "Forget what happened before, and do not think about the past. Look at the new thing I am going to do. It is already happening. Don't you see it? I will make a road in the dessert and rivers in the dry land."
Isaiah 43:18-19
Change happens. In fact, change is one consistent characteristics of all progress. Think of the transportation system. At times roads need reconstruction because the asphalt has deteriorated and potholes have formed. Other roads need reconstruction because of economic growth that increases traffic and requires expansion of the roadways. A detour, bridge, or some other change agent will be required in the transition through the change - and even though there is hope for safer and faster travel, the drivers usually get frustrated in the process.
Whether propelled by failure or success, change is inevitable. You must be a change agent if you are going to be an effective and progressive leader. Change begins with a vision of something better. So often leaders have great vision for their organization and share the vision of progress with their followers, expecting everyone to jump on board, ready to enjoy the ride. As change agent, you should expect resistance among those who will be part of the change.
But you have the exciting privilege of stirring enthusiasm for the new vision.
Focusing on the "new thing," you lay out the plan for addressing change. You are the change agent - the temporary road or detour that moves people from the old system to the new one. You can relieve the sense of anxiety, create a sense of possibility, and instill an attitude of adventure among the people involved in the change by sharing a vision of something greater to come.
Selah people' and friends if you have a process that is not working well in your group, family or organization, envision a better way. Write down the vision. Make a plan to communicate the vision and construct the change. Know that with God you and I can bridge the gap to a new way of living and doing.
"May we move forward beginning today no longer clinging to the past but moving forward to what God has planned for us in the future."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston
Isaiah 43:18-19
Change happens. In fact, change is one consistent characteristics of all progress. Think of the transportation system. At times roads need reconstruction because the asphalt has deteriorated and potholes have formed. Other roads need reconstruction because of economic growth that increases traffic and requires expansion of the roadways. A detour, bridge, or some other change agent will be required in the transition through the change - and even though there is hope for safer and faster travel, the drivers usually get frustrated in the process.
Whether propelled by failure or success, change is inevitable. You must be a change agent if you are going to be an effective and progressive leader. Change begins with a vision of something better. So often leaders have great vision for their organization and share the vision of progress with their followers, expecting everyone to jump on board, ready to enjoy the ride. As change agent, you should expect resistance among those who will be part of the change.
But you have the exciting privilege of stirring enthusiasm for the new vision.
Focusing on the "new thing," you lay out the plan for addressing change. You are the change agent - the temporary road or detour that moves people from the old system to the new one. You can relieve the sense of anxiety, create a sense of possibility, and instill an attitude of adventure among the people involved in the change by sharing a vision of something greater to come.
Selah people' and friends if you have a process that is not working well in your group, family or organization, envision a better way. Write down the vision. Make a plan to communicate the vision and construct the change. Know that with God you and I can bridge the gap to a new way of living and doing.
"May we move forward beginning today no longer clinging to the past but moving forward to what God has planned for us in the future."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston