Saturday, March 7, 2009

Just Ask

When we arise from the water we open our spirit to allow God to lead us...

Today's Scripture:

If you need wisdom - if you want to know what God wants you to do - ask him, and he will gladly tell you.

James 1:5

Doing what God wants you to do is a wonderful thing. It honors God, adds joy to you life, and can make a positive difference in the world. However, knowing what God wants you to do in any given situation isn't always clear. Reading the Bible can give you some general guidelines, but knowing how to apply what you learn takes more than just diligence and good intentions. It takes discernment.

Discernment is the ability to make wise decisions when you're facing difficult circumstances. God holds an endless supply of the wisdom you need to be discerning. In the original language, the author James used words that identify God with a banker. James explained that when your own account of wisdom falls short, God will loan you some from his abundant supply. Unlike stingy money leaders who would belittle those who needed to rely on their services, James said that God is more than happy to share all of what he has with you- at no interest.

This isn't a promise that God will give you a windfall of wisdom the first time you ask for it.

The word ask actually means "to keep on asking." By continually turning to God for wisdom every time you need help, you will learn to discern the right thing to do when the pressure is on.

Selah people' and friends instead of God giving you an exact blueprint of what he wants for your life, he draws you closer to him by supplying what you need it - as you rely on him.

"Joy awaits each of us just for the asking."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)