Today's Scripture:
The Lord said to Joshua, "Always remember what is written in the Book of Teachings. Study it day and night to be sure to obey everything that is written there. If you do this, you will be wise and successful in everything.
Joshua 1:8
Moses led the people of Israel out of slavery in Egypt, guided them safely through the parting of the Red Sea, brought them God's commandments from Mount Sinai, and led them through the desert to the boundaries of the land God had promised to give them. Then Moses died. Joshua was God's choice to lead the Israelites after Moses's death. Following in Moses's footsteps meant Joshua had big sandals to fill.
Before Joshua ventured into the Promised Land, God shared with him the secret to future success and I pass it along to all who are reading this blog. God didn't offer tips on military strategy or financial stocks or stimulus plans nor did he promise Joshua he'd receive miraculous powers. God simply reminded Joshua to let Scripture influence his life. In the original Hebrew language, God encouraged Joshua to do more than just study his words. He told Joshua to meditate on them. This kind of meditation is different from what is practiced in Eastern religions. It means to allow God's words to deeply take root in your life by turning over God's truths in your mind and applying what you learn.
The kind of success that results from allowing the Bible to come alive in your life differs from the world's definition of success. God isn't promising automatic health, wealth, and happiness as a reward for your obedience.
What he's saying is that by becoming better acquainted with Scripture, you'll succeed in filling the unique place he has set aside especially for yo in this world.
Selah people' and friends take time to meditate on God's words to Joshua. Ask God to show you how he wants you to apply them to your own life situation.
"Don't wait another day to use God's secret to success."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)