Today's Scripture:
All the angels are spirits who serve God and are sent to help those who will receive salvation.
Hebrews 1:14
Angels are "in" today. There are books about encounters with angels, jewelry designs that symbolize angelic protection, and popular catchphrases claiming that "friends are angels without wings." Back in Jesus's day, people were as intrigued by the mystery of angelic beings as they are today. After Jesus's death, there was even some speculation that Jesus wasn't really God, but instead a powerful angel sent from heaven.
The unknown author of Hebrews wanted to set the record straight by putting angels, and Jesus, in their proper place. He began by tying together Old Testament verses that talk about Jesus, Scriptures where God declared his Son equal to him in position as King and Lord. Then the author explained the purpose of angels in God's plan of creation, as servants of both God and the people who believe in him.
Throughout Scripture, angels have served as messengers, guardians,and comforters. Although the Bible mentions them frequently enough to ensure that God wants people to know of their existence, God remains silent on the details of what they are truly like. What can be gleaned from a few brief descriptions in the Old Testament is that angels are much more like fearsome warriors, much like the ones on the History Channel...my fraternity brother and former college football teammate Terry Schappert tells the story of. They are more warrior than ephemeral creatures in gossamer gowns with white wings and golden harps.
Angels are real, and at God's command they are helping you in ways you may not be aware of.
Selah people' and friends one way angels serve God is by serving those he loves, which includes you. Although angels are powerful, they are note meant to be worshiped. Only God is worthy of that honor.
"Peace be with you knowing that our God is watching over you and we have special warriors available to hold our hands when needed."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)