Saturday, February 28, 2009

A Father's Favor

What gift are you expecting...don't anticipate God will take care of you.
Today's Scripture:
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.

James 1:17

A gift is a tangible expression of love. That's why the best gifts you receive are usually given by those who know you well. These people know your likes and dislikes, your needs and your wants. They know your favorite color, perfect size, and what makes your heart sing. God is the ultimate giver of good gifts. His knowledge of who you really are is as limitless as his love for you.

The way God gives is as perfect as each gift he chooses to send your way. Coming down literally means "God's gifts keep on coming."

There is no end God's generosity. In the same way that the sun keeps on shining even when the earth obstructs its light at night, God keeps on giving even when you don't notice what he's sending your way.

And since God's character never wavers, you know his gift-giving habits will never change. You can trust he will continue to deliver wonderful surprises throughout eternity.

One of the devil's most effective lies is that God is not totally good, that he is holding out on you. It was this lie that Eve fell for in the Garden of Eden. Remembering the true nature of God and his gifts - will keep your heart filled with hope and gratitude, and your eyes open to blessings big and small that God chooses to send your way.

Selah people' and friends not all of God's gifts seem perfect and gift wrapped at first glance. Some are tough to accept wholeheartedly, like those that teach patience or humility. Trusting God's goodness will help you embrace every gift he sends.

"Let us be thankful of the gifts God sends today even if we are not sure what good they are."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston (via mobile at the Manor house Glade Springs)