If we seek freedom we must put God's words to the test.
Today's Scripture:
Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
John 8:31-32
In today's postmodern society, talking about truth can be tricky. If you want to discuss a truth, feel free. However, talking about the truth is a whole other matter. Talking about the truth would imply that what you're sharing is an absolute truth, something that is true for everyone - whether everyone personally believes it to be true or not.
That's the kind of truth Jesus was talking about to his Jewish audience in the temple treasury as recorded in the Gospel of John.
The term Jesus used for truth was the same one used to describe a legal standard, a fact that would stand up in court.
This fact was broader than just the truth about who Jesus was. The Jews who were listening already believed. The truth Jesus spoke of is the kind revealed over the course of a lifetime, as those who believe in him choose to obey his words.
In ancient Greek, know means more than "to make a mental note of." It means that you have tested your belief experientially. By putting Jesus's teaching into practice, you can come to know the truth about God, life, and yourself. This knowledge frees you from chains you may not even be aware are holding you back, such chains as pride, selfishness, and the temptation to do what is contrary to Jesus's words. Let God's truth lead you to true freedom today.
Selah people' and friends God's promise of freedom is linked to putting his words to the test. Get to know his words better by reading, meditating on, and praying about at least one verse of Scripture each day. That was the inspiration of our church blog which continues each day.
"Peace be ours guided by God's words and His promise."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)