How will you put God's love into action?
Today's Scripture:
We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10
You are God's poem. The Greek word for workmanship is poiema, from which the English word poem is derived. This term does not refer to your original creation in the womb, rather, it refers to a spiritual birth, a rewriting of your life by the hand of God' Spirit as you allow him to guide you each day. Just as every literal poem differs in meter, tone, and message, you, too, have a unique purpose and place in this world.
Before a poet put pen to paper, he decides what the overall purpose of his poem will be. Then he considers which format and style would work best to convey his message. In the same way, God considers how your unique life and gifts can best make a positive impact on the world.
Then God prepares opportunities for you, practical ways you can put his love into action.
However, unlike a literary masterpiece, a living-breathing poem can choose to edit itself. You have the freedom to use these God-given opportunities or to ignore them. What you do, or choose not to do, does not affect your eternal destiny. The more consistently you choose to obey the way God leads you, the deeper your own faith and sense of purpose in this life will be ~and the more beautiful and effectual a poem you will become.
Selah people' and friends your own effort and creativity play a part in determining the exact nature of the good things you'll do. God's Spirit working through you as you act is what makes your good works great.
"Peace be with us as we continue to share the good works of Christ."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston (PreacherPatrick)