Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Thank-You Note to God

Have you been given a "Thank-you" gift?

Today's Scripture:
Since God has shown us great mercy, I beg you to offer your lives as a living sacrifice to him. Your offering must be only for God and pleasing him, which is the spiritual way for you to worship.

Romans 12:1

When it comes to worship, who you are matters more than what you do. If you are someone who deeply loves God and wants to live a life that gives him joy, everything you do can be a form of worship.

From singing songs of praise to washing dishes or helping out a friend, every moment of your life becomes a thank-you gift to God.

Giving these simple gifts or offerings comes naturally when you give God one big gift each day - the gift of your life. In the Old Testament, people gave God their first fruits.

This was a thank-you gift given to God in return for all he'd given them. They'd give the first and best portion of produce they'd harvested, riches they'd received, or the best animals from their flocks. After Jesus sacrificed his life for others, God asked people to follow his Son's example by presenting him with the gift of themselves. You don't have to die to give this gift. All you have to do is ask God to help you devote your body, mind, and heart to becoming who he wants you to be. That's how you turn an ordinary life into a dynamic living sacrifice.

To worship God simply means to declare him worthy of the honor you are giving him. When you give God your life, you are honoring him with the very best of what he has given you, your ultimate first fruits.

Selah people' and friends worship is not just a gift to God, but it is also a gift to yourself. It helps you see things more clearly from his point of view while enjoying a deeper sense of his presence in your life.

"Praise and thanks goes to God whom gives us life and breath to serve Him and others."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherParick)