Friday, October 31, 2008

Your Treasure Defines Your Heart...

Today's Scripture:

Wherever your treasure is, there your heart and thoughts will also be.

Matthew 6:21

Have you thought about what you treasure the most? It could be chatting with friends on the phone or on-line, shopping, skateboarding or playing some other sport or if your a parent like me it could be your children and your spouse that you view as your most valuable things on earth. You will protect whatever you treasure the most. For instance, if you treasure time with friends, you will arrange your schedule so that you can spend the most time possible with them. Matthew 6:21 states a simple yet life changing truth.
What you treasure or love the most will control your thoughts and your heart. Treasuring something good is okay, but even too much of a good thing can be bad if it interferes with your relationships with others or your relationship with God. For example, serving others is good, but if you schedule so many service projects that you never see your family, serving may end up being a bad thing.

From your thoughts and your heart come your decisions, your interactions with others, and your relationship with God.

Whatever is most important in life will ultimately take priority in your thoughts and your heart come your decisions, your interactions with others, and your relationship with God, so it's critical to make sure you know what you treasure. Not all treasure is good. For example, some people treasure negative things such as pornography, alcohol, drugs, or sex. Treasuring any of these is dangerous to your mental, spiritual, and physical health.

Take a deliberate inventory of what you think about during the day, and then decide what gets to hold a place in your heart and what does not. What you treasure will define who you are, so choose your treasure wisely.

Selah people' and friends life is rich with good things to treasure like family, friends and fun stuff to do. Choose a balanced blend of these treasures that will enrich your life as we strive for spiritual growth. Both as individuals, a church and as a community of believers.

"Peace be with you and the things that you treasure as we share our faith with all we come in contact with today."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

You Will Be Tested!

Today's Scripture:

You, O God, have tested us; You have refined us as silver if refined.

Psalm 66:10

You may have taken the ACT or the SAT, but have you taken GTYF? That stands for God Testing Your Faith. Your academic tests are important-they often determine what's in your future next year. God's testing may prepare you for the rest of your life. Jesus said that you would have trials and sorrows on earth, but that you can take heart- he has overcome the world. God test you to examine your heart and make sure he has first place in your life. His kind of testing produces spiritual strength and growth.

A silversmith applies just the right amount of heat to silver to burn off the impurities. What remains is pure silver. God applies just the right amount of testing in your life to help you identify and get rid of things in your life that might compromise your character or your relationship with him.

Here is one way God might test you. You might find yourself in a situation where telling a lie is just as easy as telling the truth. By telling the truth, even when you are sure no one would know the difference if you lied, you strengthen your character. Another test might involve other people in your life. There may be a person in your life that you don't get along with, and God may be using that person to test your commitment to love others as God loves you.

God tests you to help you identify weaknesses in your life and to make you stronger.

Selah people' and friends testing is an opportunity for you to grow in your relationship with God. I look at the Phillies' and there win in the world series...they won the series in 1980 when Tug McGraw was playing and it took all these years of trials and tests and ultimately another victory. When you are tested remember to ask God to show you what he wants you to learn. I know that of these pictures of two different generations celebrating we have two other teams in the dug out who have the opportunity to learn for the test of failure. When we are tested let us not forget God is with you and will refine you.

"Peace be with you while you are in the fire, as we come out like the silver may we shine for Him."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Church Leaders Intelligence Report for 10-29-2008

Spend Time With God

Today's Scripture:
Lord, every morning you hear my voice. Every morning, I tell you what I need, and I wait for your answer.
Psalm 5:3
No doubt you have a busy life. School, friends, extracurricular activities, youth group, perhaps an after -school job or like me a couple of full time jobs and spouse and kids to keep us hopping from the time we wake up until the time we go to bed. Are you carving out any time for God each day? All that activity places a burden on you-a burden that grows a little heavier each day if you aren't careful. God wants to bear that burden for you, to release you to a life of freedom. That means giving your cares and burdens to God every day.
Starting your day by spending time with God sets a standard for your day. God becomes your first priority. Choose a quiet place and spend time with God. Some things you can choose to do during your time with God might include writing in a journal, reading your Bible, and praying. Ask God to lead you in how or what you should do during your time with him. For me it inspired me using my time to record a scripture and share some stories and thoughts via this blog. You may find as I have that having a routine is comforting, or you may enjoy doing something different each time you meet with God. I have settled in over the last two months to my time being similar and my subjects, scripture and photos being new...sometimes my location varies, such as sharing via phone or laptop at the park, college, hospital or in my car. Perhaps for you it would work better to alternate days where one day you simply sit quietly and ask God to fill your mind and the next day you actively pursue the truth God has for you.
Meeting with God at the beginning of your day will give you the chance to tell him about your hopes. It will give you some time to consider how you will serve others and God that day. You can share your needs and cares with him instead of carrying them like a heavy load all day.
Selah people' and friends set your alarm clock for fifteen minutes earlier in the morning so you make God first in your life. If morning is just manic and you are not able then, consider making preparation for the last thing you do to share with him. Make your mindset that as you lay your head down that you are sharing with him so that you will awake already with him in control. He does such great work as we sleep when we have just prayed it to him and allow him to give us the answer we seek. Talk to God about your day before it begins.
"Peace and Joy be with you as you take time out to spend with God each day."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tell Everyone...

Ring the Bell and Sing His Praises ~ God Loves You!
Today's Scripture,
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations.

Matthew 28:19

If you had the greatest news in the world, you would want to tell everyone. If someone you loved died and then came back to life, you would tell everyone who would listen about it. You wouldn't keep that kind of story to yourself. A story like that would make front-page news; it would get television news coverage for days. We would ring the bells to gather all around and proclaim what a great thing God had done!

Jesus died on a cross as payment for every person's offenses, and came back to life three days later. After Jesus died and then came back to life, he asked his followers to tell everyone in every nation about God. The way to reach a nation, a state, a community, a family or friend is one person at a time.

There are people all around you who have heard of God but don't know him personally... Do You know him?

You can tell people about God by sharing what you know about him. Offer to point out verses in Bible that explain who God is. Talk to them about how much God loves every individual. To help them understand why knowing God is so important, you could do as I like to do and describe what your life was like before you discovered God's love and how it is now that you have experienced his love. Be willing to ask them to make a decision to believe in God and allow him to lead their life. Just like the disciples, you can do your part to make sure everyone, everywhere has heard the great news about God and his love. You don't have to sell God, just share what He has done and He will do the rest.

Selah people' and friends reaching the nation with God's love can start with your own house, dorm room or apartment, your own street or community, your own school, your own group of friends. Tell someone near you about God's love and how it changed your life. As your pastor I ask you to consider accepting the gift of Jesus today if you have not already. Ring the bell and sing his praises as we rejoice in His unconditional love! Know too that you are not alone both myself and others are here to assist you as we answer the call to true Discipleship and spiritual growth.

"Peace be with you as you grab someone and tell them how much God loves them."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Selah People' ~ Be Ready!

Today's Scripture:
You also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.

Luke: 12:40

No one knows exactly when Jesus will come back to the earth. The Bible does say he will come back, but it does not give a specific date and time. With no specific date and time, you and I need to be ready all the time. We must be ready and take the plunge into the life that He would want for us today.

When Jesus wanted to make sure people remembered what he had to say, he would make his point by illustrating it in a story. To prepare his followers for his return after his death and resurrection, he told a story about a servant who waited for his master to return. When the master returned, the servant was there waiting to immediately open the door for him. Although the servant didn't know the date or time of his master's return, he was prepared at every moment to welcome his master back, whether late into the night or early in the morning.

You can prepare right now for the moment when Jesus comes back.

Make your life a place where you would feel proud to welcome Jesus.

Choose music that you would be comfortable listening to with Jesus. Talk to your friends, family and neighbors we talked about in our sermon yesterday in a way that honors them and shows love and a way that would please Jesus if he overheard the conversation. Consider how you might be affected if Jesus were right by your side as you go about your daily routine. Picture him by your side as you flip the channel or you do that google search on the Internet. Let your attitude and your choices indicate that you are ready for his return. Be ready every second of the day to say "I hope Jesus comes right now."

Selah people' and friends live your life ready! Make every moment of your life be a welcome sight in the eyes of God. Remember, we all have fallen short of his glory even your pastor. Do not lose hope repent, lift it up to him and know beyond doubt that He will forgive and you will be ready. He will be back here before you know it!

Stop by our website to check on upcoming events, check out our recent photos or listen to our sermons online:

"Peace and certainty that Jesus will return and reassurance that today we are ready. Grab someone and tell them how much you love them and how much God loves them."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

What Do You Want to Be?

We had a wonderful Selah Homecoming 2008!
Thanks for all how came to share in the Word, music, worship, food, fellowship and fun.
As we seek where we are going let us not forget from whence we came and from whom...

Today's Scripture:
We also have as our ambition, whether at home or absent, to be pleasing to him.

2 Corinthians 5:9

What do you want to be when you grow up?" If you are a young person people have been asking you that question since you were barely old enough to talk. Chances are, you answer that question differently now than you did when you were little. There's a good chance you'll have yet another answer by the time you finish high school, college and embark on a career. "What do you want to be when you grown up?" is another way of asking, "What are your ambitions?"

I can share as your pastor that for me this has happened several times along my way and continues to evolve. As a kid I was certain I would be the best Marine Corp officer ever to hit Quantico, later I felt led to law enforcement to protect and serve, then what I found as a good use of my talents a coach and an educator which evolved into being a training manager and eventually a production manager and through all that he called me to my most high call first to preach the Gospel and to pastor.

I think as far as jobs...Ambitions change, and at any one time you have many different ambitions, some of them contradictory. You might want to go to a certain college, get a certain job, marry a certain kind of person, live in a certain kind of place and attend a certain kind of church.

Paul said he had only one ambition: to be pleasing to God. Whatever other ambitions Paul might have had, they all answered to that one overruling ambition. How about you?

Sure, pleasing God is probably on your list of ambitions. But is it at the top?

Do all of your other ambitions answer to that one ambition, or are your spiritual ambitions shaped by other priorities? Put it this way: you, I and others have an ambition to succeed, and we have an ambition to please God. If success is your number one priority, you might try to please God because you hope he will bless you with success, however you define it. If pleasing God is your top priority, then that's going to shape your definition of success.

Selah people' and friends what are your ambitions? Will any of those ambitions change if pleasing God becomes your number one ambition?

"Peace and happiness be with you as you seek where God is leading you."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Light Affliction and the weight of Glory

Today's Scripture:

Our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.

2 Corinthians 4:17

Life isn't easy. Everybody faces heartache, disappointment, difficulty, pain. Think about your five closest friends. At least one of them is probably going through a breakup, parents splitting up, an addiction or sickness, or a failure. Maybe you're going through one or more of those things yourself. When you're suffering, God may seem far away. You may be tempted to quit: if God's not going to protect you from pain any better than that, what's the point?

But God never promised to shield you from hurt. He has, however, promised to give you strength to get through hard times. And more than that, he has promised a glorious future in heaven, so weighty and solid that the sufferings of this life will seem small by comparison. That can seem hard to believe when you're going through a hard time.

Nothing seems more real than pain when you're in the middle of it.

But God calls you to live by faith, to hold on to the hope of better times, not just in this life, but throughout eternity.

The cyclist Lance Armstrong said, "Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever." When you're in pain, you want to quit. But take care not to let a temporary situation lead you to quit and miss out on the forever of God's Joy. In the big scheme of things, your earthly sufferings last only for a moment. So press on.

I request you join me in prayer for three of our own whom need that lift to help them through the trials they face today. I am again at Wayne memorial today and have prayed and visited with Ruby Woodall and Blake Grantham...Ms.Ruby had surgery to remove infection in her ankle and Blake too had infection in his finger that had surgery to help. Both were in good spirits and are having to sit and wait as the wounds heal and the medications do there part. I had a call asking us all to be in prayer for Christopher Keen as he is at Chapel Hill and is again being prepped for surgery. He has been waiting for his new lungs and they are here. Keep him and family in prayer as they begin this 10 to 12 hour surgery.

Selah people' and friends remember when you're hurting, take the long view. Pain is temporary but heaven is forever.

"Peace be with you even if pain is upon you, know that tomorrow will be a new day and the God of tomorrow is the God of today and eternity."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Friday, October 24, 2008

God Will Answer

Today's scripture:
I call to you, God, and you answer me. Listen to me now, and hear what I say.

Psalm 17:6

If you have ever IM'd or sent a text or chat to a friend, you know what it is to wait and wait and wait...The person on the other end can't hear you, and there is no real way to yell or get the person's. Sure, you can capitalize every single letter in bold print and add a bunch of exclamation marks, but he or she still won't actually hear you. But there's no waiting with God. God hears you faster than a bolt of lightning, and he will answer you.
God is interested in hearing about your day, whom you like, what is bugging you, and whatever is on your heart. You never get a busy signal or a BRB or an AFK from God. He never steps away from the computer screen of your heart. He is always online for you.
FYI: Prayer can be your instant message to God. You don't have to worry about high-speed or dial-up or getting kicked off-line with God. Prayer is the connection to God that always operates on full power. You have a connection that will result in a response from God. Unlike the friend who steps away from the computer when you ask a critical question or need some real advice, God stays with you all the time. He answers every message you send him, instant or otherwise. Sometimes he will answer you with a verse in the Bible as you read scripture. Sometimes he will send someone your way to help you see God's answer. Sometimes you will get a sense of peace and a sense of knowing what needs to be done to keep that peace. The fact is, God hears you, and he answers you.
Selah people' and friends God is ready to listen to you. Send up a prayer right now; tell him all about what is on your heart. I'm reminded of the song "Have a little talk with Jesus"...Nelas Sutton and Cecil Odom used to do a wonderful harmony version of it at my home church in Dobbersville. Lift it up and send it HIS way he will respond to you.
"Peace and happiness be with you as you take it to God and allow him to help you find the answers you seek."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick) from Wayne Memorial Hospital - Goldsboro,NC

Thursday, October 23, 2008

God Knows More Than You Do

Today's Scripture: Trust the Lord with all your heart, and don't depend on your own understanding.

Proverbs 3:5

Dylan was furious. It was his sixteenth birthday, and he wanted to spend it with his friends. But his parents insisted that he spend the evening with them. Dylan pouted through dinner. The truth is, he was acting as my mom used to say "like a jerk." He didn't say a word to his parents on the way home from the restaurant. He planned to go straight into his room and close the door behind him.

What a shock when Dylan opened the front door and heard the happy shouts of his friends: "Surprise!!!" All at once he realized just how mean and wrong he had been. The only reason his parents had insisted on taking him out was so his friends could get things ready for the surprise birthday party. His parents wanted his friends to be there to see him get the keys to his first car. Dylan was almost too ashamed of himself to enjoy it.

Like Dylan, sometimes you and I can't see the whole picture. If you lean on your own understanding, you're going to come to some wrong conclusions. But God does see the big picture. He's got the whole world in his hands. He knows what's best for you. More than that, he desires whats best for you and is able to make it happen, even if that means directing you through things that aren't much fun at the time.

The experiences that leave you wanting to grumble and pout are leading you toward the happy surprise of God's good purposes for your life.

Yesterday during my dinner break away from the state fair I stop by the hospital to visit with my friends Christopher and Pete Keen. As I shared the experiences of the day and details of the fair they shared it had been some time since they were last able to go to the State Fair. While I road back to work with my crew I thought how on the ride over I felt a little tired and had my grumble going pretty good in my mind. Like Dylan, I too needed to be reminded of how good God can be in those opportunities of life. I thank my two brothers in Christ for helping me remember my blessings.

Selah people' and friends are you grumbling, what about? What aspect of your life does God seem to have forgotten about? Give it to God, and trust him. He know more than you do!

"Peace be with you and yours as you face what God has for you to face today, remember He knows what He is doing."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

When All Else Fails

Pickle booth at NC State fair 2008

Today's Scripture:
My body and my mind may become weak, but God is my strength. He is mine forever.

Psalm 73:23

I stand here typing at the NC State Fair as I've heard the story of D.J. age 17 and has Type 1 diabetes. For the rest of his life he must have medication to stay alive. There's nothing fun about poking your finger several times a day with a needle to check your blood sugar levels. D.J's fingers are important to him as he plays guitar. Worship or rock, the music he plays and the lyrics he sings reflect his passion for God.

The writer of Psalm 73 also had a passion for God. It seemed to matter how hard he tried to do things right, everything kept going wrong. It was if other people, who didn't know God, ended up better off than he was. D.J...struggled with the same issue when he first got sick. Why was his body weak? After all, he was a good kid who loved God. But eventually D.J. realized what the psalmist realized: even in weakness God is his Rock. Even though the people who don't honor God may appear to be healthier or wealthier, there will come a day when knowing God is more valuable.

In Psalm 73:6 the Hebrew word for strength is a form of the word Rock. Strength is defined as the rock of God.

Bad stuff happens in life, and not just when you've done something wrong. This side of heaven, may never know why God has put certain challenges in your life. But whenAdd Image you are weak, God is strong.

Selah people' and friends when things go wrong in your life, God still loves you. His love is a fact, not a feeling, which will never fall apart. His Love is Rock solid.

"Peace be with you as you grow in your faith."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Send me Lord!!!

The fields are ready for the harvest...Will you go with me?
Today's Scripture:
I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: "Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?" Then I said, "Here am I! Send me."

When you have some good news-a big sale at the mall or sporting goods store, a new band you've discovered, a big win for your favorite team - you don't hesitate to tell people. Are your just as eager to tell people the news that God loves them and has a plan for their lives? When God asked the prophet Isaiah to go and tell people about the God who loved them, Isaiah realized his job wouldn't be easy. It would require sacrifice and make him unpopular at times. Nevertheless, Isaiah said yes to God.

God asks you to go and tell other people about him. You may not have to go far, possibly just walk into your own living room to tell someone in your family about God. You may get the opportunity to tell a friend at school or work about God. Telling others about God doesn't involve only words. Sure, talking about God is a great way to let others know about him. But you can also let others know about God by your actions. You can share God's message by lending a hand in your own city. You might go to a food bank and help unload donated food for the poor people in your city. You may do as some of our own youth at Selah take on a mission of "suitcases for kids", gather small bags with essential items like a toothbrush, blanket or stuffed animal so that another child regardless of a poor situation will have something to comfort them in the times of distress. You may even be challenged to go on a mission trip to another country and immerse yourself in service to others.

If you respond to God and say, "Send Me Lord," God will go with you.

God will go with you. God will be there when you talk to your family and friends and when you work in and for your community. God will be along for the ride if you decide to go on a mission trip. Your willingness to put God's plans for your life before your own is the response God will be looking for. Come January it will be six years that I have been serving as pastor of Selah and when I came I knew that I was on a mission for him. Since then he has shown me so much and helped me grow into being a pastor and my wife Jennifer into a wonderful pastor's wife. What has He planned for you?

Selah people' and friends start planning a way to put your belief in God into action. Include in your action plan a list of people in your life right now who might not know about God's love.

"Peace be with you as on mediate and think about all it is God has planned for you. Know that if you are willing to serve He will do great things with your answering His call."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Dream Big...

Today's Scripture:

God can do anything! ...:Your are blessed because you believed that what the Lord said to you would really happen.

Luke 1: 37,45

"Nothing is impossible for God" were the words spoken to a young girl named Mary by an angel sent from God. What the angel told Mary seemed impossible and beyond here wildest dreams, but it happened. Mary - a teenager, engaged but not married, a virgin bride-to-be - became the mother of the Son of God. Her mind told her it was impossible, but the baby moving insider her was a constant reminder that with God nothing is impossible. God made the impossible possible.

The surprising way God chose to bring his Son, Jesus, into the world stands as a reminder to you and I that nothing is beyond God's abilities. Nothing is beyond God's imagination and vision. God can pull substance from nothing. God can transform something dull and nondescript to something spectacular. God uses ordinary people to do the unbelievable. God made it possible for three believers to survive walking around in a fiery furnace. God made it possible for Daniel to be lowered into a pit of hungry lions but not be eaten alive. God made it possible for Noah to build a boat and coax a pair of every animal on earth to go inside. God made it possible for Jesus to raise his friend Lazarus from the dead. God's skills are limitless.

The list of possibilities for who you can be, what God can do to heal and strengthen you, what you can accomplish, or where you can go has no limits and will never end. I've seen this first hand in my own life and in others who have been healed or even in our youth at Selah who have travelled to places (Atlanta, Los Angeles, New York, Baltimore) they never thought possible. That's what is so great about knowing God and being in a relationship with him - it makes your world a lot bigger.

Selah people' and ready to take part in God's grand design. I ask you to join me in special prayer for a special young man Christoper Keen. We had a call early this morning that some lungs that he needs were available but we found out later that it was not time yet and that they would not do. Chris has a call to minister and has been studying and taking classes in that direction. I see him fulfilling his call where he is at UNC hospital as he touches all who come in contact with him. May we be reminded by God's word that "Impossible" means nothing to God. Do you have the faith to see God's reality? Chris shared with me for him that either way for him it is a Win-Win. How about you today? Can you dream big and know that with God will will "Win" every time?

Stop by our website at ...Cathy has taken some great pictures of "Family Fun Day" and Denny had the upload to our Events page for all of us to enjoy. Also, if you missed our sermon yesterday there is link to either listen or download.

"Peace and his Blessing be upon you as you dream big!"

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Where Is God?

Home on the farm I enjoy a ride on our John Deere...I feel God here!
Today's Scripture:
After the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.

1 Kings 19:12

When you're surfing the Web, have you ever noticed that the blinkies, brightest, most obnoxiously animated banner ads are usually the ones that direct you to the most worthless Web sites? Have you ever noticed that the guy who yells the loudest on the television ads is the guy who's trying to sell you something you don't need? When God spoke to Elijah, he didn't speak in the earthquake or the fire. He spoke to him in a small voice~not the kind of voice that forces you to hear, but the kind of voice you have to be listening for. As I rode today down our farm road with the fall air hitting me in the face I could hear his voice upon the wind. It is one of those things that if you are too busy you will miss it.

If God doesn't speak loudly, it would be good to set aside a quiet time to hear him. God's voice is understanding and knowledge that come from reading the Bible and from praying. It's a sense of assurance that comes from spending time with God.

You know God is speaking when you get a kind of peace that is out of the ordinary and beyond the realities of whatever is happening around you.

Someday God may choose to speak to you in a voice as loud as an earthquake. You may as I shared last night, to the group gathered at Selah's Family Fun day sing see Him as brightly as a burning fire. Perhaps he already has spoken to you that clearly. That's not how he usually speaks, however. The life of consistent faith requires that you sit still long enough to hear God whisper.

Selah people' and friends find a quiet time and place to read your Bible and pray and spend time in devotion to Him. Ask God to teach you to hear his voice; as you take the time to listen you will learn to hear God's voice. It may be in a still place in the middle of a big city, on a college campus or your school or even on a country farm road in our own rural Grantham, NC. Listen up and be ready to answer His call!

Be sure to stop by our Selah Church Website at check out our photos from Family Fun day under our events page and also if you've been away or just need a sermon you can listen or download there as well.

"Peace and love be with you as you share His love with others and listen for God's voice."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Not Seeing Is Believing

Do you see us passing by summer? I believe Fall is upon us...

Today's Scripture:
Then Jesus told him, You believe because you see me. Those who believe without seeing me will be truly happy.

John 20:29

Today as I travel to visit UNC to visit with Chris Keen I still see flowers but also the leaves on the trees have changed color.

Christians believe in the existence of something that can't be seen. You already believe in the existence of at least one thing you can't see. You believe there is air without seeing it. If you didn't believe it was available you would live in panic, wondering where your next breath was coming from.

A blind man in the Bible could not see Jesus, but he went to him to be healed. He heard that Jesus was healing people, and the blind man wanted to see. After Jesus died and came back to life, his disciples wanted to see him to confirm that he was really alive. One of his disciples, Thomas, would not believe anyone who told him Jesus was alive. Thomas did not believe Jesus had risen from the dead until he placed his hand into Jesus's side where the spear had pierced him. The blind man believed in Jesus even though he couldn't see him.

The blind man listened to the stories about Jesus. He gathered all the information he could and then went to where Jesus was. He asked Jesus to heal him. The blind man accepted that Jesus was who he said he was, the Savior and the Son of God, and that he had the power to heal.

Faith is accepting the truth found in the Bible. The Bible will provide the truth you need about Jesus and about God. If you believe it, accept it, and live your life as though you beieve it, that my friends is faith.

Selah people' and friends seeing may be believing, but are you ready to believe in something that you haven't seen? When it comes to th Christian faith, believing is seeing!

"Peace be with you as others see your faith as you share with others what you truly believe."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick) - mobile via phone at UNC Hospital

Friday, October 17, 2008

Earthen Vessels...God's Hidden Treasure!

Today's Scripture:
We have this treasure from God, but we are like clay jars that hold the treasure. This shows that the great power is from God, not from us.

2 Corinthians 4:7

You might have seen one of those action-adventure movies where everybody spends the whole movie looking for a hidden map or a hidden jewel or a hidden key, only to discover in the end that it is a clay flowerpot or a beat-up old chest in the attic the whole time. My father-in-law Rufus always figures them out quickly from his many life experiences. The treasure is hidden in the most unlikely of places - not in a satin-lined padded case with titanium locks and armed guards, but in plain sight, where nobody would think to look.

God is clever like that. He hides the treasure of his gospel in the most unlikely places; in normal people just like you and I. When God became a human being, he became a lowly carpenter's son, not a greatly earthly king. When he gathered up disciples, he recruited fisherman and laborers, not the rich and powerful. And he's still doing the same today. Sure, there are rich and powerful people in the kingdom of God. But they are outnumbered by the regular people just like us - jars of clay in which the greatest of all treasures is hidden.

You may feel like nobody special ~ painfully average. You may be hoping just to get up to the level of average. That doesn't disqualify you from serving God. Average people are God's specialty.

Or to put it another way, there's nothing average about people.

Selah people' and friends God isn't looking for people who have it all figured out. If such people actually existed, why would they need God? No, God is looking for people like you and I.

Let go of self-pity. God hides his greatest treasure in clay pots like you, not in fancy treasure chests.

"God's Peace be with you as His perfect vessel to carry the gospel to those in need."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Lead by example...Be Known by Your Love

Today Scripture:
All people will know that you are my followers if you love each other.
John 13:35
In the Old Testament, the people of God followed laws designed to help them be holy and to set them apart from other religions. There were laws for every aspect of life to ensure that people were doing their best to live a holy and separate life. These requirements failed to keep God's people separate. They lost their meaning and became routine. Jesus gave a new law or command that summed up the Old Testament law: love others. Your friends and family will know you are a follower of God by how you love people.
Scientific research suggest that every human being requires love, but you don't need scientists to tell you that. The evidence is up and down the hallways of your school or work. People display their need for love in a variety of ways, from clothes that stand out the often inappropriate displays of public affection. Anyone with an authentic love for other people will get noticed.
Loving others will set you apart far more than any Christian symbol, jewelry, or T-shirt you can wear.
Love isn't something you talk about; it's something you do when you treat everyone equally. Real love happens when you take time to listen to someone who is hurting. Being a good listener and offering to pray with someone about a problem shows love too. Love others in the same unrestricted way God loves you, and leave no doubt about your relationship with God.
Selah people' and friends when you lead the way and love people without any conditions or exceptions, people will notice. Let love for others by your ID.
"Peace and Love be with you this day and always as you share Christ with others."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Honesty Counts...

Today's Scripture:
Whoever can be trusted with a little can also be trusted with a lot, and whoever is dishonest with a little is dishonest with a lot.

Luke 16:10

It's pouring down rain, and you are late to school. The cashier at the fast-food drive-up window gives you an extra dollar in change. Parking your car and running the dollar back to the cashier is an example of being honest in the little things. After school, another friend has a new CD you want, but can't afford. Your friend offers to burn you a copy, but you decline, even though you know you probably would never get caught or arrested for it.

You could rationalize burning a copy of your friend's new CD by committing to buy a copy when you have the money. The bottom line is that burning CDs is against the law no matter how you rationalize it.

Daily life presents situations where you will have to decide, not only whether or not to be honest, but how honest.

Do you take the gold bracelet you found to the lost-and-found? Of course! Do you pocket the cash you found in the anytime teller? No way!

The standard of honesty you set for your life will be noticed by others. At the same time, God will trust you with greater responsibilities and opportunities for sharing with others. Not burning that CD you really wanted may be the first step in getting a friend interested in what it means to be a Christian.

Selah people' and friends if you want people to listen to what you have to say about God, you have to prove yourself believable and trustworthy in all areas of your life.

"Peace be with you as you face yourself and rededicated yourself and your actions to being truly honest with God. Share his love with someone else today!"

Your pastor,

Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick)

Weekly Church Leaders Report Newsletter 10-15-08

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Pray with a Friend...

Today's Scripture:

If two of you on earth agree about something and pray for it, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.

Matthew 18:19

Jesus knew the end of his time on earth was near. With time running out there were a few important things he wanted the disciples to know and to understand without a doubt. The disciples had witnessed many miracles. They were there when a blind man was healed and made to see again. They were the ones who brought Jesus the five loaves of bread and five fish that fed more than five thousand people. It was important for the disciples to understand that the power of healing and the miracle of the loaves and fishes came from God, who is always present. God's power would not disappear when Jesus returned to heaven.

It is important for you, too, to understand this concept. What you and your friends agree on in prayer will carry the authority of God. God's authority can defeat poverty, drugs, and gangs. It can bring healing and change in the lives of people at your school, your work, you city, and in your community however big or small.

There is strength in numbers, especially when a number of Christians choose to pray together.

Sharing your prayers with another person is different from praying to God by yourself. By praying with a friend or a group of friends, you gain one another's strength and resolve.

Praying with friends reinforces your belief that god will answer you when you pray. Praying together also unifies you and your friends. As a unified group of believers, you and your friends will be more effective at sharing God's love.

Selah people' and friends when you come together to pray, it is like a holy army protecting your school, your work, your neighborhood, and your family. Contact some friends today call them, text or email them and plan to pray together united. Lift a burden up or the names on our prayer list or yours' and join the power of praying in numbers to our mighty Lord and Savior.

"Peace be with you and you choose to unite and pray with a friend. Remember you are not alone and we are called share our faith as well as His Hope!"

Your pastor,

Rev Muston(PreacherPatrick)

Monday, October 13, 2008

All for Nothing...Selling Out?

Don't be a "sellout" true to your faith, be true to Christ!

Today's Scripture:

It is worth nothing for them to have the whole world if they lose their souls.

Mark 8:36

Jesus predicted the hardships his followers would face as a result of his death. He tried to impress on his followers the irreplaceable value of knowing, for sure, for themselves, that Jesus is the Son of God.

Jesus was keenly aware of all the things that would tempt his followers to deny their belief in him.

They would confront ridicule and the fear of being tortured for their beliefs. They would grow tired of serving others. They would rationalize holding on to the things they wanted. They would risk destroying their relationship with God.

The term is selling out. When the stakes get too high or the pressure gets too great or the money gets big, the temptation to sell out is there. Selling out is deliberately putting aside your core values and beliefs in exchange for something that seems more desirable.

Selah people' and friends there are at least two common situations that will bait you into selling out. The first one occurs when you feel the pressure to fit in, blend in, and not stand out. No one likes being pegged as weird or different. The second involves money or fame. The desire for a chance at big money or a large amount of personal attention could cause you to set aside or reorder your priorities. In both situations you could be tempted to downplay your beliefs or even compromise them. Remember, there isn't one single thing in this world that would ever be worth sacrificing God's lifelong love for you.

Don't be a sellout. Don't trade the riches of God's kingdom for the cheap pleasures of earth. If you're thinking to yourself...Preacher, I've got time for that later or I'm not sure what you are saying is true I plead with you not to wait or hold out your commitment another day for we are not promised tomorrow. If you sellout today and the your time on earth comes to a close where will spend eternity? I'd love to know that you and I will see each other again in heaven.

"God's Peace I leave with you as you digest his word, share his Love for you with another as we grow in Christ."

Be sure to check out and if you would like to listen to our sermon from this week or from our archive you can find a link there or click below:

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Go Against the grain...

Today's Scripture:
Do not change yourselves to be like the people of this world, but be changed within by a new way of thinking. Then you will be able to decide what God wants for you; you will know what is good and pleasing to him and what is perfect.

Romans 12:2

Once you identify yourself as someone who follows God, your life should undergo a change. Your mind will start to think about things from God's perspective. Paul suggested to the Christians in Rome that they look to God and not their culture for guidance about how they should live. In his letter, Paul encouraged the Christians in Rome to live differently because of their beliefs.

I right these words as we prepare to go see the Judgement House presentation on the making the choice of Heaven or Hell. This year the story is of two brothers John and Jeff. Once choses Christ as savior and the other would rather just rock and roll and have a good time. For Jeff he waits too long to make the choice and misses out on heaven.

Which TV shows should you watch? Should you or shouldn't you see a PG-13 or an R-rated movie? What kind of music should we listen to? How should you treat people?

Many things are popularly accepted that may or may not be in line with what the Bible says; reading your Bible and praying will help you decide, based on God's principles, what you should do.

You wll face descision's that are not always black and white. Paul's words are there for you today. Like the Christians in Rome, hold yourself to God's standards. Your choices might not match the popular majority; you might have to miss out on certain movies or concerts because you what you would see or hear would not be pleasing to God. You will feel peace when you choose to do things according to God's standard.

Selah people' and friends go against the grain by questioning what is commony acceptable and by making choices that reflect biblical principals. Live out your beliefs and let your light shine. Stand firmly for what God shows you to be the right thing for you.

"Peace be with you and remeber as we say each Sunday at Selah...Grab someone, give them a hug and tell that God loves them."

Your pastor,
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick) by mobile - at Judgement House ~ Mark the day: 10-12-08

Saturday, October 11, 2008

God's Word Can Do It...

Today's Scripture:
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.

2 Timothy 3:16

The words in the Bible may have been written by the hands of men like Moses, Paul, Peter, and Jeremiah, but the words came from God. God is the author of the Bible. In the Bible, you will read about the individual people, history, nations, kings, disaster, and triumph. God used all these things to reveal his plan for the world and for your life. The words in the Bible are from God to you and to me. As Paul told Timothy, the Scriptures equip you for every kind of situation where God places you.

You can count on the Scripture to be your guide as you make decisions.

The words will direct you to make positive changes in your life. The Bible will become your manual for worship, for relationships, and for life. As a follower of God you will be empowered by the Holy Spirit to read, study, and learn the Bible in a way you never thought possible. The Bible is the ultimate guide and inspiration for anything you want to accomplish and everything you need to understand. Search the Bible, and you will find great advice and tips for every aspect of your life.

Because the words in the Bible come from God, you can trust what you read and learn from it.

Paul warned Timothy of a time to come in the future when the validity of the Scripture would come into question. Paul wanted Timothy to know that the Scripture was not only valid and true, but that it also would be of value in every age to come. It is the first and last word of truth from God in all circumstances.

Selah people' and friends what are you basing your decisions on? If you're basing them on anything other than the Word of God, you're asking for trouble.

"Peace be with you as you seek God's word and know in your heart and mind that His word can do it!"

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Friday, October 10, 2008

He Can Use Your Weakness

Today's Scripture:
Jesus said to me, "My grace is enough for you. When you are weak, my power is made perfect in you." So I am very happy to brag about my weaknesses. Then Christ's power can live in me.

2 Corinthians 12:9

Paul discovered the secret to dealing with the unpleasant things in life. He decided to treat his weakness and difficulties as a gift from God. He could do this because he realized the weaker he became, the more he had to depend on God's strength. Paul asked God to take away his weakness, but God chose to leave it. Paul's weakness strengthened his relationship with God. God did not take Paul's difficulties away; God helped Paul deal with them.

Difficulties and challenges are a good thing; they are opportunities to allow God to do things he wouldn't otherwise do. You may face difficulties in your life that you wish God would just take away. God may supply what you need to make it through your difficulties rather than remove them.

For example, a father will take his child to the doctor and allow that child to be given what appears to the child as a big, painful shot. A child will not understand why his father allowed someone to hurt him until he is older and realizes that shots can make you well or keep you from getting sick. My son Luke has a saying when these life moments happen and he shouts "you're mean!" My daughter Maddie and and her good friend Sarah train at Goldsboro Elite...both these girls are pushed by their coaches John and Carlos to physically do things they can't do. It not only conditions them physically but also mentally and shows them they can do so much more than they every thought if they are pushed and encouraged. Remember God sees beyond your moment of suffering and beyond what we see as our limitations.

When you ask for God's help, you gain the chance to see all things he can do. Take your difficulties and weaknesses to God in prayer. Ask him to use them in a way that reveals his strength and greatness.

Selah people' and friends you may think of your point of weakness as the last place where God can work through your life. Have you ever considered the possibility that it might be the precise spot where God plans to work? Commit even your weaknesses and failures to God's good work.

"Peace, Love and Happiness be yours when you commit all of yourself, even your weaknesses to Christ. Grab someone today and tell them just how much God loves us!"

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Worship God...

Morning ride...Worship?

Today's Scripture:
They traded the truth of God for a lie. They worshiped and served what had been created instead of the God who created those things, who should be praised forever.

Romans 1:25

On my ride in this morning I was reflecting on our worship. Worship is your reverance, your honor toward something. Worship is committing your life to whatever you love the most. Worship is more than a good church service or uplifting music. Worship is a lifestyle that reflects with honor the One you love the most.

Paul, the writer of Romans, retold the tragedy of what happend in the Old Testament when Christians became frustrated or impatient with God. If God didn't do what they thought he should, they found other things to worship. As a result, they drifted away from God. They became consumed by their own selfish desires. Paul warned the Christians in Rome and I remind you today to worship God and not thngs God created for them and for us.

The Bible tells about all kinds of ways people worshiped God. Worship in Bible times included Scripture reading, music, teaching, dancing, extended periods of silence, and prayer. Praise music and friends all around can enhance a worship experience, but worship is more than experience. Worship is your response to God's power and grace and love. If you truly love God, your worship of him will overflow into your daily life. Your words and your actions will become a form of worship to God.

You can choose to make the most ordinary tasks in your day an act of worship by doing them with excellence, beyond not only others but your own expectations.

Selah people' and friends Worship God while you brush your teeth in the morning; teeth are a gift from God. If you have no teeth thank him for the gums he gave. You get the idea... Worship God when you lay your head on your pillow tonight; thank him for another day.

"God's Peace, grace and love be with you today as you once again choose to Worship God!"

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Challenge of Scripture

Today's Scripture:
God's word is alive and working and is sharper than a double-edged sword. It cuts all the way into us, where the soul and the spirit are joined, to the center of our joints and bones. And it judges the thoughts and feelings in our hearts.

Hebrews 4:12

You are blessed to live in a time when worship leaders, youth pastors, musicians, and authors are working hard to make the Bible relevant to people young and old. Even our own Christian Church Disciples of Christ in NC continue to update the website for our denomination, all in attempt to keep us up-to-date. Contemporarary worship services, projection screens, youth sermons, Christian music, and daily blogs by your pastor all try to put the truths of the gospel in terms that make sense to people like you and me.

But it's important to remember that in the end, human beings don't make God relevant. God makes human beings relevant. Your leaders may conform the message to your lifestyle and interest, but ultimately the point is that your lifestyle and interests need to conform to the message. It's a matter of proper alignment of you in relations to God.

The Bible isn't a dead document. It's alive, and it makes you alive.

As I type this blog from the campus of Barton College I reflect on how the Bible cuts through all the protective layers that you and I hide beneath and how It hits us exactly where we live. It deals with us at the very center of your being and says, in effect, "Here. This is how you are to live. This is what pleases God. This is what will make you happy and fulfilled."

Life is tricky and very complicated. The good life is not the sort of thing you can figure out on your own. But living Scripture gives you a standard to pattern your life after. Do you want to be totally alive, totally relevant? Look to the Bible be it in traditional form as a book, on your phone, PDA, computer or laptop. The word is alive and well!

Selah people' and friends are you living your life on the surface, or all the way down to the bones and marrow? The Bible challenges you in your deepest self.

Stop by our church website to check on our upcoming events, prayer list and online sermons:

"Peace and the love of God be with you and be sure to grab someone today and tell them that God loves them."

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Church Intelligence Report for 10-08-2008

Click the link below to go to this weeks newsletter directed a leaders and all Christians to keep you informed on current events.

In Christ service,
Rev Patrick Muston

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Don't Stop!

Today's Scripture:

Let us run the race that is before us and never give up. We should remove from our lives anything that would get in the way and the sin that so easily holds us back.

Hebrews 12:1

In addition to the athletes on a track or other competitive team there is a coach. The coach evaluates the condition of each athlete's form and physical condition. He is responsible for helping the athlete improve his race performance, which includes disciplining and correcting the athlete. The author of Hebrews suggests that you look at your relationship with God from the perspective of a runner in a race with God as your coach.

Like the runner in a race, set your sights on the finish line, which in your case is the end of your life on earth. Set a training schedule that includes spiritual discipline. Prayer and worship are two spiritual disciplines you may be familiar with. Fasting is also a spiritual discipline you may have heard of; fasting is the decision to give up something that is important to you for a set period of time in order to focus on God. For instance, you could give up your favorite TV program for a week or month and use that time to do a Bible study.

If your goal is to stay on track with your relationship to God, then be like the runner and do not let anything distract you from getting to the finish line. Take the time to figure out what might get you off track in your relationship with God. Get rid of the things that tear down your relationship with him, and allow only those thing that build it up.

Stick to a good training schedule, and above all, listen to your coach ~ God!

Selah people' and friends if you aren't in training, you can't hope to be much of a racer. My wife Jennifer and I have rededicated ourselves recently not just to better quality time with God and each other. Join us as we allow him to coach us to better in all areas of our relationship and our lives, be it housekeeping, yard keeping and yes our taking our physical condition to a higher level along with our spiritual connection with Him. Get serious about seeking God; keep your eyes on the true prize Jesus, and the finish line.

"God's peace be with you on this journey to spiritual growth!"

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Do the Good Thing

Today's Scripture:

Even if you have to suffer for doing good things, God will bless you. So stop being afraid and don't worry about what people might do.

1 Peter 3:14

You've heard of Christians in other countries who go through great danger for the sake of the gospel. Worship services are interrupted by gun-wielding militants. Christians are threatened with death if they don't renounce their faith. Christians are denied jobs and other opportunities simply because they're Christians. How about you? Have you ever suffered because someone was making fun of the gospel?

In this country, persecution is much more subtle than a machine gun.

Probably nobody's ever threatened you and demanded that you renounce your faith.

But you have, no doubt, been in situations where you're tempted to deny Christ by going along with the group, by pretending your faith was unimportant to you for the sake of fitting in. Maybe you've missed a starting position because you wouldn't skip church for a Sunday practice or game. This sort of unfairness is sometimes subtle, and many times people don't even realize when they've put you in a sticky situation, but the principle is the same: you have to decide whether or not to deny Christ and go the way of the world.

The Bible promises that if you suffer for doing good, God will bless you. If you're trading in your consistent walk for the sake of popularity or a starting spot on the team or better position at work, you're missing out on God's blessing. You've got nothing to fear from other people. Do you really fear other people's dissapproval more than you fear God's? Would you really prefer to live a life of cowardice rather than a life of blessing?

Selah people' and friends there are many worse things than being persecuted ~ whether intentionally or unintentionally ~ for your faith. Don't fear what people can do to you. You and I have God on our side.

"God's unending Peace and Joy be with you as we face critisism, not alone but with our Savior Jesus Christ who is with us all the way"

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Good Fruit...

Today's Scripture:

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.

Galatians 5:22-23

You might know Christians who are uptight and judgmental, or Christians who give the impression that following Jesus must not be very much fun. Maybe you're one of them. When the Holy Spirit enters a person's life, that person begins to bear a new kind of fruit. And it isn't the fruit of self-righteousness or a gloomy determination to "stick to the rules." No, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
To walk in the Spirit is to be set apart, distinct. Your are distinguished by a loving spirit; you can afford to love others because you're beginning to know how much God loves you. You are distinguished by a greater joy and fulfillment than the people around you. When you are set apart, you begin to take the world less seriously than everyone around you because, in the end, you take something else much more seriously that the world. And that means you can be patient with the short comings of the people around you, you can be kind and good and gentle rather than looking out for number one. Because you know there's much more to life than self-gratification, you can be self-controlled rather than self-indulgent.
But don't expect to do any of that in your own strength. This is the fruit of the Spirit, not the fruit of human beings. Only the Spirit can cause you to bear that kind of fruit.
Selah people' and friends what kind of fruit are you bearing? If the fruit of the Spirit doesn't characterize your life, you'd better reevaluate your walk.
"Peace be with you as we go into the fields as Christ servants seek to bring forth Good fruit."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Today's scripture:

Whoever loves money will never have enough money; whoever loves wealth will not be satisfied with it.

Ecclesiastes 5:10

Remember how cool your mobile phone was when you first got it? How long did it take before your decided that it wasn't cool enough and wanted to replace it with a newer model? It doesn't take long for mobile phones, gadgets, computers or clothes or cars to seem so five-minutes-ago. It's on to the newer model, or you're going to be left behind. That's the way it goes with material things. They're never good enough. Not for long, anyway. If you get the thing you think you want, you find that what you've really done is simply graduated to a desire for something a little newer, different, nicer, and for sure more expensive.
God is the fulfillment of all your desires. And he gives himself freely to you. The more you have of God, the more you want of him: in that regard, the desire for God is like other desires. The difference is that as your desire for God grows, he gladly gives you more of himself. When was the last time a new laptop or GPS gave itself freely to you? Objects are simply that ~ objects. Nothing more than just things.
When people chase after money, they are really searching for contentment. Contentment doesn't come from having more stuff, however. It comes from enjoying what you have already.
Contentment is a decision to be happy with what God has provided.
It comes from being thankful for the good things in your life. The more you appreciate what you already have, the less time you will spend trying to get more.
Selah people' and friends try starting a list of things you are thankful for. Each day write down two or three things you are grateful for. Include at least one thing money can't buy. My next birthday I will be 40 years old and when I was in high school 30 seemed to me to be an old man with old ways. I now see with clearer more experienced eyes that God has happiness for us at all ages and each age gives us many reasons to be thankful that don't involve all our gadgets but more about those around us and His unfailing love and endless grace that He shares with us.
"Peace, happiness and true satisfaction be with you as you choose today to count your many blessings and share Christ Love with someone else today."
Your pastor,
Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)

Friday, October 3, 2008

Freedom Under God

Today's Scripture:
Whoever opposes the existing authority opposes what God has ordered and anyone who does so will bring judgment on himself.

Romans 13:2

Real freedom in life is found when you understand your relationship to the people in authority. God places authority in your life; rebelling against authority is rebelling against God. It's important to clearly understand how your response to authority affects your relationship with God.

Think of the authorities God has placed in your life: parents, teachers, government authorities, police, laws, covenants, and more. God placed authority in your life to guide you, direct you, challenge you, keep you safe, make you think, and help you. If a police officer or trooper pulls you over for doing 55 mph in a 35 mph school zone and gives you a ticket that costs you $100, you may feel like the officer, the law, and the ticket are imposing restrictions on your freedom. After all, you know how to drive safely, and 55 mph is not that fast. But it is too fast in that particular situation. What would happen if in that same school zone you did not see a little girl dart across the sidewalk? At 55 mph, you might not be able to stop in time...what would that cost?

The bottom line is that when you choose evaluate which rules or requests you are going to follow and which you are not, you make yourself the authority.

You end up damaging your relationship with God and the people he placed in authority in your life. Freedom from authority has a cost - it's called consequences. When you resist God's authority, you resist the One who loves you the most.

Selah people' and friends do you respect the authorities that God has placed in your life? If not, you're rebelling against more than human authority; you're rebelling against God's authority, too.

"Peace be with you as you honor God's authority."

Stop by our church website @ !

Your pastor,

Rev Muston (PreacherPatrick)