Friday, July 31, 2009

July 31, 2009 ~ The God Who Is with You

Remember the power is not in us but in the power of God!

Today's Scripture:

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9

Joshua must have felt overwhelmed. Moses had died and left him in charge. Moses had led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, and Joshua was to lead them into the land they'd been seeking for forty years. Joshua commanded an unruly group of vagabond families, and one of the first tasks on the agenda called for them to fight their way into the land God had promised. Joshua probably thought he couldn't do it, but God gave him reassurance.

When you face seemingly endless household tasks or unruly children or a stress-filled schedule and not time, perhaps you relate to Joshua. You are expected to take hold of the promised land of living faithfully for God in an unfaithful world. You look at your schedule and the amount of work to be done, and you cry, "I can't do this."

God offers you the same reassurance he gave Joshua. You can be strong and courageous. You can be confident and worry-free. You can rest in the understanding that God will give you every step of the way- every step as you work in your home, as you run errands, as you care for others. God walks with you and infuses you with strength, courage, and confidence.

Selah people' and friends when you don't have power, God will empower you. When you don't have the strength, let God step in and give you the strength. Let him work in you and through you. He's willing to - every step of the way.

"By the power of the Holy Spirit we can accomplish our day-to-day and achieve accomplishments we never thought possible."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston

Thursday, July 30, 2009

July 30, 2009 ~ Showers of Hope and a Sunshiny Future

Is the sun shining in your life even when the rain comes?

Today's Scripture:

"I say this because I know what I am planning for you," says the Lord. "I have good plans for you, not plans to hurt you. I will give you hope and a good future."

Jeremiah 29:11

When it comes to surprise parties, it's sometimes hard to figure out who enjoys the party most - the person being honored or the person doing the planning. Scheming good things for other people can be a blast.

God shares the enjoyment of planning good things for people who love him.

Some people have shared with me that they interpret Jeremiah 29:11 to mean that when a person loves God, everything in that persons life will be perfect or well. That as we know is not necessarily true. Yes, in this verse, God promised the Israelites a great future. But before all the wonderful things happened, God knew the Israelites would be enslaved by the Babylonians for seventy years. He also knew that at the end, he would return them to their homeland and build a new nation committed to him and to his work.

Many Israelites probably wondered if their servitude would ever end. They worried that they'd die forgotten and enslaved. God assured them that he had a plan for their lives. He would carry out that design day by day. In fact, this strategy was so wonderful that every person who heard it could have hope and sense that the future would be different, better, and even beautiful.

In the Bible, God repeatedly shows care and a great love for his people. He knows each person and has mapped out a plan to grant that person ultimate joy in life and a sense of expectation about the future.

Selah people' and friends God has a plan for you, for your loved ones, for everyone who loves him. He may lead you through grim times occasionally, but he has great future full of happiness for everyone who relies on him.

"The rain in our life will come but remember God's promise for our future."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

July 29, 2009 ~ What God Did Just for You

What are you on fire for?

Today's Scripture:

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish , but have everlasting life.

John 3:16

The famous verse John 3:16 is an important one for all women. It speaks of God's love for you and of his great gift to you: eternal life.

God loves you more than you or I can imagine. He loves the whole world.

God's love is inextinguishable, eternal, personal, and life giving.

That love is yours for the taking. Just accept it at face value, and God will be pleased. God has given you more than anyone would ever expect. He might have given you money or a mansion or a handsome husband or any number of other things for your enjoyment. But what he gave - His Son - encompasses all those things. God gave everything for you.

God made it as simple as possible to come to know him. What does he ask of you? Faith. Simply believe in his Son. Believe that what God says is true. That's it. Nothing more is needed. There is very little in life that is simpler or easier than that. God has made it uncomplicated and always available; he wants everyone to accept his gift. Anyone willing to accept and believe in Jesus gains all of God's blessings. God gave the greatest gift possible: eternal life, and that includes everything else in life-love, joy, peace, a home in heaven, friends. He has held nothing back.

Selah people' and friends you obtain all these grand blessings by faith, as the verse says. It remains a great promise to women of all ages and places. Simply by believing in Jesus, you can gain the greatest blessings God has to offer.

"Join me today in reigniting the fire that burns from within to love God and believe in His Son. Remember that once He lights that fire it can never be extinguished!"

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

July 28, 2009 ~ Quiet amid Chaos

Do you have place to get away from your chaos?

Today's Scripture:

Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!

Psalm 46:10

Three words can aptly describe the average woman and perhaps fellows like myself today: busy,busy, busy. For the average woman she hurries from one project or need to another, taking care of others and balancing demands. Studies show that not only is the average woman busy from the time she gets up to the time she goes to be, but she also is reducing her sleep time because she has too much to do.

It is tough for many women to slow down for anything - yes even God. This not only affects a woman's physical life, but also her spiritual life.

It is important for women to be still and know God for a couple of reasons.

In taking time to be with God, a woman builds her relationship with him. As she focuses on God, she remembers how vast God is. She thinks about God knowing everything, being everywhere, and being the focus of the universe. That puts here life into perspective as she sees the big picture of God and takes the focus off her own limited world. Perhaps most important, when a woman is still, she is refreshed spiritually and gains a new sense of how important she is to God. As a woman is still before God, she hears his voice ~ His loving , supportive, reassuring voice.

Selah people' and friends slow down. Avoid being so busy with the necessities of life that you forget to nourish your soul. Take time to be still in God's vastness. Somehow everything important will get done, and you'll find fresh rest for your life.

"Take time today to step away from the Chaos we call life. If you physically do not have a special place I challenge you to close your eyes and put yourself on a soft sandy beach or atop a cool mountainside and just spend a quiet moment with God."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston

Monday, July 27, 2009

July 27, 2009 ~ Door-to-Door Wisdom

Have looked right on your own doorstep?

Today's Scripture:

Cynics look high and low for wisdom - and never find it; the open-minded find it right on their doorstep!

Proverbs 14:6

You have searched in every nook and cranny for your keys. After fifteen minutes and three people helping you, they are found right on your desk in the most obvious place. You never even thought to look on your desk. You were sure you would have noticed them before in such an obvious spot. Sometimes things are so apparent that they stare you in the face and you just overlook them.

Wisdom is required for you to be successful in leading your organization. Leaders are always seeking answers to questions and solutions to problems.

Sometimes the answers to your questions are right before you and you just do not recognize their value.

When you are searching for a new staff or employee, look at the obvious candidates within your organization. When you are trying to trim the budget, seek counsel form those with inside working knowledge of you company. More than likely, the employees know where time and product are wasted better than any outside consultant would know. Be sure to look in the obvious places for the answers and solutions to the problems you are seeking to resolve.

Sometimes you need a reminder that you can trust those around you to guide you and assist you in your leadership. By looking in the most obvious places and keeping an open mind to suggestions made by your own organization's experts, you may find that wisdom is all around you. This is not just true in secular business but in our families and in our church.

Selah people' and friends identify an issue you have been trying to resolve on your own. Ask a coworker or friend to share their expertise about the issue. Propose a change and negotiate the resolution within the organization regarding the issue.

"May we choose today to start looking in the obvious places for the help we need. Open the door and allow Christ to assist you in the tasks before you."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston ~ Via Mobile : Wayne Memorial Park

Link to our media site with this weeks sermon share at Selah Christian Church:

Sunday, July 26, 2009

July 26, 2009 ~ Unified Vision

Are you and those around you on the same page?

Today's Scripture:

Make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one heart and purpose.

Philippians 2:2
Like-mindedness brings harmony and unity to your group or organization. The more everyone in your work community embraces the values and goals of the organization, the more likely you will be successful in your endeavors. A conductor takes several different players and inspires them to work together to create one harmonious sound. Likewise, molding several differing opinions from a diverse work group is key to creating unity in an organization. Like the conductor, you begin by creating vision. Everyone in the orchestra needs to understand what the piece will sound like when it is accomplished.

Everyone in your organization needs to envision the organization's goal.

The conductor also consistently communicates the vision. After a group rehearsal, the conductor works with each section. He instructs them on how to perfect their contribution to the performance. Even within each section, some of the individual players may need specific direction or encouragement.

Finally, the conductor and leader alike compel others to embrace the vision. The players not only understand the vision, but they become part of accomplishing the vision, but they become part of accomplishing the vision. Once the players realize that their part is vital to the harmony of the piece, they understand their significance. Your responsibility is to create, communicate, and compel the vision for your organization. As the unified vision is embraced, harmony will resound.

Selah people' and friends rehearse your group or organization's vision in a simple explanation. Find new ways to make the vision fresh and compelling. Share it with others in your organization as inspiration for unity.

"Let us start a new day with the clear vision not only of our organization, but also a unified vision that Christ has for us as well."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston

Saturday, July 25, 2009

July 25, 2009 ~ Mudslinging and Whitewashing

Do you give in and believe what others tell you bad or good?

Today's Scripture:

Whitewashing bad people and throwing mud on good people are equally abhorrent to God.

Proverbs 17:15

Tabloids are known for mudslinging the celebrities. Spin doctors are known for whitewashing the is a machine that drives our society as much today as it did in Jesus time on earth. Most people in the real world of business have been guilty of one or the other themselves. But to consider them equally wrong may be a new consideration for you. Viewing the childhood treasure Bambi or perhaps you like I were taught this ethic from your parents or grandparents, we learned that "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." It is no surprise that saying bad things about good people, or any people for that matter is wrong.

Learning not to dismiss the wrongdoing of others may be harder to learn than Bambi's lesson. After all, you do not want to be the one to point out someones flaws. You definitely do not want the job of confronting the wrongdoer. Yet this proverb encourages you and I to view both mudslinging and whitewashing in the same way.

Blaming the innocent for a group's failure or overlooking the guilty even in success is wrong. Although you may not be in the position of being the whistle blower, you can at least answer questions truthfully. In a pinch, you may be asked for your opinion, and pleading the Fifth Amendment may not be an option for you.

Remember to speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but truth, and you may need God's help to do so.

Selah people' and friends monitor your own comments when others begin speaking negatively about a person or dismissing injustice in your workplace. Stand for the truth by your words and actions.

"Join me today in making a change in the way we speak and in the way that we send and receive communications about others around us not just celebrities but those in our groups of friends, families and in our community."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston ~ via Mobile

Friday, July 24, 2009

July 24, 2009 ~ Thunderous Whisper

If you listen you will here the rumbling...a thunderous whisper from heaven!

Today's Scripture:

Trust the Lord with all your heart, and don't depend on your own understanding. Remember the Lord in all you do, and he will give you success.

Proverbs 3: 5-6

Airplanes and ships do not make any sense to me. Such masses of metal staying in the air or afloat in the sea seems impossible. Yet, millions of people board them every year for business travel and long-awaited vacations. Ants and bees cannot be explained either. Their bodies should not be able to exhibit such strength. I mean come on they surely do not look like an Mixed Martial Arts champion like a Brock Lesnar, nor a former Mr. Olympia like Governor Arnold Swartzenegger - "Conan the barbarian", "The Terminator". But you probably have witnessed bees buzzing in the air and ants carrying ten times their weight.

Sometimes you cannot depend on you own understanding or how or why things work.

I myself as a scrawny quarterback can remember times where God provided me the blessing of super human strength to push up 315 lbs. on my bench press surrounded by team mates. And in critical situations allowing me to push, pull or carry three to four opponents into the end zone to enable our team to score. It is experiences like this where truth is stranger than fiction, much like a fish story when you tell others unless they could see the miracle with their own eyes they will not believe it.

You cannot figure God out either. The Bible says that God knows the number of hairs on your head. He also hears every prayer that is spoken. How he can give his full attention to each person at the same time is puzzling and beyond our human comprehension. I know just to be a pickle plant manager it can be frustrating to have someone on the phone, while responding to an email and speaking to yet another coworker via radio and then here someone over the intercom paging you to call them or come to a shutdown on a production line. Sometimes you and I just have to trust what the Bible says about God, even if we cannot understand it.

If you listen closely, you can hear a thunderous whisper from heaven urging you to trust God more than your own reasoning. You may not see how you can have a profitable year with losses you have sustained, but you can trust that God will supply what you need whether or not you earn the profits you had hoped. Maybe you do not understand how you will ever get the job of your dreams or complete that degree that you seek, but you can trust that God can give you the wisdom and connect you with the right people at the right time. Just listen to his encouraging voice. He created the bee and the ant, didn't he?

Selah people' and friends look around you for the once-impossible things that have become possible. Encourage your faith and trust in God by giving him the credit for the possibilities in life.

"May we open our ears and our heart and listen to the thunderous whisper...what is God saying to you today? Do you have faith enough to believe that he will give you all the wisdom and strength to accomplish great things? Are you not as important as the tiny ant to him?"

Your pastor & friend,

Rev Patrick Muston ~ Via mobile

Thursday, July 23, 2009

July 23, 2009 ~ 911!!!

Who do you call on in time of trouble, disaster or distress?

Today's Scripture:

The Lord said: "Surely it will be well with your remnant; surely I will cause the enemy to intercede with you in the time of adversity and in the time of affliction.

Jeremiah 15:11

Batman is sleeping in the bat cave. Superman is stuck in a phone booth. Aquaman, Wonder Woman and Spiderman cannot even be found. The movies never seem to have a problem finding rescuers for their disasters, but where is a superhero when you need one? Imagine shouting out for help when you have a financial crisis, and the Budget Buster comes with extra funds to help beef up you bank account and save the day. Maybe Captain Crisis could fly in and solve your problems when the machinery on the manufacturing line goes down at the pickle plant. That would be an awesome way to solve your problems and that sure would boost or productivity.

You can be rescued in times of crisis. Just as Batman stopped the Riddler and the Joker, God can stop your enemies in their tracks. Maybe enemy is too strong a word to use. Your business competitors or coworkers may not be trying to disable you with kryptonite. But there are people who sometimes present obstacles - either deliberately or unintentionally - in your path to success. When you have to work alongside those people for a period of time, it may feel as if you are fighting an enemy.

When you find yourself dealing with a disaster, do not distress. Never fear, help is near. You have a direct 911 line to God, not limited by cellular service or landlines. He can rescue you from your crisis even faster than a speeding bullet.

You do not need a superhero when you have God.

Selah people' and friends determine the biggest trial in your life right now. Call out for help. Then, list the ways you see God rescuing you from the trial.

"May we all shout to the one who can help regardless of our adversity or affliction...Jesus!"

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston ~ Via mobile ~ Mount Olive, NC

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

July 22, 2009 ~ Good and Ready...

What are you waiting for?
Today's Scripture:
The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks him.

Lamentations 3:25

Most people spend time waiting. You may be waiting for God to bring an answer to some situation you are facing in your job, family, or ministry. Sometimes you may find yourself waiting because you propel yourself into doing so by choices that you make like declining a promotion because of the extra schedule requirements. Sometimes you find yourself in the waiting room due to circumstances beyond your control, like impending mergers and downsizing. Waiting can be frustrating...all you folks who have little or no patience know exactly what I'm speaking.

But know that waiting is the process that occurs between a promise of something and the fulfillment of it.

Waiting rooms can be places of joyful anticipation, such as when you are waiting to hear that you got the promotion. Or they can be places of fearful apprehension, like when you are waiting to hear if your position was the one cut. In either case, during the waiting you may be flooded with many emotions of excitement, fear, or nervousness. Experiencing the feelings of waiting is part of the process of trusting God's timing.

Waiting has always been a part of a life of faith. When you trust God, you learn that God's timing is not necessarily your timing and sometimes you have to wait on Him. If you try to handle things on your own, you could be missing an opportunity to learn, grow, and be blessed. God will bring the promise to pass when he feels that you are good and ready to receive it.

Selah people' and friends dust off a dream that you shelved long ago. Make your waiting worthwhile by developing your dream in detail. When the time is right, you will be prepared to act on your plan.

"Let us put our faith into action and get off the bench. Christ is here today and the time is right."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston ~ Via Mobile - Mount Olive

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

July 21, 2009 ~ Wisdom for the Asking

In life the tests never fact our life is a test!

Today's Scripture:

Whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything. If you need wisdom - if you want to know what God wants you to do - ask him...But when you ask him, be sure that you really expect him to answer, for a doubtful mind is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind.

James 1:2-6

The remembrance of test-taking days in school send chills down most spines. Entering your professional career may not bring test reprieve. Salesman and people in food service take new product knowledge tests, and doctors , nurses and educators complete Continuing Education courses, and most other careers require some type of assessment or fitness report to ensure professional standards are being kept up to par. The tough thing about tests is that you are expected to perform on your own with no help from the instructor. It is that "Get-R-Done" attitude that demands doing whatever it takes. It is nearly impossible to remember everything that you studied, and some questions posed on the exam are difficult to interpret. Your required independence only adds to your stress.

Life also gives tests. There are times in life when you get into trouble. Sometimes your choices cause your problems for you. Often, you have no control over the problems you find yourself in. Some of us even feel at times in our life that trouble and problems seem to find us. In either case, it is challenging to be glad about problems in life.

But the thankfulness comes in passing the tests of life.

God allows difficulties to come in life to prove your faith, not only to him but to you, too.

Unlike in school and career, you can get help during life's exams. You do not have to wait until the test is over to ask for clarification or assistance. You can ask God to help you understand the lessons of life in which you are being tested. He will even give you the answers to the problems on the tests if you only ask for his wisdom.

Selah people' and friends if you have a life test, view it as an opportunity to assess your character. Identify an area in which you see marked growth or the need for more learning.

"Join me and our brothers and sisters in Christ as we continue to learn life's lessons and grow in our spiritual walk with the Lord."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston ~ Via Mobile: Westbrook Park ~ Mount Olive, NC

Monday, July 20, 2009

Selah Sermon Link..."All is well!"

Attached is a link to this week's message shared at Selah. We are working on updating our recordings so please excuse the quality. We are starting a new ministry where we will distribute Cd's of our message and a copy of our weekly bulletins and information to our shut-ins. I'm hopeful that we can use this as an opportunity to take our media up to a higher level.

Thanks to all who continue to support and pray for the many ministries at Selah Christian Church and who serve in any way to help further God's kingdom.

Warm regards...

Rev Patrick Muston

Click Link below to go to our media website to listen to sermon online:

July 20th, 2009 ~ Water Off a Duck's Back

The expression goes, “like water off a duck’s back.”

Often it’s used when talking about taking criticism. If you don’t let criticism affect you, then you’re letting it roll off your back like water rolls off a duck. I don’t have a huge problem with criticism...I mean, why would anyone want to criticize a little country preacher like me, right?

Today's Scripture:

A fool's wrath is known at once, but a prudent man covers shame.

Proverbs 12:16

People-watching is an intriguing hobby. If you want to learn about temperance, courtesy, or patience, you have only to visit a grocery store or shopping mall during a big sale like on Thanksgiving or any other holiday weekend. The roadways are filled with enraged drivers, and the long lines display many impatiently tapping feet. Sometimes you can even find a little pushing and shoving to grab that final coveted item off the shelf. But unfortunately, you do not have to wait for busy holidays to find irritated people.

Some people wear their frustration on their faces, and it resounds in their tones even at their jobs. Sometimes, you may even get caught in the cross fire (as we used to refer to ambush tactics back in ROTC training with the Rangers from Fort Bragg) of some one's dissatisfaction with a corporate policy or procedure. Try as you may, you kind smile may not be enough to ward off the sour disposition of a disenchanted coworker who has received the word from the front office.

But remember my friends you do not have to let someone else's challenge become your issue.

When you find yourself getting the brunt of another person's irritation, you can choose how to respond. You can retaliate by ignoring them or maybe even mirroring their behavior, but that reaction really only shows intemperance on your part as well. You can absorb the insult like a sponge and let its negative effect pervade your day. Or, you can simply let it roll off you like water off a duck's back. When you respond to an insult with kindness, you are proved to be the sensible person.

Selah people' and friends inquire of those around you at home, work and school. If you are soaking up the frustrations of others, make a determination to shake it off and have good day anyway.

"May we make a change in the way we handle the adversity and trials of those working with wrath. Seek His face and instead trying to absorb the insults shake em' off!"

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston ~ Via Mobile

Sunday, July 19, 2009

July 19th, 2009 ~ The Gift Registry

Some gifts we have you don't need to be on a list...

Today's Scripture:

God has given gifts to each of you from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Manage them well so that God's generosity can flow through you.

1 Peter 4:10

One of the most motivational strategies that you can implement is to contribute to others. Even though you realize that every person has been created with unique talents and gifts, many adults do not realize their own talents until someone else pinpoints them. You are in the privileged place of helping others discover their gifts and talents. Simply notice what others are good at doing or about what they are passionate, and you will discover where their talents lie. By sharing your observations with the, you may be able to provide the affirmation that they need to express themselves through their gifts and talents.

Once someone has discovered his gifts, offer a place for him to use them. If he is passionate about health, then put him in charge of the wellness campaign. If she has a knack for sending cards of encouragement, enlist her to send the company birthday cards each month. Even when teaming people together for projects, you can be careful to group them according to their giftings so that individual capabilities complement one another.

People need to see that their talents are not simply to bring them enjoyment, but to be contributed for the greater good.

Gifts and talents can be shared to bring success to others. When you strengthen the individual players of the team; you strengthen the team collectively.

Selah people' and friends be sure that you are aware of your own talents and contributing them. List your less-used talents and brainstorm some ways to contribute them in your workplace.

"Learn your talents and use them for good according to God's plan."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston

Saturday, July 18, 2009

July 18th, 2009 ~ Success by God

What is your victory lane?

Today's Scripture:

May the Lord our God show us his approval and make our efforts successful. Yes, make our efforts successful!

Psalm 90:17

Success has been defined in many ways. Earning a six figure salary may define success for you. Building your dream home may mean success. Attaining a prestigious title or degree may grant the feeling of achievement. Perhaps landing a dream job or finding your way to victory lane is your success. You may have big ideas of what success really means. But success does not have to be a lofty goal to reach. You can experience success every day.

When you are successful, it simply means that you have achieved what you intended to do. You can attain a great sense of success by making many marks of achievement to reach while striving for the landmark moments in life. For example, if your grand goal is to own a company, set smaller goals to attain in the process. You may have a goal to select a business name, another to officially incorporate, another to locate a facility or financing. As you satisfy each smaller goal, you will not only get closer to achieving your big goal, but you will experience satisfaction as well.

God will bless you as you work toward accomplishing those things that he inspires in you. In his kindness, he will help you to succeed. Commit your plans to him each day.

As you create your agenda for the day, remember to seek God's guidance.

He will bring the success you deserve as you diligently work toward the accomplishment of your goals.

Selah people' and friends select a big goal that you have yet to accomplish. Break that goal into smaller, more achievable goals. As you complete each small goal, celebrate your success.

"Join me in taking a step in the right direction so that we can all celebrate the victory our Lord has for us. I'll see you in victory lane!"

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston

Friday, July 17, 2009

July 16, 2009 ~ Chain of Command

Do you support your leaders?

Today's Scripture:

Most assuredly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master; nor is he who is sent greater than he who sent him.

John 13:16

Tenure and seniority are no longer brass rings t promotions in corporations. Skill, knowledge, a social adeptness are all as important as loyalty to most of the personnel decision makers. So, there are many times when a younger, less-experienced associate vying for the same position. In fact, there are times when the guy with the most seniority, who feels deserving of the position, is asked to train the new hire to do the job that he thought he would have himself.

Sometimes, it is hard to submit to your boss. But face it; everyone has a boss. The president answers to the executive board, and they in turn answer to the stockholders. It is hard to find where the buck actually stops at times. There will be times when you cannot agree or do not understand the decisions that your boss makes. If your boss is also the rookie that you trained, it may even magnify the challenge.

But even if you are wiser or more experienced, you will do well to respect the position of your boss.

Remember that you are no more, or less, important than your supervisor. Even if you doubt her decisions, you can be supportive by being submissive to her authority. Be the follower that you would like to lead. Offer understanding and support - even bosses need it now and then.

Selah people' and friends ask your boss what you can do to support or assist him with an upcoming project or challenge. Then follow through with no motive except that of genuine cooperation.

"Join me in respecting the authority in work and spiritually. God well bless you for it."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston ~ Via Mobile

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Luke learns to ride July 15th, 2009

So great to see our kids grow and learn new skills. I'm so thankful for my wife Jen and mother-in-law Bonnie who encouraged my son Luke not to give up. This little guy has no quit in him and he inspires me each and everyday. Way to go son...I'm proud of my little man!

For those of us who feel like we are in a rut just think back to the feeling Luke must have felt as all the ability and work came together and he took flight.

I send this out in hopes that you and I will be revived and that little bit of excitement will rub off on us. Enjoy.

God Bless you!

Rev Patrick Muston

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

July 14, 2009 ~ Fortitude

It takes more than physical strength to accomplish our goals!

Today's Scripture:

Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.

2 Timothy 2:1

In the 80's stepping and aerobics were popular, in the 90's it was spinning, and in the new decade kickboxing and yoga have become the rage. Now many fitness experts explain that it is all about strengthening the core. By strengthening the muscles in your trunk areas you can better support your spine and movement. You can develop a strong core with concentrated movements in the midsection of your body. A strong muscular core helps all your muscles to operate in better harmony. Personal trainers assign crunches, stretches, and isometric movements to help you develop a powerful core that results in proper posture and a fit figure.

Consider your spiritual health as needing the same type of core strength. A regimen of physical exercises will not strengthen your spiritual core though. You can develop your spiritual strength by installing some simple exercises in your daily routine.
Prayer is central to your spiritual well being.
Prayer is simply conversation with God. The more you talk and listen to God, the more you will know Him and the stronger your core will become. Bible reading is another way to develop your strength spiritually. Read to learn and explore. Just as in physical exercise or martial arts training, you will discover that it energizes you to accomplish more in your day.

When you have a stable relationship with God, it pervades other areas of your life. You will find that a strong spiritual core will fortify your relationships, your peace of mind, and your worldview. Start exercising not only the body, but the soul, too.
Selah people' and friends you can combine your physical exercise with your spiritual strengthening. One thing you can try which I gain strength from is to say a simple "breath" prayer while you walk, run on the treadmill, ride your bike, lifting weights, pounding on a heavy bag or whatever exercise your doing this week. It is a way to build your core for Christ both physically and spiritually. Keep growing not just your muscles but also more importantly your spirit and relationship with the Lord. This will help you persevere through the trials that life brings and make a big impact on those around you.

"Don't procrastinate any longer get to work on your core body, mind and soul."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston ~ Via Mobile

Monday, July 13, 2009

July 13, 2009 ~ A Real Piece of Work

Why were you made the way you are?

Today's Scripture:

We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

Ephesians 2:10

If you have been searching for your identity, you have just hit the jackpot. Ephesians contains it all by telling you who you are, why you were created, when your job was planned, and what you are to do every day. First of all, you are His workmanship. That is, you are God's own design.

God imagined you and created you. You were sculpted by God.

The reason you were created was to do good works. You need only determine which good works you will do. You will find your significance in what you do for others. God prepared your opportunities in advance. When you were created, God assigned opportunities to you. There are no coincidences in you life or mine. I assure you with all I know and have learned since I arrived on this earth in 1969 that God has a plan for each of us. Each day is scheduled by God's plan.

You know who you are and why you were created; now you are to carry out those good works. In other words, you should look for your opportunities to do good things for others. You were specifically designed to do so; your life is significant to others. As you go throughout your day, pause frequently and observe the opportunities around you. Take advantage of the moments that you can open a door for a stranger, buy some one's lunch, or give a friend a ride home. You may be surprised at the accomplishment you feel at the end of the day.

Selah people' and friends try to do something good for a new person every day for a week. At the end of the week, reflect on the ways that those good things affected both you and the people you blessed.

"Take the time today to reflect on the work that God created you to be. Once you identify those areas He wants you to labor don't hesitate to jump in and thrive at His calling for you."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston ~ posted Via Mobile

Sunday, July 12, 2009

July 12, 2009 ~ No More Bandaged Solutions

Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?

Today's Scripture:

"Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens ..."

Matthew 11:28

Everyone is asking what they can do to transform their congregations. You would think there is a big secret out there that only a few experts are able to address. Find the right expert and your problems will be solved. We have become much like Dr. House on the television serial. Within a one-hour period, less commercial time, a hidden, life threatening problem is diagnosed, solved, and gone forever due to the skill of this bizarre yet gifted diagnostician. The theme seems to be: No House, No Hope!

In reality nothing is further from the truth. Granted there are those who have been working in the field of church revitalization and renewal for some time now who have developed handles to help congregations get at the issues they are facing, but there are really no experts -- save One -- because the church is not a problem to be solved.

The church is a people to be "problemed." Was it not Jesus who said: "Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens ..." [Matthew 11:28]?

Jesus never ran away from problems and difficulties nor did he encourage his followers to do so. Instead, Jesus insisted that you are to come with your concerns, set-backs, burdens, questions, woundedness, and problems. You might even say that the church, at its very core, is called to be the problem -- to speak truth to power, to elevate the lowly and lower the elevated, to forgive the unforgivable, and call the unruly to a higher, holy consciousness. So your congregation has problems. Praise God! You are just where God wants you to be.

Selah people' and friends no more bandaged solutions will do. Why not bring all your problems to the 'save One' mentioned in the second paragraph, the real expert on congregational life. Jesus will fill the empty, straighten the crooked, brighten the darkness, and send your congregation on a journey that will problem the world with God's love. And what a welcome problem the problemed church will be. The theme will be: Only Jesus, Only Problems, Our Only Hope!

"Remember that the problems we face may actually be part of the solution we need to carry out God's plan. Cling to the one true solution when you see no way to turn...Christ!"

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston ~ Via mobile: Mount Olive, NC

Saturday, July 11, 2009

July 11, 2009 ~ Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Jesus is alive about you?

Today's Scripture:

God's word is alive and working and is sharper than a double-edged sword. It cuts all the way into us, where the soul and the spirit are joined, to the center of our joints and bones. And it judges the thoughts and feelings in our hearts.

Hebrews 4:12

I have spent the day with family working with my son on a growing list of home repairs and things that pile up on a person when the work every Saturday and don't have that day to catch up. How do you spend your days? My Dad shared with me this thought from the National Chaplain Dr. Charles Edwards Jr. Take time today to prepare for tomorrow.

Remember there are two days in every week about which we should not worry, two days which should be kept free from fear and apprehension. One of those days is yesterday with its mistakes and pains. Yesterday has passed forever beyond our control. All the money in the world cannot bring back yesterday. We cannot undo a single act we performed. We cannot erase a single word we said.

Yesterday is gone.

The other word that we should not worry about is tomorrow with its possible adversities, its burden, its large promise, and poor performance. Tomorrow is also beyond our immediate control.

Tomorrow's sun will rise, either in splendor or behind a mask of clouds-but it will rise. Until it does, we have no stake in tomorrow, for it is yet unborn. This leaves only one day-today.

Selah people' and friends any person can fight the battles of just one day. It is only when you add the burdens of those two awful eternities-yesterday and tomorrow-that we can break down. It is not the experience of today that drives people mad; it is the remorse or bitterness for something which happened yesterday and the dread of what tomorrow may bring. Therefore, by the grace of God, live one day at a time.

"Let us choose today as Christ to today to it's fullest and be in the moment. You and those around you will be so happy when you do."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston ~ Enjoying the day away from the pickle...

Friday, July 10, 2009

Justice served up in Wayne County thefts from churches...

Of special interests to us and several of our sister churches in Wayne county. Please pass on a thank you the Sheriff's department and Sheriff Winders for bringing this young man to justice. We should be in prayer for him as he has been a multiple offender and needs to make a change. If a person needs to hit bottom before they can begin to rise I believe he has. All that theft and damage for just $160.

Arrest made in copper theft at Wayne County churches

Dustin Shane Holland - - 7/10/09 - charged in copper thefts from Wayne County churches

Posted: Today at 11:34 a.m.
Updated: 4 minutes ago

Goldsboro, N.C. — Deputies arrested a Goldsboro man Friday in connection with copper thefts from five churches in southern Wayne County in June.

Deputy Aaron Cantwell and state trooper Sgt. Joe Smith went to serve outstanding warrants from Sampson County on Dustin Shane Holland, 29.
They noticed some air conditioner parts in the back of his truck and suspected they might have been stolen, said Cpt. Tom Effler, with the Wayne County sheriff's Office.

Wayne County Detectives Rick Farfour and Robert Chunn investigated and questioned Holland, who admitted to stealing copper from the churches'
heating and AC systems, Effler said.

"The irony of this crime was that the total damage and theft amounted to around $32,000, and the suspect sold these air conditioners as scrap and received $160," Sheriff Carey A. Winders said.

The thefts occurred between June 14 and 18 at the Shady Grove Baptist, Falling Creek Baptist, Selah, Steven’s Chapel and Thunderswamp Pentecostal churches.

Rev. Odell Moore of Stevens Chapel Church said his church paid more than $6,000 for a new AC unit.

"People want to believe there is some common decency even among thieves and that churches would be off limits to crime," Winders said. "Many of us can remember in years past that the church doors were never locked, that you didn’t have to worry about thieves or vandalism, but in these times that is not the case."

Investigators also determined that Holland broke into a coin-operated machine at Friendly Mart #8, on U.S. Highway 13 South, and stole a television worth $250 from a family member.

Parts from the heating and AC units were recovered but unusable. The TV was also recovered.

"Many times property crimes are hard to solve, especially with few leads. I can attribute the solving of these cases to good police work and being observant," Winders said.

"I am very proud and pleased that the sheriff's office was able to solve these cases," he added. "Maybe this will give our citizens some relief for now that their places of worship are safe."

Holland, of 3664 U.S. 13 South, was charged with six counts each of felony larceny and possession of stolen goods, two counts of misdemeanor possession of stolen goods and one count each of felony breaking-and-entering a coin-operated machine and misdemeanor larceny.
He also faces charges of attempted misdemeanor larceny and breaking-and-entering a coin-operated machine in Sampson County.

He was being held at the Wayne County Jail Friday on a $60,000 secured bond.

According to state Department of Correction records, Holland has six misdemeanor convictions since 1997. He most recently served four months in 2006 on convictions for breaking-and-entering a paper-currency machine and possession of drug paraphernalia.

In Christ service, Patrick

July 10, 2009 ~ The Servant Leader

Do you look after the sheep God has put in your fold?

Today's Scripture:

Care for the flock God entrusted to you. Watch over it willingly, not grudgingly - not for what you will get out of it, but because you are eager to serve God.

1 Peter 5:2

A school principal once said that she couldn't wait for the summer to come. She explained that she could get so much more work done without all the teachers, parents and staff interrupting her all the time. Her work had become drudgery. Her job was about completing tasks and earning a paycheck, rather than helping parents and teachers make a difference in the education of children.

It is easy to fall into the daily grind. Your job can so consume you that you lose focus. Your friends, family or church members, employees or customers can rely on you to the point of your distress. If you find you are more concerned with getting things done than affecting people, it may be time to remember the sheep. Peter gave us the illustration of the shepherd caring for the sheep to remind us that others rely on you and I.

Those who are under your care expect you to protect, guide, and nurture them.

Sometimes sheep stray or bite. But it is the shepherd's responsibility to discipline them and teach them the correct way to live with the other sheep.

Think of yourself as a shepherd with your own flock. As a leader, you are called to a special purpose. You are a shepherd. You may need to nurture others to serve customers, teach them to lead their friends, family, coworkers, or train them to earn profits. Realize your significance to those counting on you, and lead them with care. With great blessings comes great responsibility.

Selah people' and friends count your sheep as well as your blessings - make a list of those who count on you for guidance and nurture. You will be surprised at all those you have an impact on. Assess your shepherding skills with each one under your care.

"Choose to make time to refine you skills that allow you to be a "good shepherd"...your effort to nurture God's flock will be rewarded on earth and in heaven."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston ~ Via Mobile ~ Mount Olive, NC

Thursday, July 9, 2009

July 9, 2009 ~ Around the Water cooler

Where do you gather to share information?

Today's Scripture:

Don't use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.

Ephesians 4:29

Every organization has a hub for casual conversation. Whether it is the coffee pot, the water cooler, the teacher's lounge, the break room or perhaps today it may be through twitter, myspace or facebook. There is likely a place where the Monday news can be heard honest you know just what I'm talking about. You may find a challenge in avoiding the hub of conversation altogether. But you can sound a different voice amid the chatter.

Unwholesome talk covers a lot of ground. You could consider negativity, rumors, gossip, and untruth to be unwholesome. Whew. You may think you have that covered, since you do not involve yourself in such destructive communication. But wait. When you read beyond the warning of what not to do, you are presented with a challenge.

It is not enough to use self-control only to withhold unsavory conversation.

Silence alone is not the self-control needed in the workplace. You fight against a negative with a positive. Engage yourself in the building up of others.

The challenge presented to you here is to encourage others according to their needs. Ignoring others is not an option. You are to help them by encouraging them in the areas that they need it. You are to benefit others with your words. Your voice may be a lone voice in a cloud of conversation. But your words can bring hope and inspiration to others.

Selah people' and friends join a conversation that you would normally avoid. Infuse positive and encouraging comments in the dialogue. Meet the challenge of meeting the needs of others. This has been my inspiration and what continues to motivate me to thrive at working my secular work at Mount Olive Pickle and my God calling as pastor of Selah Christian Church in both areas our Lord allows me to be an encourager to others where they are in the middle of the business we call life.

"Make today the day you don't hide from those gathered about in gossip but get in there and bring a positive voice by living the word of God and by being Christ to those who are lost."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston ~ Via mobile phone UNC Hospital ~ Chapel Hill, NC

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July 7, 2009 ~ Man with a Mission

Is your mission and path clear?

Today's Scripture:

God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.

John 3:17

Jesus Christ was a man with a mission. He stated that his mission was to come to earth to offer salvation to those who wanted it. Everything that Jesus did was focused toward accomplishing that mission. Jesus was a man of prayer, instruction, and encouragement, all of which led others to believe in his mission. He was able to state his mission in life to others very clearly. He made it known, with no hidden agenda.

You can follow the example of Jesus in this way. Know your mission and state it in ten to fifteen words that you can recite easily. One woman's mission statement it to "ignite others' passion for Christ," and she carries it out as a prayer leader in her church. Another woman's mission is to "help others realize their full potential." She lives it out by homeschooling her children and mentoring youth in the community. Develop your own God given mission statement that can be a guide to your life.

Once you are sure of your mission statement, be willing and ready to share your mission with others. It may mean you need to study or have additional skills or credentials as I found I needed to do when I went from part time to full ministry serving as a pastor for the first time. I had to commit two years to growing and completing courses to be accomplish becoming fully ordained. Did I need that paper or classes to show other my calling? No, but to continue my mission and call to serve as pastor it was a necessary step in the journey. Like Christ, commit your endeavors to God through daily prayer.

Teach others what you have learned in life.

Encourage them to succeed as you have succeeded. Jesus was not shy to share his mission. It was embedded in him and in those around him through his words and actions. Follow his example and live out the mission of your life.

Selah people' and friends share your mission in life with someone else this week. Ask them to help you stay focused on that mission as you address the various areas of responsibility God has placed in your life. Your mission much like an exercise plan or diet has much more chance of success if you have a partner helping to keep you on track and you have your eye on the prize that God has in store for you if you stay committed to his direction.

"Choose today to seize the opportunity of coming out of the fog and focusing on the direction and mission Christ has for your life."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston ~ Via mobile: Mount Olive, NC

Monday, July 6, 2009

July 6, 2009 ~ Woe Is Me

Is taking the call the right thing to do?
Today's Scripture:
Obedience is far better than sacrifice.

1 Samuel 15:22

Cell phones can be such a nuisance. It seems that wherever you go, some one's obnoxious ring or boisterous conversation can be overheard by everyone around him. Cell phone interruptions can even be heard in churches, at weddings, and yes at funerals as we stand at the graveside paying our respects to those we love, of all places. You wonder if the mandate of a cell phone makes a person feel more needed or important. The urgency of leaving a business meeting to receive a call has seemingly replaced the rudeness of entering late because one was caught on the phone with an important call. Some even have the brashness to announce the reason for the call in a martyr's tone.

When you see others arriving late to meetings or answering interrupting phone calls, it does not mean that they are more important or indispensable than you or I. Sacrificing your personal time, or someone else's professional time, does not equate to importance or success.

It is far better to set your phone on silent ring and respect those in the meeting with you and honor both them and yourself by choosing not to take the intruding call.

Serving God does not have to be so sacrificial that it causes inconvenience or disruption in your life. God does not expect everyone to sacrifice to the point of woe or martyrdom. But he is interested in your obedience to him. When you pray or read your Bible, give God your full attention. You can please him by accomplishing those things that he asks of you.

Selah people' and friends set your clock or reminder a few minutes early so that you can arrive early to meetings and gatherings. Set your phone to off or silent ring while there so that you can give your full attention where it is due. This is true for special time with friends and family as can't be with them 100% if your texting, emailing or talking on your phone. When your with people you care about and respect look them in the eye and really be there and enjoy the time that God has given you to be together.

"Take the time to really give yourself to those you are with today, don't give them only a piece of you while the rest of you worries about the call that may or may not come. "

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston ~ Via mobile: Mount Olive, NC

Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 5, 2009 ~ First Impression

What kind of impression do you make?

Today's scripture:

Humans are satisfied with whatever looks good; God probes for what is good.

Proverbs 16:2

You have only ten minutes before the clients arrive at the meeting, and the room is mess. You quickly shove papers in drawers, straighten the stacks on your desk, and rearrange the chairs around the table. When the group arrives they would never guess that just moments before your office was in disarray. You have managed to make a good first impression. Everything looks good.

But not everything that looks good. There are days when you put on a smiling face and pretend that all is well, when in reality you are dealing with difficult challenges. Whether you are in the factory, boardroom or at a church event, people may expect you to be "together" all the time. People are impressed by what appears to be good rather than what truly is good.

God is concerned with what is in fact good to the core. God cares about how you really feel about your life, your work, and your relationship with him. He wants things to be right between you and him. Open up to God and tell him about the areas of life that frustrate or challenge you. You can be yourself with God. He isn't looking for a good first impression from you. If you are struggling with doing things the right way, he can help you. He is the One who created you and shares every moment of your life with you.

Selah people' and friends identify your three biggest frustrations at home, work, school or church. After prayerful thought, list some steps for each that you can take to address the challenge.

"Choose today to make lasting impressions on what matters the most."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston - Via mobile phone

Friday, July 3, 2009

Church Leaders Report July 4th,2009

God Bless you and God Bless America!

As Christians it is important stay up with current happenings around us. Even when don't always agree or disagree with events taking place will still should try to gain as much wisdom and growth we can so we can make informed decisions. Take time out today to be aware of this wonderful country God has blessed us with and remember those how continue to fight for the freedom we all enjoy.

Happy July 4th 2009 as we celebrate our countries 233rd birthday!

Received this video shared from my good friend Phil Hood that reminds us why we celebrate the 4th of July.

Rev Patrick Muston, pastor

Selah Christian Church Disciples of Christ
Four Oaks, NC

Thursday, July 2, 2009

July 2, 2009 ~ Treasure Hunt

What treasure are you seeking?

Today's Scripture:

My son, if you receive my words, and treasure my commands within you, so that you incline your ear to wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding; yes, if you cry out for discernment, and lift up your voice for understanding, if you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures; then you will understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God.

Proverbs 2: 1-5

If you were a Spielberg fan in the1980s, you may have seen Goonies, the story of a group of self-proclaimed misfits searching for a lost treasure. Although thee goonies were ridiculed for believing that the gold could be found, they searched diligently for the treasure. When the kids found the treasure ship full of the "rich stuff" as they called it, they were careful to leave the captain's treasure untouched. They maintained respect for the captain and a healthy fear of his warnings not to touch his personal treasure. In doing so, they were able to avoid the booby traps and later rescue their families from financial ruin with the remaining treasure that they discovered in the sunken ship.

Wisdom is the real "rich stuff" for which you should search. insight is more valuable than gold and gems. Just as the goonies found their treasure, you can find the hidden treasure of understanding if you seek diligently. Proverbs even gives a treasure map to follow. Listen to wiser, more experienced leaders around you. Try to understanding the way they think. Ask questions of them. Study diligently in the areas they suggest you need to grow as a leader.

When you seek wisdom, you will gain understanding of the power of God.

Just as the goonies respected the captain, maintain a proper balance of respect and fear by heeding God's advice. He has a storehouse of treasured wisdom waiting for you to find it.

Selah people' and friends target an area of your job in which you need more wisdom. With the help of a mentor, develop and implement an action plan to more effectively address the targeted area.

"May our hunt to find the treasure God intended by revealed in the map that he has left to show us the way."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July 1, 2009 ~ Spiritual Recess

We need to take time each day to just relax with God...
Today's Scripture:
In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.

Isaiah 30:15

Taking a rest seems unthinkable to some type A me I'm one of them and it is a daily battle I must face. They ask why you would waste time doing nothing when you could be doing something. You can even spot their "If you have time to lean, you have time to clean" signs posted in the departments they manage.

But just as rest from physical labor is required for the body, so also rest for the mind and soul is needed.

When you give thought to the word restoration, you find its simple definition within the word rest-oration. In other words, stop talking, texting, emailing or calling. Even the silent rehearsing of conversations does not bring restoration to your mind or soul. Many leaders complain that they cannot fall asleep or sleep very little at night because it takes so long to downshift the activity of their brains. Your brain processes so much information every second that you need to allow it to slow down and recharge every now and then.

You can find many ways to strengthen your mind through simple silent treatments. Like some southerners like us, may follow the example found in Britain and enjoy some tea in the ours may be Iced sweet tea vs. the hot High tea of the British but you get the feeling. Using the time to sit quietly and listen to soothing music or just be out on the deck or porch taking in the sounds of nature or poolside in the summer. Take a ten-minute field trip by daydreaming about an exotic destination. Or you might even venture to have a five-minute nap in the afternoon. Give your mind and spirit some down time. You will find the recess quiet refreshing and rejuvenating.

Selah people' and friends set your timer for five to ten minutes of quiet time in the afternoon. Refrain from reading, talking, or planning. Turn of the cell and take your land-line off the hook. Just listen to relaxing sounds and allow God to speak to you in the still small voice of quiet let Him restore your soul.

"Choose today to begin taking that time to spend just you and God. Step away from the distractions of the world and you will fill revived!"

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston - Via mobile ~ Mount Olive, NC