Today's Scripture:
Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, Rejoice!
Philippians 4:4
Andi stared out the office window at the bluebirds nesting in her little birdhouse. Smiling, she said "Thank you, Lord" under her breath. A few moments later, as she filed some papers, she found herself singing a song she'd heard on the radio. Belting out the words filled her with a joy she couldn't explain. She suddenly found herself bowing at her desk and praying, "Lord you are so good. Thank you for all the blessings of today and every day. I feel like shouting 'Hallelujah' wherever I go."
Andi had learned a new habit over the last few months: rejoicing in the Lord. The idea came from Philippians 4:4, surely one of the great truths for a time in history when so many people are attacking, hurting, complaining, and criticizing. When you think about it, there are many things to rejoice in about God, with God, and for God. Think about your senses. Taste, touch, hearing, seeing, smelling. What miracles they are. They are great things to rejoice in. Your home, your country, your job. God enjoys it when you rejoice in these gifts.Selah people' and friends rejoicing in the Lord is something God wants you to cultivate in your life. It takes a little effort at first, some thinking and some reflecting.
As you become more used to rejoicing, thanking, and praising, you will feel freer about it and more natural.
"Nothing my friends is more natural than being glad for some one's presence, care, love, or gifts. Let God know when you appreciate the things he has put into your life. It will refresh him and you."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston
Selah Christian Church : http://selahchurch.com/
To listen to our message online: http://selahmedia.tripod.com/