Friday, November 20, 2009

November 20, 2009 ~ Putting Teeth to Your Words

Before you speak, think about how it effects others...put teeth to your words.

Today's Scripture:

When you talk, do not say harmful things, but say what people need-words that will help others become stronger. Then what you say will do good to those who listen to you.

Ephesians 4:29

One strange facet of nature is the snail's tongue. Long like ribbon and kept rolled up until it's needed, the tongue contains more than thirty thousand teeth embedded in it. With those teeth, the snail can saw through and consume leaves, stems, and other edible, leafy parts.

Like the snail, some human tongues also contain teeth, figuratively speaking. However, that's not necessarily negative. Just as the snail uses it powerful teeth for good - sawing through leaves and getting nourishment - so can you put powerful teeth behind your tongue and help others.

Don't complain or criticize, but put teeth into your words by encouraging, giving, and nurturing.

Speak words of light, life, and love.

Selah people' and friends Ephesians 4:29 tells you how to use your tongue if you want to please God. Say things that are good and speak to the need of the moment. Do you see someone who is hurting and broken? Speak words of hope. Have you crossed paths with a friend today who is troubled and worried? Reach into your heart and find words that will saw into the pain and cut it out of the soul. When you use your tongue to speak such words, you will find that people draw close to you and will listen gladly to your wisdom, stories, thoughts, and concerns.

An old proverb says to "think before you speak." Before you speak, think about the need of the moment and of how others might be built up. Put teeth into your words.

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston

Listen to this weeks sermon message and Selah choral anthem at our media website:

Selah Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)1332 Selah Church RoadFour Oak, NC 27530

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