Thursday, November 12, 2009

November 12, 2009 ~ No Shaky Ground

What kind of road are you traveling spiritually today?

Today's Scripture:

Let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.

1 Corinthians 10:12

An older woman created a stir in her church when she went to the pastor's wife to offer some advice about how to conduct her ministry. The old woman had filled a legal sheet of paper with criticisms and remedies for the pastor's wife. Needless to say, the pastor's wife was overwhelmed and hurt, and she felt like a failure. She couldn't bear to be around the older woman and didn't talk to her for days.

Something happened one day, though, when the older woman's son visited his mother. He voiced several concerns about attitudes he saw in his mother's life. One of the attitudes he pointed out happened to be the very thing the older woman had accused the pastor's wife of doing. Her son's words struck home, and the older woman's tender heart was touched. She realized how she truly must have hurt the pastor's wife. She went to that pastor's wife to encourage her. Soon they became close friends, relying on each other for counsel, wisdom and encouragement.

Selah people' and friends people tend to criticize others about the same issues they need to work on. When you're feeling proud or sure that you're such a good person, remember 1 Corinthians 10:12 and put on a bit of humility, a bit of there-but-for-the-grace-of-God-go-I.

Evaluate your life and make sure you're not taking credits for something God has done in you.

"When you focus your eye on your neighbor, you are likely to make a big mistake that you'll regret for weeks to come. Strive for humility and acceptance of others. God will bless that outlook."