Wednesday, November 11, 2009

November 11, 2009 ~ God's To-Do List

What is on your list today for God's purpose?

Today's Scripture:

People may make plans in their minds, but the Lord decides what they will do.

Proverbs 16:9

The modern to-do list became a household practice in the early 1900s. A wise consultant had shown one of the captains of industry this simple method of organizing his day. It is said that the capitalist paid this consultant thousands of dollars for the idea. Today many men and women use this method of organizing their lives. They put it on a PDA or cellphone, type it into the computer, print it neatly in a day planner or notebook, or scrawl it onto a slip of paper. Sometimes there are various to-do lists for different areas of responsibility. These lists allow you to plot out your time for maximum effectiveness.

You, however, should consider still another to-do not the "Honey-do" list, but instead God's to-do list. Proverbs 16:9 reveals that God has actually planned your day, too, filling it with good things for you to accomplish for him and his kingdom. You may not know what is coming. You may not be thinking about his plans for you. But they're there. You should include him in your plans because he ultimately controls what happens in life everywhere.

Selah people' and friends take a look at how you plan your day, and ask God what you should add to your to-do list.

Maybe he'll put into your mind that task you've been avoiding or the name of someone you should visit. Perhaps he'll encourage you to prepare that incredible dinner you've been telling your family about but putting off.

"Trust God to give you the insight you need in your plans. Ask him to participate. Give him priority. What he most desires is that you be fulfilled."