Today's Scripture:
You see that Abraham's faith and the things he did worked together. His faith was made perfect by what he did.
James 2:22
Many people have struggled with the meaning of James 2:22. Is believing in the right things most important? Or is doing the right things most important? I can't help but connect this thought to the "Golden Rule" as is found in Luke 6:31. Clearly, behavior is important. What you do to someone else can hurt that person, while your beliefs may simply be a point of disagreement. God wants all people to treat one another rightly, to do good with their lives, and to serve each other in real terms, like helping an elderly neighbor get to the doctor, babysitting for a harried mother, or giving a cheering word to a coworker.
On the other hand, faith is also important. Trusting God-building a relationship with him and becoming intimate friends- is of great importance. How do doing good and believing in God relate: Some people believe doing good and believing in God relate? Some people believe doing good is what life is really all about or why God created us in the first place, while still others say faith is paramount. I right this today in my journal reflecting on how the word impacts me in my life and to challenge you as my brothers and sisters to do the same.
Selah people' and friends the verse from James highlights the powerful truth that faith and doing good go together. Faith produces a heart and life that seek to do what is right and helpful. Faith comes first, but quickly following are the good character, deeds, thoughts, and words of a person who loves God. You can't have one without the other.
Your life changes when you truly believe. God works in your heart to produce a humble, godly, life-honoring, and life-building person.
"Faith becomes perfect or mature when you let your faith tell your mouth, heart, and body to do good for everyone. When this attitude characterizes your lifestyle, you will truly be a "woman or man of faith" in God's eyes."
Your pastor,
Rev Patrick Muston
Selah Christian Church