Friday, October 9, 2009

October 9, 2009 ~ Working on Your Masterpiece

How can you build your faith today?
Are you looking for the blocks
that will build you into a new creation?

Today's Scripture:

Because you have these blessings, do your best to add these things to your lives: to your faith, add goodness; and to your goodness, add knowledge.

2 Peter 1:5

In 1932, a carpenter began to use his off-season to make children's toys. Pretty soon, the toys were selling so well that he dropped the carpentry business. One of his creations is on of America's all-time favorite toys - something you probably played with when you were a child: LEGO construction toys. The object of LEGO is that you attach plastic bricks to other plastic bricks and keep adding more bricks to the previously laid bricks until you build a wonderful masterpiece.

What a good analogy of a woman or man's spiritual life. As a Christian strives to be closer to God, and to be more like him, we are building. Our foundation is having a relationship with God as we place are faith in him. On top of our faith, a woman builds goodness - she develops qualities such as decency, morality, and kindness.

To make our faith more well-rounded and effective, a woman or man adds knowledge - they study the Bible and learn more about God.

Building faith doesn't come automatically, so a person has to work at it sometimes. You can have fun as you look for ways to be examples of God's goodness here on earth. And you can enjoy learning more about God and his grace and his love for people. It might even be as rewarding and enjoyable as, well, as building something with LEGO bricks. For you it may be dancing for Jesus "My Number One", It may be singing alone or with a friend or group just for him "Blessed Be the Name", it may be just being all that he created you to be and allowing him to use your gifts to build up others.

Selah people' and friends as you move through your life today, look for ways to build your faith. Have your own spiritual treasure hunt, looking for those blocks that will make you stronger and more beautiful than ever.

"May the God of yesterday, today and tomorrow be your foundation as we build ourselves and others up in Christ Jesus."

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston ~ Via mobile: Mount Olive, NC