Monday, October 26, 2009

October 26, 2009 ~ Rapture Ready?

Videos like this and live church dramas such as "Judgement House" that we send a group to see each year at the First Church of Goldsboro, NC are a good opportunity for each of us to reflect on where we stand with Christ and our salvation. Remember it is not about being a good person or joining a church but about your personal relationship with Christ.

Remember as thief who was hanging next to our Saviour on the cross. What church did he join? What tithe did he pay? Where was he baptized...was he immersed? No my friends he accepted God's gift, believed that he paid the price for his sins and confessed him as Lord. When he did say yes Christ said "today you will be with me in paradise."

Let us not wait another day but choose today to either stop procrastinating or choose today to be the day that we truly dedicate ourselves to our Lord.

May today be a day of reckoning and blessing in your life and in the life to come.

Your pastor,

Rev Patrick Muston ~ Via mobile: Wayne Memorial Hospital Goldsboro, NC